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Everything posted by mrwonko

  1. If you clip using spawnflags 2, don't do that.
  2. In the interest of people having the same problem in the future, why don't you share your solution?
  3. Interesting. Subscribed.
  4. 1.4 failing to save since Vista is a known bug, but that was fixed in 1.6, so unless he's using an ancient version of 1.6 that shouldn't be a problem. If he's using the latest version, the right place to file a bug report would be the official bug tracker.
  5. If I remember correctly they're based on filenames of sounds played, so you'll want a (possibly silent) sound file for each thing said, plaid using the appropriate command. Take a look at the existing .str files and their soundfile counterparts to better understand this. Tell me if you need more detailed information and I can look into it myself, though the above should be enough to figure it out.
  6. Or use spawnflags 4 on the misc_model to get a lightmap.
  7. Just include the .weather file when releasing the mod so the user won't get it the first time they run it.
  8. You can either look through the code to find out about the communication protocol or capture the packets sent when you join a server as a spectator and chat. In general you'll mostly need to send and receive UDP packets, googling for "Quake 3 network protocol" yields some potentially useful results.
  9. Not sure that's the right thing to do when you want to use the Star Wars IP...
  10. Was there even a non-steam version in that bundle? Because those using Steam will have the latest version.
  11. What? Who plays 1.00 and why? I kind of almost see why some play JK2 1.02, but JKA 1.00?
  12. -1 is infinite, yes. Plays the animation forever. POV camera is really just a matter of placing it in the right spot. MP3 vs WAV, I don't know. Use whatever works for you, I imagine mp3 is smaller and won't sound noticably worse.
  13. Instead of using model2 you should be able to target a misc_model to the func_rotating, which should keep its modelscale.
  14. Possibly. I didn't mean to be, I was just being honest. I will not read over 3000 characters without a single line break, that's unnecessarily exhausting. Thanks for inserting some. Now it's at least somewhat readable and the only problem is the abundance of ship lingo I don't fully understand, which I suppose naturally comes with such a project, and a failure to get to the point. Am I correct in summarizing your problem thus: "I have beams going through multiple rooms, should I cut them at the walls so parts in other rooms need not be drawn or should I use a single brush to keep the brush count low?" If so, that's somewhat hard to tell but probably won't matter much either way in the end, proper usage of detail and structural brushes is much more important. Focus on getting that right and maybe upload your map to let some experienced mappers take a look and give you hints. To debug vis work, you can compile with -saveprt and use the Radiant's prtview plugin to take a look at the generated portals.
  15. If you could insert some paragraphs I might actually read that.
  16. There are plenty of web paste services like slexy where you can upload texts.
  17. Yes. I was assuming he wants the replacement to change the name.
  18. You don't need tasks at all. Just rotate and wait. The other problem is that rotate 360 means rotate to the 360° position on the shortest path, not rotate by 360°. i.e. it means rotate from 0° to 0° or not at all. You'll need at least 3 rotates to 120, 240 and 360°.
  19. No. Not with that little information.
  20. PK3 files are just ZIP archives with a different extension. Open the saber's PK3 file and in the ext_data/sabers/ folder open the .sab file (a simple text file) and change the sabers name (the one before the "{") to that of a base saber (dual_1 to dual_5 and single_1 to single_9). Save the file under the same name plus .sab. Example: You have a saber_viszla.sab containing viszla { name Viszla // ... more here } You want to replace the single-bladed saber 1 (the Arbiter) with it, so you change it to single_1 { name Viszla // ... more here } and save it as single_1.sab. Make sure your PK3's name is alphabetically after assets1.pk3 so it is loaded later, overwriting the existing ext_data/sabers/single_1.sab.
  21. Open them in ModView (part of the JKA SDK) and look at the surface names. Ignore anything starting with "*".
  22. In particular the bit about reading the manual. There's a .pdf included in the zip.
  23. As you mentioned, the opening text crawl is just an image. Replace it. I think it plays depending on the level name (yavin1?), but may also be accessible as a special .roq/video...
  24. If that helps, it means you don't have a proper waypoint network. A single navgoal can send an NPC across the whole map if it's set up properly. In the case of doors, you want one waypoint close to it on each side. As I said, try "nav show all" to see the network, it will also highlight temporarily blocked paths (such as those caused by doors), NPCs will be able to pass through there if the next waypoint is close enough for the door to open when the NPC is there.
  25. Try "nav show all" to see if the waypoint network is correct.
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