The textures have problems, I'm not sure how you saved them but they don't work in game. The shader file is not right "models/players/sheev_holo/boots_hips{{map models/players/sheev_holo/blendFunc addrgbGen lightingDiffusedepthWrite}{ }}" There is way too many brackets and most are out of place, should look like this models/players/sheev_holo/boots_hips{ { map models/players/sheev_holo/ blendFunc add rgbGen lightingDiffuse depthWrite }} Also your skin file has these lines which will cause problems l_shoulder_robeap,models/players/jedi_spanki/robe-caps.tgal_arm_robeap,models/players/jedi_spanki/robe-caps.tgar_shoulder_robeap,models/players/jedi_spanki/robe-caps.tgar_arm_robeap,models/players/jedi_spanki/robe-caps.tga This would work in theory if you had the "jedi_spanki" model in your base folder but most people won't.