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Posts posted by Tempust85

  1. Well, I got a new patch from ioq3 working in our GL2 renderer. I needed to change few more things to make it work, but it does now.







    This enables cg_shadows 3 to work again. I know this is not really what we want, but:



    Added to this. I've fixed misc_model_static's to cast a projection shadow with the Z component of the shadow correctly planted on the floor (was in the middle of the model). Can't do it for misc_model_ghoul though (shadow Z component is screwed), so to get shadows for them we'll have to wait until pshadows work.

    SomaZ likes this
  2. Just played the PC BETA and the first thing I think of is, we really don't need Moviebattles II anymore. Classes is a decent improvement, for sure. I played as trade fed on Naboo against Clones + Rey and it was great. The icing was seeing leaves blow around the streets, just made it all the more realistic. Combat-wise it feels like the first Battlefront (dice) which to me, was a Star Wars CoD experience with a few differences.


    I'll be buying this for sure.

    General Howard likes this
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