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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. I have the ambient lighting giving everything a blue-ish tinge, and the majority of the lights are a very light blue. There's one or two areas which are yellow though like the warehouse for example (where you take that lift and have to get the warehouse key to proceed). Swapping the blue out for yellow I feel would look horrible. Interesting fact, I'll keep that in mind for outside areas.
  2. I have the level on file to look at, but I can't use it though. I'll have another look at it and see what I can replicate.
  3. How would people receive this map & level 2 if it were redesigned to look like Nar Shaddaa in KotOR II? Obviously the route and what you need to do in the levels will remain the same as the original DF2 game, I'm just talking the look of the levels like door frames, etc.
  4. I've noticed from the comments that the code is using Carmack's Reverse, which afaik is patented and cannot be used. This makes its use in OpenJK illegal, right?
  5. The buckle I would add any roughness to the specular texture, other than that it looks fine. It doesn't need any edge wear as this isn't a battle-worn version. So is this a realistic version or the stylized look from the series? Either way, it's coming along great. B)
  6. Same. Wish I could texture like him, I'd be a god!
  7. Just needs a stand & walk animation. He's only ever standing or walking with what I have him scripted to do, so no need to set up finger bones as they won't be used.
  8. Yeah he looks like a douche, but can't do anything about it I'm afraid.
  9. I still wonder what the connection is that Rebels will have to Episode VII...
  10. No one's dissing the quality of the model, it's very well done. We just are recommending that you model in quads rather than tris, and work on your topology so everything flows. Having decent topology & modelling in quads is also handy if you ever decide to make a model and want to make a high definition model out of it, whether sculpting or hard surface modelling. Like I said though, the finished model ready for the game can have tris due to optimisation. You should be very proud of this model though, I've seen and done absolute crap looking models for first attempts. You definately got skills and I can't wait to see what you make next.
  11. I'd just like to say that your finished model can have some tris due to optimisation. Trying to make the finished model 100% quads doesn't usually work when you need to keep the tri count as low as possible while retaining quality from certain angles.
  12. Yeah, seems like they are using some things from the old EU and putting them together with new ideas. Seems as though someone's found Anakin's lightsaber prolly with Luke's hand attached all boney looking. Also, could that be Kylo Ren on the ground in the back?
  13. Yeah. That and I'm not happy with the texture either.
  14. I think misc_model_breakable can animate MD3's and loop them. Haven't tested it though.
  15. Not yet, still not 100% happy with the shirt mesh.
  16. Still needs a little bit of optimization, but this is mostly how the final wire will look. @@Circa I will if it's needed.
  17. Well if you do make one or both, pose them however you want. I'll make a custom skeleton for each.
  18. Still needs a belt: Decided not to model the arm pockets fully like I did with the jacket due to the arm pockets not being that pronounced in screen grabs. Currently sitting at 5.9k tris without any optimization on the head. There will be LODs for the added reason of the high quality mesh which I expect to get to 7k or just below when it's all done.
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