I know OpenJK isn't about adding new features, but I feel this would be welcomed feature. Currently, the "width" setting for NPC controls both X & Y of the bounding box. What I propose is, removing the control of both X & Y from "width" and adding new stat "widthY" setting for Y. So in the end, "width" will control X & "widthY" will control Y. Here's the code that I've tinkered with:
//===MOVEMENT STATS============================================================
if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "width" ) )
if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) )
NPC->mins[0] = -n;
NPC->maxs[0] = n;
if (!Q_stricmp(token, "widthY"))
if (COM_ParseInt(&p, &n))
NPC->mins[1] = -n;
NPC->maxs[1] = n;
Tested ingame and it works great. This would be very useful when adding odd-shaped NPCs ie the Kryat Dragon. Ideally, using a collision model would be better but this is an alternative solution.