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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. Now I have unneeded steam keys from that humble bundle....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tempust85


      I see no point in doubling up and I already own crysis 2. :P

    3. AshuraDX


      same , got keys left over for Crysis 2 and Dead Space (1)

    4. spior


      Eh, you can always give them away to friends.

      For the record I already have them so this isn't a begging hint :P

  2. Here's the skin he's trying to find:
  3. Well they now are making that new series with the same art style as clone wars, I MIGHT give it a go.
  4. I would have liked to make my own from scratch, but now there's narshadda to worry about. I'll have a look over Mara tonight and finalise everything, then upload it here.
  5. Thanks. My to-do list is to make the opening scene look like the one in the DF2 "kyle meets 8t88" video, it's very different. Now seeing as LF is like a ghost town now, how can I contact them?
  6. I have no idea what format can do this, but here's my thoughts. The player model would have a collision GLM version of itself which is a super basic model for cloth (and anything else for that matter) to collide with. The actual cloth would be a bolt-on model. This bolt-on model would contain: - the cloth mesh - one bone used as an attachment point and has the entire cloth mesh skin weighted to it - cloth influence data. 1.0 will be full simulation, 0 will be no simulation and would fallback to the skin weights. Inbetween values will have a blend, for example a value of 0.5 would be 50% skin weights influence and 50% simulation influence. @@Stooben Just an FYI - My facial bones allow for complex facial animations. Eyelids, eyebrows, upper and lower cheeks, tongue, chin and better lip bones. Concerning JO compatibility. The main goal would be having JKA model compatibility (JKA models can't use any of the new bones unless they are re-weighed) and in order to do this JO compatibility has to be dumped at least with the conversion table I made.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eG4W0LbIvW0
  8. Are you planning on adding cape or any other simulation? If you finish this, I can add my new facial bones + animations. I won't need your max files and you won't need mine, all I'd need is your .xsi files that are compile-ready.
  9. The first one contains a scene from south park, with Lucas & Speilberg.
  10. To be honest, your previous head (the one in your sig) looked ALOT better than this.
  11. It is a cloth simulation, but what I mean is to get it to work with JKA you: - target bones to certain vertexes on the simulated cloth mesh - bake the simulation onto the bones so the bones are now animated - put those bones ingame with a full replace of every .xsi animation file 6 bones would be enough to retain most of the cloth simulation ingame: White dots = cloth simulation baked ingame bones. Smooth out the skin weights on the game mesh and all done and looking fabulous!
  12. No one likes JKA's maps anyways lol.
  13. Please Xycaleth do it! This is a superb idea, because all 3 major 3d packages can export/import FBX. Just had a thought. What about having Modview load up FBX, and you convert it to Ghoul2 in Modview? That way, you have a model viewer right there. Now noesis can convert GLM to FBX. 3ds Max point of view. The good: - weights - tags - caps - bones The bad: - UVW keeping is unknown - bones are possibly bad (not sure if its just a scale issue that I had) - scaling isn't converted from 0.64 back to 1.0, it's left at 0.64 - mesh parts aren't linked together - mesh parts don't keep their original names - the scene rotation is wrong (would be best to have a box where you can type in rotation values for all 3 axis) We don't have carcass's source code so if anyone did decide to upgrade the Ghoul2 format for any reason, it would only be for Blender (due to Wonko's GLM exporter) and would leave 3ds Max & XSI users out in the cold lol.
  14. There won't be any cloth physics in game unless someone codes in say, bullet physics. Pretty sure pyschosith is going to target bones onto the cloth simulation and bake the animation onto those bones for use ingame. In the end, it's just animation so you can't affect how heavy the cloth is. This will be a mammoth task importing all the animations and then exporting them into xsi files.
  15. Tbh games these days have compression formats equal in quality to JPG. You get compression artifacts very similar to JPG in UDK if you compress your textures.
  16. Raven never gave us the source to carcass.exe. I asked Ste Cork (before the source was taken down) and unfortunately he read the email AFTER that sh*t went down and basically replied with a long-winded no.
  17. This should be ok to post....hopefully lol. **WARNING: Video contains adult themes and some 'dominating'. You have been warned. What I think about when I see Disney doing crazy crap with Star Wars: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pZekhEWCHg
  18. Man RoQ is such a crap format! Quality is poor and it takes soooooooooooooooo long to convert.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Tempust85


      That, and it takes hours to compile lol.

    3. CaptainChar


      I never had issues with video conversions

    4. Tempust85


      QVM is easier to work with, but it's such low quality. :(

  19. Use PNG when you have transparency, otherwise use JPG.
  20. Now that is just cloth sim right? Not a weighted mesh on bones that are moving?
  21. How did you manage this lol? You got a contact at Raven? Cough carcass /cough
  22. I can whip up a conversion table that will allow existing JKA models to run off the custom GLA. They won't have access to any new bones unless they are reweighed but they will be useable for sure.
  23. Currently working on the intro so I can wrap up the beginning of the game.
  24. Here's an updated quickplay video with sound: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83xlUiuCUng
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