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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. Would be best to import the model into Zbrush and use the decimation master to create a more friendly game model. That, and use Zbrush to bake the textures. Not exactly a 5 minute job, but certainly should be rather quick.
  2. Why would this death dude need Jedi animations? You could just make whatever he needs and have him run off his own GLA (ie rancor).
  3. Ok belt + holster are now modelled and unwrapped. Now onto texturing.
  4. Lol, the aim here for me is to not have a large blaster on her leg which is why I chose the holdout pistol.
  5. Hmm haven't thought of adding my Kyle here, it's nothing spectacular to look at but still a good idea. So this is the blaster I'm going to go with: http://www.501st.com/crl/SL_CRL/SL108_Mara_Jade/108_15_01.jpg http://www.501st.com/crl/SL_CRL/SL108_Mara_Jade/108_15_02.jpg @@Shadowknight1 Notepad will do.
  6. Update: Specular on. Mostly redid the shin texture, removed the textured belt, started modelling new belt.
  7. Yeah I know right! I compared it to the older pic and my god it was awful! And i've realised that the blaster in the holster isn't the one she has when she's with the empire, so I'll just remake the entire belt/holster/gun.
  8. I was born in 1985, so I completely missed the original trilogy at the cinemas. I have watched every Star Wars movie that has come out since then in the cinema, and I'll be taking my kids when they are old enough to appreciate Star Wars. Redid the cape texture:
  9. I'll include another .skin file that has it turned off already.
  10. The holster can be removed, but the belt is textured on the pants.
  11. GTA started as a dos game on pc, so they shouldn't shun their origins. They should also port it to ps4, that could easily handle the pc versions level of detail.
  12. Got bored so..... Btw, there will be some clipping issues with the cape and legs.
  13. Still remembering how to texture though lol, been so long. :\
  14. Update: Specular on. Cape isn't that light in the dark btw.
  15. The cape & goggles can be turned off via .skin files. What's the main difference between the two versions, caped vs non-caped?
  16. Well they are seperate pieces, so yeah you can make em disappear. Oh I see the detailing now, thanks! I think I'll leave the belt as-is, I'll save a remake when it comes time to make my own model.
  17. Could you please elaborate on small detailing? Did I miss something lol?
  18. Update: Specular on, knee armor added.
  19. Update: With specular on. Hmmm, maybe I should just make my own now...
  20. Every site I've been to says that Mara will probably be in EP7. They can't have Ben Skywalker in it and not have his mother. Sure midichlorins can be influenced to create life, but Luke has no baby cannon so no pulling a Shmi Skywalker. Full jumpsuit you say? Hmmm, I thought it was two bits. Stupid belt being in the way lol.
  21. Blaster, or blaster & holster?
  22. Current progress: Don't worry about that wierd shape for the cape, it's like that so it will be straight when the legs come together in-game. I'll be toying with the shape when it comes weighting time.
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