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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. I just found this: http://sourceforge.net/users/sfhgp This guy has: .GLM Importer (2.5, 5.1, 9, 2010, 2011).MAP Exporter (5.1, 2013).MD3 Importer - Beta (2.5, 5.1, 9, 2010).BSP Importer - Beta (9, 2010)This stuff was updated this year so there may be more to come, anyways enjoy this little find! EDIT: The GLM importer isn't in english, but it does work properly. Imports all tags, caps and model parts. I'll see if I can edit the plugin (without recompiling) to be english. MD3 Importer only imports the model, not any tags. BSP Importer appears to work fine, though every triangle is it's own element.
  2. Is this what you're after @@Dakadaka ? Tried to capture the look of Mara Jade with what I have to work with. I take credit only for vert moving, UVW adjustments, texture tweaks and mish-mashing two models lolo.
  3. Working links: http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Mara_Jade;25065 http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Mara_Jade_in_Heir_to_the_Empire_Jumpsuit;94140 Now to have a look at these.
  4. Precisely. Though now thinking about it we would only be able to have the face as MD3 as the bolted MD3 mesh can only inherit the movements of the bone it's bolted to - aka we can't have cranium & cervical movement in an MD3 due to no bones. So in the end, we would have the entire model with a hole where the face goes as GLM, and the entire face all the way along the jaw as MD3 or we could replace the entire head from the jaw line up.
  5. I may make a new mara jade model if they have her in ep7. Once we know what she looks like of course. In the meantime, I'll have a look at your request later today (on my iPhone atm) then get back to you.
  6. MD3 worked in Quake 3 but it's very different here for JKA as there are a sh*tload more vertex animation frames that you'd need to have. I don't see how this can possibly work, it would end up bogging down the game's performance as Xycaleth pointed out. Only way I can see any cloth moving is just add new bones to the GLA and strap those bones to a cloth simulation. Either that or just find a way to get cloth sim in-game, which would require an experienced coder & an appropriate licensed physics engine to incorporate into OpenJK. However, what MD3 could be used for is bolting a head onto a model and have vertex facial animations. Only need a handfull of expressions.
  7. Each model would only need to be recompiled IF they need to use the new bones, otherwise I can whip up a conversion table to make JKA compiled models work with your new skeleton provided all the other bones are the same. I coded this in OpenJK (unreleased) for my own skeleton. Just remember that carcass won't like any position bone data from your new bones if you compile against any other .xsi files that have none of those bones. GLAmerge is a workaround.
  8. I don't see why we wouldn't be able to bolt on MD3 models, but a coder would know more. So is the idea here to import all the JKA animations, run them with cloth sim on the bobafett backpack's cloth piece and then export out the backpack cloth piece as an MD3 with 20,000+ vertex animated frames?
  9. Is this mod a fan-made story? Looks interesting.
  10. I'm pretty sure modview mimics the code in-game concerning GLM bolting so to use animated bolted GLM's you would have to edit game code. It would also be a usefull thing for moving parts on weapons hell we could even have a model split into modular pieces if done right.
  11. So we've heard that this project was canned, but my question is will any of you make it happen?
  12. Here's the release candidate: http://www.sendspace.com/file/fbb8j4 Fixes include: - New tags This should be exactly the same as V1 except for no LODs this time around sorry guys, but I'm not going through the trouble of making LODs for a model fix. Please report any bugs thanks.
  13. Well I did kinda cheat by using noesis to export out the weights.
  14. Re-weighted with fresh tags. Just need to upload it and get you to test it.
  15. @@Archangel35757 So is everything now fixed to a point where you can now compile updated plugins for every Max version above 5? Just "obain" every SDK (in a certain manor) from the installation discs. The only SDK's you need are: - Max 6 (plugins work in 7 & 8) - Max 9 - Max 2009 - Max 2010 (plugins work in 2011) - Max 2012 - Max 2013 (plugins reportedly work in 2014) Most of these you have already.
  16. I was going to move out soon anyway, but I couldn't go up and down stairs in my unit while my knee repairs itself and a while after that so I'm back living with parents until my knee is strong enough which is only another 4 weeks. Now Qui-gon keeps floating in my head to make, so I probably will do it after I finish the stormtrooper. Oh interesting, I didn't know he released his source files. Toshi gave me full permission to do whatever with any of his creations which could prove fun in the long run and those files may come in handy.
  17. Oh there was alot of crap I did, all on The Void (if it even exists anymore). Nothing that good tbh. Qui-gon is left as-is, but I may consider picking it up again once I get my PC & desk over here by tuesday next week seeing as I had to move out of my unit due to a patellar dislocation. :\
  18. Well I wonder who's bright idea it was to greenlight the upload in the first place with all that illegal code in there? Dumbasses, but at least the code is out for anyone to use albeit with no future updates or support.
  19. I'm probably the best person to talk about this as when I first started out all I did was frankenstein models. I learnt to get models ingame before I could model. Now while it's always better to learn how to make things yourself, frankenstein models aren't exactly shunned unless you: - try to pass the finished product off as your own work - do not give credit to the authors of the original models you used
  20. XSI is the ideal solution for JKA, but 3ds Max will work just as good now thanks to the exporter plugin fixes. In the end though, it all comes down to what you prefer to use.
  21. No modding for me for a while, popped out my knee cap & my shin

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