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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. This is a mod for the public, so if the public wants ingame cutscenes AND they can be done with justice then I'm going to do it. I'll wait for the original DF2 mod files and see what I have to work with in terms of levels. Some of these I can do ingame, just not so sure about the more complex scenes. For example: kyle has to escape that ship he docked with in the Moldy Crow and he throws himself litterally into the cockpit while racing to push buttons. Even with these complex scenes, I still consider the actual levels to be the biggest challenge here.
  2. Giving the player ITEM_BACTA via icarus doesn't work, and having it in a map it's treated as a medpak and not stored in your inventory for later use. The battery works fine, but the model is MASSIVE lol.
  3. Thanks eez, works now on OpenJK. I sure hope bacta works.
  4. I'm trying to get this to work in JKA: All I get is this: Any ideas?
  5. Thought I'd quote this as this is the last post that wasn't part of something else.
  6. This was originally for Chalk's Unleashed mod, so anyone can use it/abuse it so long as they credit me lol. Also, if someone could make a pk3 that replaces the base JKA one in SP that would really help me out as I forgot it and I don't exactly have much time right now.
  7. Have a look at these and tell me if ingame cutscenes would do them justice: Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kt5sWET-5Tw Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oR3mTfnCh8Q Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJwiYWjskNU
  8. There would be a few that I can't recreate as cutscenes though. :/
  9. Hmm well thinking about how some videos have alot of interaction with other objects and alot of stuff happening, maybe it would be better to use the videos. What does everyone think about having some videos and some cutscenes?
  10. I'll be using the GLA I made new facial bones for in DF2 most definately.
  11. Then I guess hunterhog and myself are on the learning wagon with cutscenes.
  12. Started working on a 3.0 version of my DF2 Kyle: http://img802.imageshack.us/img802/1918/k8rx.png Now what is wrong with his head? I can't seem to get it to look like Jason Court for some reason.
  13. Well yeah, but copyright aside what would be better for the overall look of the mod? I do like the live action scenes, but I'm curious what you guys think.
  14. What do you guys think? It will take some clever scripting and audio file work, but I'm confident I can grab the audio from the live action videos for the cutscenes and make them work. The live action videos from the original game will be at least 50MB each once converted if I use those.
  15. Went over it and I've uploaded it. However, I don't know how well it can be reskinned. It was a high poly model, with the ease of reskinning not in mind.
  16. Would be easy if someone had the source files for that mod. No doubt it was dragon animated so if someone had the breathing stance GLA then you could just merge it with the JKA GLA and call it a day. Or you could perhaps try blender to strip out the animation then export the GLA, then merge.
  17. Yeah he means scripting a cutscene like Kyle and jan in ravens claw talking to mon mothma. That stuff.
  18. @@therfiles MIGHT be able to help, but not sure on this one.
  19. So it merges the un-animated weapon bones in the weapon model GLA with the animated weapon bones in the player model GLA. The end result is the weapon model is animated using the player model GLA. This is source engines method, if there's a better one then someone post it lol.
  20. Thanks guys, glad you like it. You can thank hhunter6 for asking me to do it.
  21. This seems to work good, but for some reason now I prefer radiant lmao.
  22. He *should* be about done, haven't worked on him since I last posted an update. I was working on a Sandtrooper variant but I ran out of time. I'll be using my Stormtrooper in DF2 so I will get back to him eventually lol.
  23. Icarus is a bitch but once you learn it, it's not so bad. I mainly use therfiles for helping me figure out scripting, though been pretty good lately doing it myself. EDIT: I have done some NPC work in my narshadda map. I have a bartender that talks & moves to a nav goal. Patrons that sit on map objects (ie chairs/stools). A Gran that runs off into a room, then turns around to kill you. I can tell you how to do things if I know how.
  24. Backed up DF2 to my Megacloud. With 8GB of free space, why not. :P

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