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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. Ok so I'm getting this warning when doing a -vis compile: "Warning: Over 90% structure map, compile time affected" I take it this isn't normal lol, so what can I do about it? Everything that isn't to be seen already has caulk on it, and I've made all my NPC's spawn in segments.
  2. So long as I get credits, I don't care what anyone does with anything I make. Just be sure to credit Toshi for the head as well.
  3. Sure it's possible, but I won't be doing it lol.
  4. Thanks both mrwonko & eezstreet, you both solved this one!
  5. Ok thats working now with an effect similar to jumping off Bespin in JO. Now I'm trying to stop the player hit ground sound from playing.
  6. @@Xycaleth Ok, here's my options as of the last file I sent you: Also, I'm pretty sure GLM (or could be XSI) splits surfaces (within the same object) by UVW seams if that bit of info helps any.
  7. Rofl, that's a pic from JED (DF2 level editor). I'm using it as a 3D reference. You'll notice the character models didn't render properly lol.
  8. There are some .map files around for JO levels, would be great to have the rest though. I dunno, maybe you should decompile the map and redo the entities etc if the hex editing isn't working that well?
  9. Ok so you know when you dive off the edge and the player falls infinite into nothingness in MP? How do I do that in SP?
  10. Finally finished polluting the diagonal lift area with crates, enemy npcs, items, 3 cranes, 2 droids.....and no questions asked. Stats: - Structure & textures: 50% - Lighting: 15% - Doors/lifts working: 50% - Item placement & NPCs: 40% - Skybox: 0% You might be going "yo DT, where's the screens at?" Well, I haven't lit the new areas and full bright doesn't do the overall look much justice. However, here is the area I'm currently upto:
  11. Yeah I am preserving smooth groups, I'll send you a version without.
  12. I think it's just a tad lighter, I could be wrong though.
  13. I'll help you (when I can) with what I know of scripting, lifts are now my speciality.
  14. While the model doesn't exaclty do it justice, the result is better than anything else I've seen so good job. Only crits: - try and make the hair more blonde - see if you can make him not so serious (eyebrows). I would really love to be able to reshape the model for ANH and your pilot, but I just don't have the time which annoys me lol.
  15. Great work Xycaleth, keep it up! Is it reading off the base JKA humanoid.gla with weighting intact? If you need anything else, let me know.
  16. Thanks for all the suggestions guys, ill be referring to this thread when I get back to Kyle klitzner.
  17. Nothing much to really show off, but I've made my first diagonal moving lift. For those who have played DF2 and know narshadda, you should know basically where I'm upto lol. Now for some stats: - Structure & textures: 40% - Lighting: 15% - Doors/lifts working: 40% - Item placement & NPCs: 30% - Skybox: 0% - Vis: 0%
  18. I just wish that "SHUTUP!" (from the JKA youtube videos) would be incorporated ingame everytime Rosh speaks, would be hella funny.
  19. Lovin' this! Great job! It's mainly a Raven & Toshi model, I just tweaked it lol.
  20. I also imported the model back in Max and tested the hierarchy and it looks intact (tags, caps, etc), so there *shouldn't* be anything more you need from me for now lol.
  21. Rosh: "Maybe you could cut off my arm and slap me with it"
  22. Looks great, but yeah could certainly use some mesh alterations/additions. I wasn't planning on making my own Luke pilot, but anyone is welcome to do what they want with the models/textures so long as they credit me but also Toshi. I sadly won't have any time to do anything other than DF2 mod stuff for quite some time, I'm trying hard to finish mapping the structure of the first level asap.
  23. I remember seeing a program that did something similar but certainly not with the same result.
  24. Real interesting. Noesis can only load ASCII FBX, and when I load that up all the tags are bunched at the bottom of the root like in your pic Xycaleth. I'll see what's going on. EDIT: Fixed tags issue so they should all be in their proper place. Sending you a new .zip.
  25. @@Xycaleth Exported as Z up. Seeing as GLMs for JKA were built with XSI I'll send you a Y up & Z up version.
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