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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. I was messing around in shaderEd for my Stormtrooper, and I was able to have specular & gloss on the armor. The spec worked as it normally does and made the gloss become less visible the darker the spec was in certain areas. I think it came out pretty well. If you want the shader code, I'll post it but I think AshuraDX has it covered.
  2. I would just: - assign the forward & back binds to the left and right keys - delete the binds for the up & down keys - delete any other binds that strafe or rotate the player You should be able to tweak the thirdperson cam settings to work as side scrolling as well.
  3. Ok, so the method used in Kejim_post.map works. Using ref_tags to move the elevator, and func_usable for all switches. Thanks guys for the help, your suggestions helped me learn a fair bit about what does what. P.S There is no "best answer" but I'll mark this post as the "best answer" to mark this topic solved.
  4. After this converter project, can you please see (if you have time) if you can put 1 moveable light source in modview? Just so we can see shadowing on a compiled model without having to view it ingame.
  5. Rofl. I love seeing your WIP's Xycaleth, always interesting. Btw, are those the bones or tags all bunched up at the root?
  6. It works somewhat, the "on" comes on when you press the switch but lingers until the lift goes back to the bottom floor. The only thing I can do, otherwise I get overlapping switches with the effect outlined in the above post. :\
  7. That works, however because my switch glows I can see the glow through the "off switch".
  8. target_multiple was a typo lol, I had trigger_multiple. Ok I did all that and made sure it was set up like you said but still does it. :\
  9. Doesn't work , it just toggles the "on switch" on/off each time I press the target_multiple. I have the target_delay targeted at the func_wall on switch, with 2000 for the wait.
  10. Using func_useable. This what I have now, it cylces through the switch brushes: - switch off - switch will stay like this when switch is not used by player - switch on - shows up when switch is used by player and won't turn off back to the "switch off" until player toggles the switch again This is what I want: - switch off - switch will stay like this when switch is not used by player - switch on - shows up when switch is used by player, then turns off after a few seconds so the "switch off texture" is shown. I have the "switch on" as 'startoff'. I hope this is clear enough, finding it a bit hard to explain this lol.
  11. Tempust85

    SP Ideas

    Now that probably wouldn't work with the current setup, or would it? Would definately put it to great use in DF2 Mod.
  12. Tempust85

    SP Ideas

    Oh yeah oops my bad.
  13. Tempust85

    SP Ideas

    What about allowing people to attach models to player tags via a script somewhere? That way, can be a saber/weapon or a backpack.
  14. I'm still trying to obtain the original DF2 Mod's files, just waiting on @@hhunter6 to have some free time.
  15. Well JKA, but OpenJK technically. Light amp, bacta use & binocs work right now as they do in JO.
  16. Lovin' it! Will definately use it when you're done.
  17. @@Stoiss First person sabers would be possible in theory, but there's a sh*t ton of animations that would need to be done for first person. I honestly don't like first person sabers in JO and don't really see the need for it. Melee is different, it's just two animations and all you're doing is punching lol. @@Onysfx The saber combat will most likely stick to JKA default. For force powers, some might be not used, haven't exactly planned that out yet. Everything will be learnt like JO. There probably won't be any dual sabers or double-bladed sabers. Expect a DF2 story, with a JO kind of gameplay (guns mixed with sabers). You will have bacta, light amp goggles and binocs at your disposal.
  18. Lol yeah, it auto snaps in base JKA to third person view like the saber does. I wanted to keep to the original DF2 game, while also providing the player a last ditch weapon if all ammo is gone. Df2 mod's version of the stun baton.
  19. Good night's worth of mapping. :D

  20. I have the basic functionality of the menu done, I just need to make it prettier and generally make it look cool. I'll post a video here when there's something decent to show.
  21. Story: The story will remain the same as the original DF2 canon version, at this stage dark side won't be added. Movie Creation/Conversion (list will grow per level): - STAR WARS & text crawl - Intro movie (Qu Rahn's death) - Kyle meets with 8t88 Levels: 1) Nar shadda - find 8t88 before he leaves Nar shadda! 2) Nar shadda - find 8t88's arm holding the disc 7) Yun - defeat the young dark jedi Yun Code: - change start map from yavin1 to 01narshadda - implement first person melee - remove certain weapons dropping from NPCS Weapon/Item/Music .dat Files: - add back the disruptor (sniper weapon seen on Rodians in JO) - restore the bacta useable health to what it was in JO Player Models/NPCs: (need to check what other models are needed) - Kyle Katarn - DT - Civilians - DT - 8t88 - DT - Yun Fixup - DT - Gran with brown clothing - Barricade24 Weapon Models: - First person melee - DT (Dependant on Kyle Katarn being finished) - Replace all first person hand models with Kyle Katarns - DT (Dependant on Kyle Katarn being finished) Menu: - Fully functional menu, removing anything that resembles base JKA HUD: - DF2 style HUD Sounds: - Kyle sounds - Misc sounds for NPC's, etc. Gameplay Related: - Player will have to search out ammo & most weapons, NPC's will not drop them when they die. Explosives excluded. - When player obtains the lightsaber, you will gain more force powers & stances as you progress through the game. - Some of the force powers seen in the original DF2 will not be present in this project due to coding reasons. Last Updated: 8th October 2013.
  22. JKA lacks first person melee, and to stay true to the original DF2 I decided to have a go with some help along the way: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deHCQq3yEYQ
  23. Lol hell of a difference, and not for the better....
  24. Even though I don't go on there really anymore, /sign
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