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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. My original ROTJ trooper does shine already, but I'm not sure how that would work when adding a glow texture to the mix.
  2. I would except my hands are pretty full with DF2 mod right now.
  3. He turns on you so it's kill or be killed lol.
  4. I don't think I'm that good with scripting lol.
  5. In the scene where he gets in the fighter to leave Hoth, his hair looks much shorter than in the rest of the film.
  6. Lol, JK2/JKA thermals do the trick. 2 hits dead-on with a cooked detonator and its down. Update: - You now need to kill the bartender for his key to get out of the bar through the staff exit as the public door is wrecked thanks to the thugs - One sighting done of 8T88 as you play - Reskin of the Mark1 is complete - Playable map structure complete, just need to fix a few things up & add more details including light fixtures - Lighting still needs to be done from beyond the bar lol - Convert level 1 ending video where Kyle catches upto 8T88 - Need to add more ammo/shield/health placements
  7. Rofl and he's back at it! Eyes don't look natural, but I'm digging the face.
  8. I haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary for the Mark1 when comparing to its appearance in JK2. It appears to attack & move the same. I never noticed that about the hazardtrooper in JKA, was too busy trying NOT to die from the insane amount of damage its weapon does lol. Is it just a code issue or an animation one as well?
  9. The Mark1 AI code registers the weapons it uses & the ammo it drops. Checked JKA's weapons.dat and compared it with my DF2 one and I can't remember why, but I removed the bryar weapon lol. *goes back and reverts the code, and adds back the bryar to weapons.dat Oh well, at least I know I found the right place to change the weapons for the Mark1 IF I ever need to lol.
  10. I'll be making sure the player has grenades which work a treat. It's also going to look a bit different, just finished with a quick reskin and surface offs. Also I've made sure you can't progress until it's dead. hehehe! <3 deathscripts.
  11. Ok so I'm trying to get this guy into my map, but the map errors out saying "can't find weapon model for weapon". EDIT: Found out that because the bryar pistol was removed from weapons.dat, it errors out. So I replaced the WP_BRYAR_PISTOL with WP_BLASTER_PISTOL in the AI_Mark1.
  12. Decided to add a boss to this level, and I won't tell you where so good luck guys. P.S It won't be as hard to kill as the ones in JK2 seeing as this is the first level but will still be a challenge enough.
  13. Yeah, even though I doubt hardly anything on those lists will get done.
  14. OMG Chalk! You gotta play both JK2 (cool story bro) & JKA (just so you know why everybody hates Rosh)
  15. Lol then Rosh would be a know-it-all bitch rofl.
  16. Ok so I spent this morning setting up the ending scripts. This is how it will basically go: - You enter cargo docking area (where 8T88 has parked his ship) - Realise the there's no other way to get to 8T88's ship than past those huge bay doors - Kill the thug between you and the control room - Head up to the control room via a lift - Kill the operator in there and flip the switch to open the doors (you will notice 8T88 is walking to his ship at this point) - Head back down and go through the doors and catch up to 8T88 Basic area (control room is behind the player): You will notice that the objective has been updated in the screenshot. I have added in a custom objective that gets marked off on your datapad once you flip that switch. The objective reads "Find 8T88 and get back your father's disc!". And yes, that is the imperial protocol droid I'm using as a stand-in.
  17. Yeah, I've noticed JKA is using alot of JK2 music BUT slotted in where it makes little sense. :\
  18. I remember playing JK2 back in highschool. I had a guy lend me his disc to install. He was talking about some guy called Kyle Katarn, and I was like "hmm ok you make it sound cool so I'll try this". Geez my PC was sooooooooooooooo crap that I couldn't even crank up the graphics. Could barely play JKA, it jittered on the yavin1 map where the camera pans back to Jaden & Rosh in the shuttle. To this day, I still don't "own" JO. I bought JKA though, and I still have those same discs. DF2 & MOTS I bought as EA classics lol.
  19. While we're on about things to add: Wishlist: - Fix 'dead' bone movement limits to be more realistic (ie the head doesn't do a full 180) - Renderer with more recent tech
  20. Most likely. Now things concerning this level: - The area just before where you find 8t88 looked too WTF for me, so I'm redesigning it to look more like a ship dock with MASSIVE doors (like JO's starpad) that you have to go into the control room to open. - It doesn't make sense to me that Kyle AND 8t88 do all this running around to get to 8t88's ship, so 8t88 will have an easier path which you will see from time to time as you play. I'll liken this to how you sometimes see G-Man walking at a distance in HL2. - This won't be a straight "kill thugs and chase down 8t88", there will be keys to find and doors to unlock.
  21. Hopefully it will be easy enough for someone to copy it to OpenJK from JKG.
  22. Looks great, but the tri count in some areas could use some work. I usually go by this: Bigger parts = more tris, Smaller parts = less tris. Also, the front of the craft looks a bit mis-shaped. The top of it is thinner than the bottom, it should be more uniform all around.
  23. The demo will have everything the full mod would have, only it will be just the first 3 levels. Doing it this way won't distract me from completing the rest of the mod as I can just get on with level 4+ when the demo is out. There will be only 1 demo and I won't commit to a release date. It will be out when it's out. @@Circa I'll make anything and everything that is needed.
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