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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. You are better off using the roq.exe than quakevideomaker. You will get higher quality and the video size isn't as restrictive (JKA supports upto 768x512). I can tell you how to get it compiling with sound if you like. Also, for the best results your video will need to be in sequence BMP.
  2. Discuss anything relating to the demo here. P.S I've updated the demo to-do list.
  3. I added a "RegisterItem" in my weapon switch, and that seems to work although there is a very slight jitter when the ammo model spawns.
  4. Trying to get the ammo to spawn from a dead NPC instead of a weapon in SP's "g_combat.cpp" "TossClientItems". Managed to get it done by using a weapon switch, however the first NPC killed spawns 3 axis lines instead of an actual model. The second NPC spawn the ammo model however.
  5. Damn you Circa rofl! I spent 20 mins hunting youtube for this:
  6. Thanks, eezstreet I just added the weapons I don't want to be dropped by NPCs to: else if ( weapon == WP_STUN_BATON || weapon == WP_MELEE) {//never drop these } Works great, and I left out the explosives so they will still drop. Hmm, shall I add in NPCs with the repeater in the first level?
  7. So the ramp is meant to be at the front? I got confused lol.
  8. I do want the player to have the bowcaster, so I would need a non-permanent solution. I'll check out the deathscript thanks. Btw, can you assign "deathscript" to an NPC's entity object in radiant like you can with "spawnscript" ?
  9. Because the "nose" of the ship would be in the way. I don't think the empire had you in mind when they designed her, @@ChalklYne
  10. Maybe I should point out that this is my first proper map lol. I'm learning ALOT of things by doing narshadda this way, and I probably will do things differently on the next map to be alot more efficient. If the first level is crap due to poor gameplay, then I'll start again and I'll know better next time. Now NPC placement will be done better than in DF2. Theres: - rodian blaster rifle - rodian sniper (not that you can obtain the weapon, made sure of that for this level), - gran bomber - gran blaster rifle - gran boxer (going to add barricade's skin for this) - human merc blaster rifle (still need to make a few varients and remove JKA-specific voice sounds) For player weapons, theres: - fists (last ditch if you manage to run out of ammo) - bryar pistol - blaster rifle - thermal detonators I'm toying with the idea of having weequay with bowcasters, but that would also mean the player would use it as well via pickup from the enemy. Thoughts?
  11. Whew....the disruptor still works, just needed an entry in weapons.dat

  12. Won't need ase>>>>md3 if there's fbx>>>>>md3
  13. Tie Bomber fly-by finished, looks pretty authentic considering how it actually works is non-conventional :P

  14. This would benefit everyone, and I'm sure Chalk and minilogoguy would love being able to make MD3's from XSI.
  15. My maps I doubt will look as good as ibanez's, but should still look good over the original. I've done a test and I've been able to get a tie bomber to fly out without having to mess around in Max 5 and .rof.
  16. It won't be an exact copy, however some things will look similar. Right now, I'm setting up structure and basic details along with scripts, item and npc placement. Top priority is to get a route to the end of the level. I will later go back over and add lighting, adjust npcs, add more details and maybe another script or two.
  17. Brilliant as always. Btw, could you possibly look into adding FBX>>>>>MD3 conversion?
  18. I have someone already contact him (seeing as you can't register at massassi anymore), and there's been no reply. No worries though, I'm getting close to finishing mine before I go back over it for polish.
  19. Hey Chalk that looks awesome! When it's done, can I please use it in my DF2 Mod?
  20. I'd rather full access to the code which is why I went the OpenJK route.
  21. :\ Was a power 2 texture issue.....and only JASP told me (through that pre-game console thing with yellow text), OpenJK didn't.
  22. Both JASP & OpenJK SP crash when loading my map. Debugging in VS says access violation. Happens with and without -vis. Does anyone have absolutely any ideas what's wrong with my map? P.S I have done the make detail.
  23. I'd be more interested to see the story of Katarn after JKA.
  24. Thanks for info guys. Just so I understand, I only have the walls/floor/ceiling as structure and the rest detail?
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