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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. Rend2 doesn't just read .mtr files. It checks for an .mtr before it loads .shader. Rend2 shader stuff works in both.
  2. That was taken with FOV 10, I'll see how it is ingame. Nope to the DF2 ingame skin as It's crap and looks nothing like Jason Court.
  3. I'll look into the face texture once it's in-game, just to be certain.
  4. Can you please post the errors? 2013+ use tchar/wchar_t, so you'll need to rework parts if the code to work with it which I'm sure you already know.
  5. Well in that case, I don't see any problems.
  6. It's not the resolution that's the issue. The textures should be redone for rend2 due to fake lighting/shadows drawn onto the diffuse which you don't need with a renderer such as rend2. Sure you could just use them with normal maps & call it done, but it certainly won't look it's best and I'm sure the aim of this project is to look as visually stunning as possible.
  7. Makes me kinda want to mod this instead. Already has sword play + lightsabers, all it really needs is a few maps & models for a basic Star Wars MP game. Would be what The New Era strived to be but failed.
  8. No matter how you look at it, it will be more work. This project won't be on hold waiting for rend2, just certain asset redo's. It's not like there's no JK2 assets available right now to use. I just don't see a point in people making hi-res textures when they will be thrown out once rend2 is available. I hope any & all texture artists working on these hi-res textures are fully prepared to redo their work for JK2:HD and not just leave. As eez said, he wants rend2 for JK2:HD so it WILL happen at some point. Also if people want support for base, play JK2 and not JK2:HD.
  9. I wouldn't bother with creating new textures, until rend2 is available for SP. Just more work to do later on IMO.
  10. 2013 plugins work in 2014 yeah? I can help test that out if that's the case.
  11. The clone troopers in TCW look more decent than the Stormtroopers in Rebels, so no idea why they borked their helmet so badly. I just hope they at least show why Stormtroopers in ANH are so f***ing stupid compared to the Clones.
  12. Ah crap I knew I forgot something...... I just wanted to see what others thought of how he looks in the Clone Wars.
  13. There's 0% JKA modding support for Maya and probably won't be for a long time, if at all. I guess it's Blender for you guys if you want to still mod JKA. Max may have been a bit primitive in the past when it comes to animation and modelling tools, but it's come a long way in recent years and isn't as bad as you two make it out to be. Everyone has their own preference for software.
  14. Maya plugins use C or python, so you'd have a better chance at XSI/MD3 exporters.
  15. It does due to the FOV which makes the head look wider than normal. I posted that view to show off the clothing.
  16. Update: self illum 50%, front view in Max so things look a tad wider than normal.
  17. I won't be able to test 2011 64bit plugins, my installation crapped itself.
  18. Yeah, converting spaces into underscores is the best thing to do here. I wouldn't say its standard practice to have no spaces in your Max filenames, everyone I know of always use spaces.
  19. It spawns fine for me, no issues whatsoever.
  20. This shouldn't be too hard hopefully. Could probably use one of the existing "flying" NPC classes, and do melee animations.
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