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Everything posted by therfiles

  1. You'd have to switch the misc_portal_camera the misc_portal_surface is targeted to...maybe by script?
  2. Hey guys! Been derping around in GTK recently, and I've been trying to create a cool "security room" where the player can browse various camera feeds from the entire facility. Pretty neat. Then, I thought it could be cool for, instead of the player pressing a button and using a misc_camera to view the scene, the camera viewpoints to be displayed on the wall (as a 'texture') so I could have like 6 camera panels each showing feeds from the map. So I've been googling around and looking info up about misc_portal_surfaces, which I gather are used for mirrors, but can also be used to do what I've described. I'm still a little bit shaky on what to do. Here's my current "target order": Brush (textured with portal on one side) | misc_portal_surface > misc_portal_camera > target_position Is this right? I made sure the misc_portal_surface is really close to the brush, but right now it doesn't draw anything. Any thoughts? Thanks!
  3. Maybe you could detail what you tried and any error messages or troubles you came across so Blender gurus like @@mrwonko can help you out.
  4. Hey there! Be sure to check out our tutorial section for some modding guides!
  5. Hey there! Neat files! Glad to have you here.
  6. I'm not quite sure I understand the reasoning behind the request, personally. Mapping is just another facet as modding: you need to edit the PK3s/the game's files, and, in essence, you are still modifying the game. So I'm not sure I get where you are coming from. Also, we've had tons of users already post mapping-related problems and questions in that subforum, and there has never been any problems. Maybe if some other mappers want it, but I don't think it makes much sense.
  7. I forgot how addicting GTK Radient is...

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. NumberWan


      Yes, I can. Also saber markings cab be seen as all other things. I thought at first, that I might have turned some parts of the map into some entity by accident, but I didn't. Ungrouping did not help much.

    3. MoonDog


      Do you have surfaceparm noimpact setup on the offending shader surfaces?

    4. NumberWan


      Well, we are checking that now, but interestingly, when you move backwards or jump - the sounds can be heard, no problem here. It's only when you walk or run forwards.

  8. I'd say ASAP. The more people you can get testing and refining it, the better! I may be biased because I'm really looking forward to AngelScript, though.
  9. Yeah...that's what I was afraid of. By the way...progress is still being made on this. It's just a heck of a job trying to consolidate this many NPCs, figure out how to name/sort them, and also making multiple functions for the player to perform on them. The plan now is that in basic mode, you can spawn them (however many you like). In advanced, you can spawn up to 32 NPCs, but you can name and edit the properties of each one.
  10. It sounds like you guys already have a ton of enemies...I'd stick with the technicians being afraid of the Player. Especially since they'll only have weak weapons like a welding staff and other various tools. If you see a guy with a lightsaber, I wouldn't take a wrench out to beat them up! What could be cool, though, is that if you use them, they'd give you some goodies. Like, since they are techs, they'd probably have some items on them and they could just give them to you. I'd also keep the surrender thing, as seeing grown men cower like the jawas did always looks a bit off.
  11. That feeling when school is cancelled...again! :D

    1. Bacon


      I miss those feelings. But I guess Ill just enjoy the late nite calls of "dont come into work due to frozen roads"


    2. Merek


      yea schools been cancelled for me too whoo! no math... rofl

    3. Flynn


      Me too, hopefully my teachers are kind...

  12. Open the sabers.sab file in the ext_data/sabers directory, and find this entry: Training { name "Training" saberType SABER_SINGLE saberModel "models/weapons2/saber_reborn/saber_w.glm" soundOn "sound/weapons/saber/saberon.wav" soundLoop "sound/weapons/saber/saberhum4.wav" soundOff "sound/weapons/saber/saberoff.wav" saberLength 32 saberColor yellow notInMP 1 } Change saberColor to whatever you want.
  13. You could probably edit the NPC file or the SAB file in the ext_data folder.
  14. So awesome! Great work! I love all these high-quality models you guys keep pumping out!
  15. Hey there, man! Welcome to JKHub! Feel free to kick around some ideas in our server forum!
  16. Just read through it. I've had some...rudimentary computer science training, so I do already have that grasp on the basics, but I definitely learned a lot from it! I'm really excited by the concept of being able to do math, as well. But yeah, I really like the way you explained everything. Obviously it's just a start, but It gives the reader a pretty firm idea about whats going on. One thing that would be helpful, when you get to that point, is just write a simple test script that actually does something (like change the bowcaster's properties) just to see how it all works in relation to each other. But yeah, for a basic guide to coding conventions, I definitely got it and I think other people will too. Nice work! I'd love to be able to control the HUD (jail break), but even being able to define the health and ammo and armor and force as variables to be used would be amazing. So, I could code in a new element that would require the player to have at least 50 force, etc. That's obviously going to be a long way down the road.
  17. This system really does look awesome. While it's true I'm able to soft-code a lot of features with ICARUS and such, I can't even touch game mechanics like weapons, force powers, etc. Any system that would simplify that process would be incredibly helpful. I think ICARUS is incredibly powerful, but It just doesn't have enough to make these big game play changes like you are saying (at least efficiently). Heck, even being able to edit any cvars you wanted in ICARUS would be a huge milestone. So having these two complementary scripting languages that work off each other would be really nice! If there is anything I can do to help, let me know.
  18. I think we are discussing remaking a game now with new computing and graphical standards.
  19. Plus, if he's unwilling to get rid of some of those mods, it's really the only option.
  20. Not a big deal, more of a picky cosmetic thing, but font... "enthusiasts" recognize that certain fonts are overused. Comic Sans is just one of those fonts that make people cringe when used in a non-comic book situation. It's almost as bad as papyrus. Again, not a problem, but if you are interested in fixing it, here are some other fonts that may look better!
  21. Yeah. I couldn't even get it to work when used on the player...
  22. Pretty neat! Nice work so far. I definitely agree with the others - darken his beard and remove some of that aging. If possible, maybe even remove his cape (if you can). I could also see a Jedi robe skin on him. I like the green on him, but maybe a little bit less. More of a highlight.
  23. I just tested it, and I couldn't get it to work on the player or any NPC I spawned.
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