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Everything posted by diogocs195

  1. @@Tompa9 Could you please share this model??? - If it is ok. It is pretty cool, It reminds me of one of the jedis in a SW Episode III video game for Plastation 2
  2. @@Jeff, I would like to make a request, if you ever feel like making it. Could you please create a Female Nautolan Jedi?? I love the Nautolan Race, Kit Fisto is badass. Again, I hope I am not being demanding with this request. You never disappoint with any of your models, thanks again http://swtor.wikia.com/wiki/Selia_Antares
  3. Thank you Jeff, This model is awesome !!! your work is very much appreciated !!!
  4. Thank you guys and Thank you @@Jeff, I am using the OpenJK now, I made some research and I found This https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/blob/master/README.md This is a very supportive community - I like it very much And @@Jeff, your models Rock!!!! Keep them rolling in
  5. Hey @Jeff thank you so much for these new ported model, It is absolutely awesome . I just have one problem that I was hoping you could help me solve. Whenever I spawn him and he is shot at, this message appears Any idea how I could solve thiss???
  6. Hey @itachisen I just found your post about this ported model, is there any chance you could re share a new link to be able to download it, the link posted before is not working anymore thanks in advance
  7. I really like you included the Clone wars version in this pack, good job dude
  8. Thank you, BTW your models and ports are awesome!!!!
  9. @@Jeff Could you please, please, please renew the downloading link for this model????
  10. @@Kualan I was wondering if you could create a model for the Fifth Brother Inquisitor http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/starwarsrebels/images/e/e8/Seventh_Sister_and_Fifth_Brother.png/revision/latest?cb=20151003045022 https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starwarsrebels/images/1/12/Fifth_Broth_Concept_Art.jpeg/revision/latest?cb=20151124110721 The Fifth Brother is definitely one badass guy. the whole concept about the inquisitors is very appealing.
  11. @Kualan Thank you so much for the second Kualan WIP Mega Pack . All of the new models look absolutely amazing. You are awesome!!!!!
  12. Hey @@Kualan, I am new to this community and I just wanted say, all your work is absolutely jaw-dropping. Thanks for all the models you've made so far. I was just wondering if by any chance you would release the second half of the WIP pack.
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