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Everything posted by Dusty

  1. So I noticed that MBII seemed to go dark for a bit a little while ago. Once I tracked down their facebook page with a google search I found they had moved all their stuff to a new domain (again): https://community.moviebattles.org I noticed though when I clicked the tiny mods button at the top of JKHub's page here for Moviebattles it still links to the old website which is a dead link. Speaking of which, shouldn't we make the bigger mods for the JK games a little more prominent? Give them a bigger button or something? They're like the life-blood of these games haha. (You know OpenJK, MBII, MovieMakers mod, etc. etc.)
  2. Version v1.0


    This adds new fields (damage, altDamage, splashDamage, splashRadius, altSplashDamage, altSplashRadius) for most weapons in the weapons.dat file. The advantage of this is that now you can modify these values without changing the game's source code. Unsupported Weapons: WP_SABER, WP_MELEE, WP_TUSKEN_STAFF, WP_TUSKEN_RIFLE, WP_SCEPTER, WP_NOGHRI_STICK Installation: You need OpenJK or a mod that uses OpenJK's source as a framework (go look up OpenJK if you need to get that). Just extract the pk3 file to your Gamedata/base folder or Gamedata/modname if you want to use it in a separately loaded game mod from the default game. Then change the values inside the pk3 in ext_data/weapons.dat Other Details: OpenJK had added code support a while ago courtesy of Eezstreet for this but no one ever released an actual new version of the weapons.dat so you had to add the fields manually if you wanted to use them. I thought maybe I would whip this up. I'm pretty sure I didn't make any mistakes, all the values should be the same as their default hard-coded values (which are used if you neglect to include the field in the weapons.dat file). If I didn't include a field it probably doesn't work, you can try adding it if you really want, it won't make your game crash, but the code might not do anything with the value (I tried adding splash damage to the blaster pistol for example, but it didn't do anything). Some of the fields seem kind of redundant (is there a difference between Det Pack primary and alt fire??) but I included whatever fields didn't have zeroes for defaults in the code. Some weapons don't support the new fields for obvious reasons, like WP_SABER. Others like WP_MELEE are still hard-coded I guess because left and right punches, kicks, and katas all have special damage values. The ONLY weapon I know you can add values to is WP_BOWCASTER. You can give it splash damage which also does a little knockback but there are no visual effects for it. KEEP IN MIND!!! Feel free to use this however you want, but keep in mind it can't be distributed in the same download as the OpenJK source code just so you know. No assets of any kind are allowed to be distributed with OpenJK if I remember correctly. Easy enough to do right?
  3. Oh those bonus missions. I must do that. I've put it off for so long. That should be the next mini-mod. I've been working on the code and I think I'm making real progress. I've been making some new cvars, maybe you can guess what they're for? g_char_forcePowerMax, g_char_forceRegen, g_saberForceDrain, g_saberForceDrainAmount, g_saberDamageScale. Some of it I'm keeping a secret though
  4. ^You know a little bit about everything don't you Asgarath @@Cerez: Maybe it will come in handy for you, I believe there is a console command called "runscript". I've never tested it but I'm guessing it lets you run scripts without having to have the map trigger them.
  5. Yeah we should really take out a lot of the unnecessary hardcodes. They are just a pain in the butt. External files are so much cleaner anyway. All NPC behavior and weapon/item stats should at least be completely externalized as far as possible in my opinion, because they're already partially externalized (in Single player anyway we have the weapons.dat, items.dat, and so on). Why are objectives hardcoded exactly? I never got that. Aren't there cvars that you can make point to whatever strings you want? Or do they not work? Well, first off, it makes the game run smoother and better. It makes external (non hard-coded cvars) save between sessions instead of being forgotten too which seems to have been a base JA bug, making some of my mods actually require OpenJK to work. Also, we have the opportunity to remove a lot of unnecessary hard-codes from a base source code the entire community can use
  6. So I'm updating my fork of OpenJK with the latest code again to resolve some crashes and to try and fix the commits ahead/behind count, and I'm having some similar issues again. I'm going to deal with each file manually one by one and I should be able to take care of it, however, I just wanted to point something out, and ask if this is normal? Here are the merge conflicts git is saying I have: Some of these files I have never touched. Why are there merge conflicts that can't be resolved automatically in these files? For example, half of those files are multiplayer code, which I can guarantee I have not tinkered with (my mod is an SP only mod, I don't even include MP code in the solution files). EDIT: Perhaps there's some sort of setting I can change, like "overwrite local with remote if no local changes since download" or something...
  7. I believe this is what ent-modding is for. You can mod these things by text-editing a .bsp file without having to decompile and ruin the map. Still then you can't use GTK-Radiant. Maybe you could decompile the map, do your entity mods, re-compile, then copy the text for your added entities to the old bsp file, if you want to use GTK-Radiant to create the entities rather than doing it via text-editing.
  8. Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.

    1. Daedra


      Hail Jeebus

    2. Dusty
    3. Dusty


      I believe the correct pronunciation is Jesus ;)

  9. EDIT: I figured it out, but I also had a side question. See end of post. Sorry to bump this after so long, but I still don't quite have it resolved. What seems to be happening, is visual studio sees all the .pdb files for jagamex86.dll, but it can't load any of them, giving an error message for each one saying "image does not match". When I try to load the pdb file manually, I click on the file and it says "a matching symbol file was not found in this folder" each time. Anyone have any idea what's up? I think this is the reason it never worked before several months ago when I first made this topic. Here are some pics if you find my explanation confusing: Side question: So as Xycaleth pointed out in the last post, my jagamex86.dll is being loaded from the Gamedata/Dusty_Patch folder, whereas all the other dlls are being loaded from the Debug folder where my source code is. Just a minor annoyance. Is there any way to change this though? What would building the INSTALL project do? EDIT : I got it working. It turns out I just needed to replace the jagamex86 in my Gamedata/Dusty_Patch folder with the latest built version because it wasn't the same which is why the pdb files didn't match. I guess that was my issue before in some form, because I didn't know at all what files were being loaded by the game when I tried to run in debug mode.
  10. Dusty


    A word of warning for NPC tool users: It doesn't have certain classes. Like Class_Saboteur for example.
  11. Ok, I fixed all the code. It turns out there was some missing/faulty code in client.h which was causing problems. Thanks for all the help guys. I still have one more problem though. It seems I need the SDL2 thing that yall were talking about. I get an error when I try to start the game saying "The program can't start because SDL2.dll is missing from your computer". How do I install it exactly? I know where to download the file, just not what to do with it. Do I put it somewhere on my computer, or combine it with my source code somehow? EDIT: Oh wow. I just put SDL2.dll into my gamedata folder and that was it.
  12. Version 0.5


    A force lightning mod. There are tons of these around, but I wanted to make my own version with some slightly altered features. Changes: - new image for Force Lightning from JK2 I believe (I think it looks more snazzy) - less lightning bolts drawn on screen at any given time, however individual bolts are slightly thicker (meant to make individual bolts feel more "powerful", also just for a cleaner looking lightning effect) - the orb(s) the lightning comes out of are a bit smaller to be in better proportion to the lightning bolts - optional ambient lighting effects for force lightning (the lighting that appears on the ground/walls/ceiling around the lightning bolts) - choice between different colors of force lightning PK3 packages: (explanation of what the ending suffixes mean) B - Blue Lightning. No ambient light. BL - Blue Lightning. Yes ambient light. BP - Blue Lightning for levels one and two of the force power. Purple lightning for level three of the power. No ambient light. BPL - Blue Lightning for levels one and two of the force power. Purple lightning for level three of the power. Yes to ambient light. P - Purple Lightning. No ambient light. PL - Purple Lightning. Yes ambient light. I felt that in the Base JA effect and in most lightning effect mods out there, that there were too many lightning bolts drawn on screen at once. Rather, I thought the individual lightning bolts should seem more powerful, rather than the power of the lightning seeming to come from 30+ bolts on the screen at once, and I thought it looks too messy with that many bolts anyway. The image for the lightning is borrowed from JK2 I believe which is purple by default. I borrowed a couple images from a mod on jk2files.com called "New Lightning Effects" but since jk2 files is down I can't check to see who the author was. I'm pretty sure though all he did was color the JK2 lightning effects blue. I'll probably release a full version of this with more polish, like more lightning styles and some improvement on the look and color of the ambient lighting, but honestly I've tinkered with this for so long I just wanted to finally release something.
  13. I tried those things (deleting my local repository and re-cloning, using the latest versions of the problem files from OpenJK, rerunning CMake). Didn't seem to work. I saw the downloads there. The download just seems to be a dll file. How do I "install" it? I can't find any instructions. Do I put it in with my OpenJK source code somewhere? Do I put it in my computer's operating system folder? My apologies, I'm not saavy with all this stuff yet.
  14. Actually eez I believe you're wrong. In my experience NPCs tend to ignore what saber styles you set in their npc file and rather use saber styles based on rank, at least, if you only give them fast style, they might decide to use medium and strong too if they are a high rank. You have to use Asgarath's method to make absolutely certain the NPC will use the correct styles, by giving NPCs their own sabers.
  15. Hmm, not sure. I was just looking on the website? How do I install it? Do I just extract the dll to my Windows folder or something? The output log: Error list: These are the two red errors in the code that I'm guessing are causing all the other errors:
  16. 166 downloads

    This is meant more just to be a little skin for people to use for NPCs or something. If you want to use it in MP I gave it a very lazy icon. Just a green-clothed reskin of the reborn_new model with the head flap removed. This is what I thought a reborn apprentice in Tavion's ranks might look like. Maybe he's one of the yellow-orange reborns from JK2 that improved their skills a bit, but isn't quite strong enough to be a Reborn Warrior (one of the red ones). Or maybe he's one of the more skilled saber wielding cultists on his way to becoming a full-fledged Reborn. He's probably one of those JK2 reborns because that's the sound set I gave him so... He uses an NPC file almost identical to reborn_new2 in base JA, except he is spawned via "npc spawn reborn_apprentice". I was thinking of making a brown clothed and gray clothed reborn_new skin, but on second thought that's what the MBII RGB reborn_new is for... hmm just remembered that skin just now...
  17. An odd thing happened to me. About a week ago, I seemed to be able to compile my code. Now it won't compile, and I'm 99% sure I didn't change anything. The code on my PCs (I tried it on both, same problem) should have been and definitely is right now in sync with my github repository. Not sure what went wrong. The issues seem to be with code/server/sv_game.cpp and shared/sdl/sdl_input.cpp. In sv_game.cpp the identifier CL_InitCGameVM isn't recognized and in sdl_input.cpp the identifier cl_consoleKeys is not recognized. Anyone have any idea what could have caused this? Am I missing a file somewhere? I tried replacing those files with re-downloaded files from my own repo/fork and with versions of those files from the latest OpenJK build.
  18. Maybe crashing your game is a fearsome dark side power.
  19. Sorry, I forgot to clarify. Basically what I meant was for you to be able to tell the game to use universal animations from different .gla files. That way, if I see a stance animation mod I like and a mod that changes walking animations that both use custom animation frames, instead of having to make a new _humanoid.gla file that incorporates all of these frames, I could just put a few different gla files in the _humanoid folder and specify in the animation.cfg whether I want the frames for a specific animation (say BOTH_STAND2) to be loaded from a gla besides the standard _humanoid.gla. Maybe it's a silly idea but I thought it would be easier to combine animation mods this way. As for the animation.cfg thing I was saying if you could give an SP model just a custom animation.cfg without it needing to have its own .gla file. Currently you need to copy the whole .gla over IIRC even if all you want is a custom animation.cfg.
  20. Just an idea I had; would it be possible to code a field in the animation.cfg that allows for an animation slot to use frames from a different .gla file? It would be an extra field that would default to the _humanoid.gla if not included. That way it would be so much easier to combine animation mods together, because you could put your animations in separate .gla files instead of having to always edit and merge with the _humanoid.gla. I also think it would be cool if you could give SP models their own animation.cfg file just like you can give them their own .gla file...
  21. So I finally finished. I swear I'm not crazy, just look here https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/commit/5ab07009afb306f2852a97caedf4eaab8774c743 and look at wp_saber.cpp or bg_panimate.cpp and see all the hundreds of "changes" in these files. I don't know if they're whitespace issues or not, it looks to my eyes more like whatever Razor used or did a lot of lines we're deleted and then re-written exactly the same. Also, I have one last problem. I finally finished committing my manual merges to https://github.com/DustysPatch/OpenJK but the way I did it must have been sloppy because it's still showing me as ahead and behind on commits compared to JACoders/master. Is there anyway I can fix or manually override those numbers?
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