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Everything posted by Mr.Zz

  1. Cool Mod! Also I had a big grin on my face when I saw that you use my texture mod, I realized it because of the last photo from the hoth mission - one can see my custom hoth texture! Nice, makes me happy!
  2. True that! Why don't we make a Version of your high quality level shots with my mod, for those who use it? That would be one step closer to a "JKA Graphics Overhaul" Mod
  3. Thank you for your feedback concerning the look of the scratches! Isn't that exactly what I explained in the description above? It is indeed a texture overhaul because there are a lot of custom textures in the packs I release, together with the highly improved original textures. You won't see any blurry pixels and compression artifacts resulting from the low original resolution of the textures anymore - which results in a hi-rez game experience. Taspir was the first level I used this new method on (using texture overlays with rough structures like scratches), which takes up way less time than recreating similar textures from scratch in photoshop or a 3d program - that would take ages for one person recreating thousands of textures in the way you proposed, believe me i tried in the beginning, but settled for something less time-consuming in combination with custom textures which i create where i find it necessary. About 1 hour of work for one texture is too much work for me on my own, I'm working full-time in a job in post-production, I'm sure you understand If somebody would help me with the mod, recreating all the metal textures that would be awesome, but remember, JKA does not support normal-maps, so plain high reolution 2d textures are as good as it gets for now (the source code was released in and maybe in a year it will be possible to use normal-maps - then i will rework everything and creat normalmaps where necessary)
  4. Cool! I can wait
  5. If Somebody finds a way of making normalmaps work with this sourcecode released, i will update my mod to a full normalmap texture overhaul Visit my Mod on Moddb.com: http://www.moddb.com/mods/the-jedi-academy-texture-overhaul"
  6. Version v0.3


    This Mod aims to replace nearly all in-game textures (which are quite low res compared to the textures in games nowadays) with improved hi-rez textures faithful to the original style of the game and/or with custom textures all of 2 times (some even 8! times) the original size. It is perfectly safe and very easy to install or uninstall from your system because it will not alter the files in your installation folder directly. More detailed instructions will be included in the release(s). This newest download is a huge new Pack, combining all former packs aswell as two new levels, Vjun and the "Mercenary" level on Tatooine. For more information click check out the Changelog below. To install extract the downloaded file to the directory gamedata/base/ in your Jedi Academy directory. -- Important -- If you have other releases of my mod in your game directory please delete them, this ensures everything will be displayed properly! Please visit my Mod on Moddb.com: http://www.moddb.com...exture-overhaul Why you no help?? I do not have the resources to test my mod on different systems apart from my gaming rig, so if someone would kindly help and post his system specs and the framerate or general performance when using my mod i can provide minimum spec info for other players. Now I don't think you need a strong pc for this to work fluently, but your graphics card should probably have 128 megs of ram. but this is just an assumption! If there is someone who has experience with the id tech 3 engine and its modelling tools and would like to help and take this mod on a new level - please contact me, i'm quite positive on improving the models and meshes too which would then be a total cosmetic overhaul mod improving all graphics throughout the game.
  7. I redid Hoth over the last week and i'm going to update this pack, so stay tuned for a better version
  8. Thank you very much! Yes the original lava textures throughout the game were horrible
  9. Sure, I already did and next pack will be vjun, which is nearly finished. Also coming up is korriban and i will then release the first "full version", the release 1.0 Which will include all levels i retextured: Hoth (i redid a lot of things over the past week), Tatooine, Yavin (redone with new workflow in addition to old one), Taspir, Blenjeel (redone with new workflow in addition to old approach) and vjun and probably korriban, plus all ship textures and some monster in new high rez version. the pack will probably be about 2.5 gigs
  10. Version 0.2.1


    Hello again fans of JKA! No I'm not dead, nor is this mod: I'm proud to announce that the Taspir level retexture is now completely finished and uploaded as a seperate pack. I added a better version of every wall/ground/object/rock/metal plate (etc.) texture of at least double the resolution of the original, and the filesize went right up to about 210mb because i added a TON of detail to the original blurry textures. Also I tried to enhance the look and feel of Taspir by choosing custom lava and rocky terrain textures throughout all parts of the level, and by adding way more scratches and grain to all original textures to achieve a more realistic look. I went with a new approach this time, I wanted to keep the original atmosphere and stay faithful to the original texture design so i kept nearly all textures but improved them as far as i could, adding scratches, noise, grain, dots and more details. I'm very happy how this turned out and will use this workflow for future releases too in combination with my usual approach of swapping unrealistic textures with photorealisitc ones. Please let me know what you think - is this the way to go for future packs too? This would result in a real "Hi-Rez-Retexture", although my original idea was to also change textures with more "real" looking ones. Feel free to contact me via PM! Here are some screenshots showing some examples of the retexture. Please look at them in full resolution otherwise the differences are not as clear.
  11. Thank you very much! I'm always glad to hear people like it!
  12. I will maybe, but first I have to finish the JKA version, and as jadi_hm2 sated correctly it will probably take some time
  13. I think this is a really nice addition to the game. I would like to ask if we could merge this together with my texture overhaul mod, (http://jkhub.org/files/file/1303-the-jedi-academy-texture-overhaul-tatooine/) to create the JKA Graphics Overhaul mod ? Is it possible to lower the bloom a little bit more, so it is still there but not as strong?
  14. Version 0.2


    This Pack is outdated, please download this one instead: The Jedi Academy Texture Overhaul v.0.3 Full Jedi Academy is a great Game but since it is from 2003, the graphics need an overhaul for that the fan of the force may have the best gaming experience possible! This Mod will, when finished, replace nearly all in-game textures (which seem somehow blurry and grey-ish) with High-dynamic-range-like Versions of them and/or with custom textures of 2 times (some even 8! times) the original size. It is perfectly safe and very easy to install or uninstall from your system because it will not alter the files in your installation folder directly. More detailed instructions will be included in the release(s). This will be my first real mod, so I hope people will like it and use it. This Pack includes all Levels I hav finished upp to date. This is: Yavin, Tatooine, Blenjeel, Taspir and some small parts of hoth (please download seperate hoth level 1.4 for full retexture). Also I fixed several issues and did some changes to the already finished packs (see Changelog below). I will also upload each level as a seperate pack. -->INSTALLATION INFO<-- to install unpack the zip and copy the .pk3 file into the directory /GameData/base/ of your JKA Installation it is recommended to delete old version files before using this one! Have FUN!! AND LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK FEEDBACK IS CRUCIAL Please visit my Mod on Moddb.com: http://www.moddb.com...exture-overhaul Also please check out these other two, new and updated levels: Updated Tatooine: http://jkhub.org/fil...rhaul-tatooine/ New full Hoth level: http://jkhub.org/fil...-overhaul-hoth/ New updated, Taspir level: http://jkhub.org/files/file/1504-the-jedi-academy-texture-overhaul-021-taspir/
  15. Version 0.2b


    Jedi Academy is a great Game but since it is from 2003, the graphics need an overhaul for that the fan of the force may have the best gaming experience possible! This Mod will, when finished, replace nearly all in-game textures (which seem somehow blurry and grey-ish) with High-dynamic-range-like Versions of them and/or with custom textures of 2 times (some even 8! times) the original size. It is perfectly safe and very easy to install or uninstall from your system because it will not alter the files in your installation folder directly. More detailed instructions will be included in the release(s). This will be my first real mod, so I hope people will like it and use it. This is the third Level available as an extra/seperate download, however this is a more up-to-date Version of the sandcrawler level (compared to the fromer complete pack) with several new fixes. Important rename the .pk3 file: add a k to the files name, this insures that it will be loaded AFTER the former packs and thus the updated textures will show up ingame Pleas visit my Mod-Page on Moddb.com: http://www.moddb.com...exture-overhaul
  16. Version 0.2c


    Jedi Academy is a great Game but since it is from 2003, the graphics need an overhaul for that the fan of the force may have the best gaming experience possible! This Mod will, when finished, replace nearly all in-game textures (which seem somehow blurry and grey-ish) with High-dynamic-range-like Versions of them and/or with custom textures of 2 times (some even 8! times) the original size. It is perfectly safe and very easy to install or uninstall from your system because it will not alter the files in your installation folder directly. More detailed instructions will be included in the release(s). This will be my first real mod, so I hope people will like it and use it. This is the fourth (and up til now the biggest) Level available as an extra/seperate download. This pack is a nearly complete retexture of the hoth levels (1-3, e.g. all parts). Nearly all textures were replaced with higher resolution versions of themselves or completely new textures. Important rename the .pk3 file: add a 'l' to the files name, this insures that it will be loaded AFTER the former packs and thus the updated textures will show up ingame Please visit my Mod on Moddb.com: http://www.moddb.com...exture-overhaul
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