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Everything posted by Keth

  1. I didn't know that was from you too at first, pleasantly surprised
    For someone that is supposedly new at this, Minoda's effort and enthusiasm still shine through. A humble map with a great thought and execution put into it.
  2. Alright, I'll stop being scared and give it a try then!
  3. Woah, and that would be it ? Well thanks a lot for that! Unfortunately I don't know a lot of people, skinners and such, around, but if there is someone reading this that is generous enough and able to do it, I would be very glad!
  4. Still a thing for me, I don't want it to be forgotten forever!
  5. I'll give all the credits alright! It's true that I didn't point that out but, I would only need someone nice enough to do the outfit. I know how to "frankenstein" but that's about it. So yeah, no head needed! It's for a private RP clan use really, for a bunch of people. Oh yeah, most of the people's head models are from Spanki's different customizations, so there you go for that one question.
  6. I'm not looking for a Spanki model but rather what you see in the pictures, I can't be more precise than that! Also I don't think there is, I've looked in there but haven't seen it. Then again I might be wrong.
  7. Hello everyone, Here I am browsing through JKHub as usual, and this image pops up in my head again. A Galen Marek skin, I know I know, but with the ceremonial robes on him. At first I was surprised that it isn't a thing around here, considering all the other Starkiller skins there are already, but now I would really like it to happen! I feel like this would be a one-of-a-kind project considering the overall outfit. I mean... screenshots below. Surprisingly there aren't that many pictures around but yeah, there you go! How about it ? Do you think it's possible ? Many people I know would be grateful to you if it'd actually come into reality, though that's a surprise for most of them still... Thank you! Hope to see some interest!
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