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Posts posted by Pande

  1. I did talk to @futuza about expanding our JKG launcher code into a separate project as a general purpose game launcher,  to also be able to connect to other FTPs so as to download from MovieBattles site, JKHub, etc and launch the mods (with per-mod setting profiles and such).


    On top of that, a server browser and maybe even an IRC powered lobby chatroom that could be accessed ingame as well  (second console ingame to chat in IRC).


    You can see I'm dreaming now. Would be cool though. :D Would also have alerts about updates to said mods and games, which while under development would be pretty useful for OJK.


            map textures/blerp/sultra_armory_metal_tank_storage
            rgbGen lightingDiffuse // proper shading for vertex lit models, or something. 
            map textures/blerp/sultra_armory_pipe_spec
            blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE
            alphaGen lightingSpecular
                   map textures/blerp/sultra_gloss
                   blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE
                   alphaGen const 0.15
                   tcGen environment


    Fixed for a weapon model like swords are


    I agree with you if this goes with the web-based OpenJK running with the original Jedi Academy assets, it would be only useful to synchronize game config files, have a new kind of server browser, maybe even a buddy list,...



    Those things can be done with a database and account system, such as through a game launcher (maybe ' the JKHub Launcher ' ) which could launch multiple game versions, mods, etc and do things such as achievements  +  config files stored in a database

  4. I *HATE* browser games, I wish quakelive had their own app (and I don't mean using QLPrism, that's just a web browser with only one page it ever loads). They introduce so many more problems and require you to have another process open (the browser... even the incredibly basic IE still takes up enough CPU that it get's in the way of the game .. hence why QLPrism was made, but even that takes up more CPU than running it as it's own .exe like normal Quake3).


    So.. there's my opinion. 


    I would like a free version of the game, but the fact is without using the existing animations, the game will be different. The saber system is based on the animations themselves, using ghoul2 collision detection from the saber blade. Change the animation for all clients, and the gameplay changes. So you could make something similar for sure, but it won't be the same.


    As for using the Demo files or checking for a CD game.... well, as a browser game, that makes sense I guess. But then if you have the CD.. why not just download OpenJK and run the .exe? See what I mean?

  5. This is how my radiant looks as well. It is annoying, but it's far better than anything else that came before it in different versions of the GtkRadiant 1.5 release builds, believe me. :D 


    This is as far as it got though. You may want to give 1.6 a try btw. I personally can't run it but it is getting the most development at the moment, therefor if you posted a bug it might get fixed whereas it *will not* for any older versions.

  6. Its not all that great, I personally rather radiant. It's too easy to make a brush and texture it than having to unwrap a model made in a 3d package.

    Your 3d package must have derpy tools for unwrapping then :D (<3 blender)


    Anyway, the reason I think working in modeling is better is because the editing and optomizing of single planes is far easier than editing volumes like brushes, which can break and have to be rebuilt if certain edits are desired. You have to know a bit more about the end-shape and optomization of it before you start building whereas in modeling it's a lot more free-form.

    ChalklYne likes this
  7. Check out this picture of my map




    The building in focus is a .md3 model, exported from blender and UV mapped to one of the map's textures.

    I did this because if I made it out of patches, it would be possible but there would be tons of light map seams (there is always a seam where two patches meet non-planar) and the textures wouldn't be aligned very well (texture seams, such as around the door frame).

    The building and archway on the right are also like this. These shapes are possible with patches but would be really ugly and also a waste of tris / very FPS-hurting.


    So yes, it is very much possible to do this.


    Also note: the 1000 vertex limit is only an issue of your model is placed in the map with misc_model_static. If, like my models above, you use misc_model, the triangles are part of the map at compile and there is no issue with vertex or face count whatsoever. You also won't need to even include the .md3 with the pk3.


    "this can make a map very light in the loading. LOL."


    Not as much as you might like, but yes, slightly. But only if you use misc_model_static.



    To conclude, misc_model for stuff like buildings or.. anything you want light mapped. Misc_model_Static for organic forms like rocks, or things like small objects, objects that are very far from the playable area, etc. These things don't benefit so much from being light mapped so you can take advantage of the quicker loading times there. 

    Asgarath83 likes this
  8. When I first made a saber I used Gmax > Milkshape as well. 


    We have better tools 8 years later. :D


    I strongly suggest, even if you don't use or care to use Blender, that you download it and also Mrwonko's plugin suite. 



    It's really simple to make a saber. 


    A quick tutorial:


    Import Kyle's saber .glm. 


    Make sure you have a window with the Outliner open (bottom or top left of any window is what it type of window it displays, click to change). Remove the model_root_1 by right clicking it and pressing Select Hierarchy. If you have any of Kyle's saber selected already, just press it again until you see everything selected in the 3d view. Right click again and press delete.


    Open up the tree for model_root_0 and remove the saber_w_0 and the other hilt part and put your saber in it's place. To do this:


    First scale your saber to match the size and location of the tags / kyle's saber. Rename the object in the outliner to be saber_w_0

    Next, press ctrl + a to and apply Location, then again and apply Rotation and Scale

    With your saber selected, go to the outliner and shift click on model_root and press ctrl + p and parent to selection.


    Now you have to go to Properties window and give your saber a few properties - hit the Add G2 properties button and give it the name 'saber_w' and point the shader to models/weapons2/your_saber/your_saber's_texture


    Export and it should work great!



    Now, if you still want to use the milkshape route, I suggest you check the console and see if it's looking for the right texture. Make sure that the texture path is being properly saved into the .glm by right clicking it, Open With > Notepad and check the first few lines where the texture is stored in readable format. Do not edit the file, you can't do that with .glm as compressed files like that are based on text character locations and such.

    Circa likes this
  9. You can't open with Notepad, you need a hex editor like XVI32 


    Find any of the aforementioend entities, and replace the _red with spaces (DO NOT press delete).


    Save and test out. Make sure you backed up the BSP as even the slightest break in formatting (Such as deleting any of the character spaces (which shifts all the next ones 1 to the left) will corrupt the bsp.

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