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Posts posted by Pande

  1. Few things: theres no -lomem switch for vis eez, thats for lighting. I think what you are refering to is the hilarious bugs I got with the game when the lightmap data was too big (because I was covering 1/2 the X Y grid x 16 layers with lightmap on about 80k brushes). Lmao that was a funny sight... never again.

  2. Seems a bit complicated for my tastes, I'd rather the player just have to stick it in their base and go... but we'll see. Again, I'm leaving that up to eezstreet.


    That's exactly how it works. ;)


    I think all the user has to do is exec nightvision in their console and it does the rest for them, tho it's been a while since I used that mod. could be more or less work. Anyway, when it comes time to release, let me know, send me a pk3, and i'll see what I can do.

  3. I couldn't figure out a way to replace the crosshair graphic and make it full screen. It kept resizing it down. Also the fact that the crosshair doesn't stay in the center of the screen when turning, and on NPC's but you seem to have found a fix for that. @@eezstreet is the one writing up the code for this so I'll direct him to this.


    As far as them lining up I'm aware and have fixed the issue, I just put that on the backburner until I got the transparencies right for everything. :)


    Check out the nightvision mod, shouldnt be too hard to find. The screen moving stuff was fixed, again probably with a cvar change. Many cvars were changed when you pressed N, and then changed back when you pressed it again. (as I said, done through a vstr)


    As for scale, perhaps he used tcMod scale in its shader or something.

  4. Why not replace the crosshair graphic instead, the way the nightvision mod does? My main concern is now people won't be able to use this with cg_hudfiles 2 or w/e it is (the basic 'just numbers' hud). Also your painted crosshair and the one in the game aren't lining up.


    By the way, couple the above replacement of crosshair graphic with cg_dynamicCrosshair 0 (I think? correct if wrong) which stops that shifting of crosshair over NPCs. All of this can be bound to a vstr or a looping bind, if you need help with either of those let me know.

  5. You don't need to worry about leaks, leaks are for -vis. You shouldn't even be compiling -vis for a .ase. o.0


    The bottom line is: it need's at least one structural brush in order to set up the BSP tree. No entities are needed. Then q3map2 takes the .map, turns it into a .bsp, then takes the surface data and turns that into a .ase.

  6. Select the pieces you'd like to make into an ase.



    Go to file and click save selection. Save it as name_you_want.map



    Open that map. Press I(invert) with nothing selected to select everything. Make sure your filters are off.


    Place everything at origin. 0, 0 , 0. This will become the ase's origin. Make sure you do this. 


    I usually align an edge to 0, 0, 0. The edge that I'll align with geometry.




    You can now convert it to an ase.

    In addition to this, make at least one brush structural (or just make them all structural with invert selection, w/e). A caulkhull isn't necessary.

  7. By based on keystrokes, I mean the end-goal of learning Blender's interface is to be able to hide it all and do everything using the mouse. And it excels, really really really well at that. That said, the windows or menus which you are not using keystrokes to access are easily and very customizably layed out. It also has a super-fast search (press space, type any part of a function) so for example, instead of going to the context menu which contains remove doubles, since  the keyword 'remove' is so seldom used, I just press space then type remove d (this is still faster than moving the mouse) and press enter or click.

    Anyway, topic derailing, sorry.

  8. Press numpad 5, voila depth. :D It's default is actually the depth / 3d perspective, but what you saw in whatever form of media or trying it or whatever was Orthographic perspective, which I actually prefer because it's more mathematically accurate while designing scale. 


    edit: interface? terrible? :( 


    It's all a matter of preference. I used Gmax first and got used to it, I guess. Then I moved to blender and instantly fell in love with the super fast keystroke based UI.

  9. I'm not quite sure what you are talking about, but since you mentioned a .bsp you could try downloading XV32, a hex editor, and searching for what you want to change. You must edit it by replacing things with a space, not deleting. So, shave off a few letters off this string. Make a backup first incase you accidentally press delete, as there's now way to add in a null-space after.


    Otherwise, it's maybe in a .string file in strings/ 


    That's even easier/safer.

  10. This is something I just recently learned myself and haven't tested, but read this:




    Determines the alpha test function used when rendering this map. Valid values are GT0, LT128, and GE128. These correspond to "GREATER THAN 0", "LESS THAN 128", and "GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 128". This function is used when determining if a pixel should be written to the framebuffer. For example, if GT0 is specified, the only the portions of the texture map with corresponding alpha values greater than zero will be written to the framebuffer. By default alpha testing is disabled.


    Both alpha testing and normal alpha blending can be used to get textures that have see-through parts. The difference is that alphaFunc is an all-or-nothing test, while blending smoothly blends between opaque and translucent at pixel edges. Alpha test can also be used with depthwrite, allowing other effects to be conditionally layered on top of just the opaque pixels by setting depthFunc to equal.
    So, in theory, this shader should work. Please anyone correct me if I'm wrong, it's untested.
    qer_editorimage textures/mapname/texturename
    surfaceparm trans
    map textures/mapname/alpha_mask
    alphaFunc GE128
    map textures/mapname/env
    tcGen environment
    depthFunc equal
    map $lightmap
    blendfunc filter
    depthFunc equal
    So, you need two images: your env map, and an alpha map (.tga with white objects in it, no transparent pixels)
  11. @@eezstreet, when you said 'I'm working on it' in page 1 :D


    @everyone else. Please listen to Corto. He's really giving you good advise. I admire your diligence Syko I really do, but 2048x2048 =/= a better texture ingame. Your screens are better, yes, but they just go to show your skill level. The screens have no shading or complex shapes and so they came out looking like better versions of their original. The metal stuff though... it really is not an improvement. 


    I just echo Corto's statement, I don't want to see people wasting time and this, I can guarantee you is a waste of time.

  12. I considered that detail expensive as well, but it's sort of a too each their own subject.


    It's not the level of detail I was objecting to, but rather the design. Would you want to put your foot on those? Uneven surfaces do not make much sense on stairs. :D

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