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Posts posted by Pande

  1. I believe Q3Map2 can extract the lightmap from a .bsp (yielding a set of images) so you can paint it (in your case, make it brighter) and then use Q3Map2 to put it back into the .bsp.

    Possible but not in JKA (you end up with a different .bsp structure that JKA won't load).


    Why not contact the author? SSS gives his email in his readmes, and if you can't get him there try Sith J Cull, they are most likely still in some form of contact.

  2. Woah, neat updates there indeed. I also clearly need to visit mirrors again, I must have been doing something wrong because I was 100% sure that you couldn't have more than 1 individual surface as a mirror in the same PVS, and unless you managed to get the -vis perfectly separating all those areas, which I doubt based on screenshots and the sheer impossibility of it in a few places, you're doing something differently than I was that allows you to do this. o.0 


    I'll elaborate in a pm

  3. About learning, I think you'll learn more just going through the commit log of razish/openjk than wasting the time actually finding the areas of code that need fixing, or even just finding out what needs to be fixed... a lot of the issues fixed are edge cases that can be hard to just stumble upon. That's what eez is getting at, your not wasting time coding - experience is never a waste of time, but you will be wasting time turning up leaves that the OpenJK team has already raked into a neat pile called the github commit log.

  4. Can you share the map source? I'm sure we could tell you pretty fast exactly what it is.


    My passageportalflow usually doesn't take more than 2 minutes on my most complex and largest of maps. However, even one small error such as a lone, many sided structural brush that got missed can break up a 4-6 portal area into thousand when combined with other factors like blocksize.

    Futuza likes this
  5. Around the circular area, the 4th panel from the left looks quite odd as if misaligned on the UV. 

    Also why one megatexture? Any time you have a rectangular surface you ought to be using a new texture for that so you have 0 negative space, it means more resolution room + more chance to reduce overall image sizes.



    By the way, was that mirror floor a real mirror or was it the duplicated geometry technique? I ask because you seemed to have more than 1 surface with the mirror, which in my experience is not possible in the same PVS, but I kept feeling like maybe I did it wrong. If this is indeed a mirror, please contact me as I'd like to correct my past mistakes particularly for DotF (the pit in the middle means multiple surfaces).


    Oh, one other thing is i'd advise you from over-lighting your model in the textures. Ingame, you will either have to not have a lightmap on the model (therefor meaning you must be *perfect* with your model's baked in lighting) and also create lightJunior spotlights everywhere (they only light the player) or put normal lights and 'double' your lighting. 


    Either way, you need to light the player some how. Lighting the entire model with baking seems appealing but you can't forget that the player is going to be completely black if you do this!

  6. Friends keep trying to get me to use it but i just don't see the point when i could use the time modeling but i think the only problem i'd have is learning the whole UVW unwrapping thing again but modeling isn't so hard to pickup.  Most modeling software is interchangeable when it comes to things like that, heck Blender even has a 3DS Max controls option for users to choose if they don't feel comfortable with the default.


    UV unwrapping in Blender is sooooooo much easier, I don't know how I ever lived without it in Gmax and XSI

  7. ^Of course but you'd be animating similarly to Dragon unless you build or have someone else build some sort of animation friendly biped rig.


    Softimage Mod Tool is free, the rig is saved as a Mod Tool 7.5 scene and the video and animation I made as an example were all done in Mod Tool to show just how capable this free program is.


    I've tried blender, if you can get past it's terrible interface (not just my opinion, tons complain about it) then it can be used with Mr. Wonkos exporter, Softimage still has probably the best animation tools though, even poeple using 3ds Max, Maya and other major 3d apps. Mod Tool has all the same modeling and animating tools as the full version, rendering is the only thing that is capped.


    Blender has IK, too

  8. ^ noooooooooooot recommended! :D Go back to programming eez 


    I keed. But seriously that will drag your compile down to the ground. Use negative lights, and use scale/x key/value to adjust their intensity so they aren't so obvious.


    I do wonder though, what is lighting the bottom part? Why is it not possible for you to just have those areas dark while lighting the bottom? Are you using a ambient or minlight over 20?

  9. Don't worry, Akimoto, I know how you feel. I can't ever see a picture of Pinkie Pie and NOT smile like an idiot for at least 15 seconds.


    It's name is Pinkie Pie? Did the writers not see the instant inuendo of that?

    spior likes this
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