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Posts posted by Pande

  1. That's because MB2 maps are siege, and the mapper didn't include any FFA map spawns on it. 


    You could hex edit the BSP and change the name of an info_player_start_red to info_player_start[][][][] 


    Or you could ditch KotF and play the map for real against real people in MB2 and support the legal mod community.

  2. On a side note, 'Title says it all' is a phrase that really bugs me. Because it is NEVER used as the only phrase in the post. It's always accompanied by other info, yknow.. the info that the title supposedly said. :D

    Besides if the title really said it *all*, the title would be 42.


    Anyway, more info on what the project is, how the characters are, maybe some sample text so we can record it and send it to you?

  3. I encountered this problem a lot and when I finally solved it I was quite overjoyed. Szico may be right in this instance, however it's still good to know the fix, right? :D


    qer_editorimage textures/dotf/vines1
    surfaceparm nomarks
    surfaceparm trans
            map textures/dotf/vines1
            alphaFunc GE128
            depthWrite // writes the alpha map for other stages to use
            map $lightmap
    blendfunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO
    depthFunc equal
    // sets the alpha to the same as the stages that wrote it
    Note this only works with alphaFunc. Blendfunc blend is a no-go, it will look ugly no matter what (only in some cases though, depending on the lighting. It's wierd).
  4. I'm trying to submit my map, and not able to. After uploading the .zip containing my .pk3 and readme, (it does upload btw.. I can see upload bandwidth in network monitor and there is a blue bar chugging along on the upload widget) I get this:


    • Pande_JKG_Spaceport.zipNo file was selected for upload


    And after submitting anywhay, this:


    There was an error processing the file. Make sure that after selecting your file that you click the 'Attach File' button before submitting.


    But there is no button anywhere that says Attach File. What is that referring to?




    @@Circa and @@Fighter, I provided a temporary link off-site instead, but when the file is approved can it be changed to a jkhub one? I don't want to subject downloaders to a slow download.

  5. I think you're referring to HDR there. Bloom on its own is pretty much the same as JKA's dynamic glow.

    The two do combine though, good HDR feeds into bloom so when the HDR makes the screen really bright the bloom acts on that. Plus JKA bloom is per shader but real bloom is pixel value based.

  6. Besides, dglow in JKA doesn't support per-shader controls for it (all the controls that are in r_dynamicglow* ) which basically makes it a one-size-fits-all-but-poorly solution for making glowy things. Plus it looks terrible on thin objects that are seen on an angle and has all sorts of artifacts.


    Also.. it's not exactly dynamic. In fact it's pretty linear. Bloom is much more dynamic, it responds to everything on the screen at once and changes when the visuals do.

  7. The warning means that the engine can't make a collision plane for a part of a patch mesh, which may result in being able to pass through patches in a certain way. Make sure you haven't hidden sections of a patch mesh by collapsing them into the neighbouring vertices. I'm not even 100% sure though that that is what causes a degenerate patch (which is what causes cm_gridplane error) but it's my best guess.

    DT. and Futuza like this
  8. Surfaceparm trans is what deals with vis, whereas surfaceparm nonopaque was introduced to allow light to pass through a surface (even structural ones) but I suspect may be completely deprecated now (trans takes on the same properties). I think it used to be that surfaceparm nonopaque would allow you to completely let light through even without surfaceparm alphashadow, but now you need surfaceparm alphashadow and surfaceparm trans to do that.

  9. You shouldn't use caulk for the sides of glass in the first place, that's what nodraw_solid is for. Or make the glass a detailbrush. Otherwise chances are it'll be determined to be solid as far as vis is concerned, keeping the stuff behind it from being drawn.

    Caulk and nodraw_solid are identical shaders

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