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Posts posted by Pande

  1. @@DT85 Would absolutely love help in the animation department, and maybe some assistance with the rig - as you already mentioned on the Moddb image comments, my novice forays into the field did reveal some mistakes that I wouldn't have caught onto without your help. The only caveat is I'm doing it in Blender, however from what I can tell the GLM import/export is pretty damn flawless, so swapping back and forth if need be between your modeling software (max, right?) and blender should not be a problem.


    Let me briefly explain the system for you and for anyone else interested:


    eezstreet's armour system 'stacks' meshes from a .glm model onto your base model using .armor files, and also surfs out meshes from the base model where they are no longer needed, as per instructed in the .armor file (for e.g. a helmet completely covers the head, so to save those tris or possible overlap the head model would be removed).


    To ensure perfect alignment between base mesh and armor/clothes, the models have to be made for each other. Knowing that we wanted a new skeleton, adventures into character modeling were often stinted by the 'well it's just gonna have to get redone when the new skeleton is made' argument, which held water but without development on the skeleton and an increasing number of new armor and clothing models appearing in JKG's assets (mostly by Jonthe aka Psycho) I made an effort recently to start the project. 


    I did succesfully get a glm ingame as an NPC with working test animations - however, I am by no means an animator and as soon as the skeleton is deemed complete and we have all the model tags we need to (that's really important for future weapon holstering and effects!) I will be trying to opensource development of animations as much as possible, and that is where I'd really appreciate the help by yourself DT and anyone else interested!


    Also to note: JKG obviously would share a large quantity of animations with base JKA - so it would be a brilliant idea if once JKG's skeleton outline is written as per what's needed, Base skeleton tags as well as any others wanted by the community could be added and the skeleton could be a shared 'super-skeleton' with new animations to be used by both JKG and other JKA mods.

    katanamaru likes this
  2. Now you got me wondering, I'm working on getting Kain in game as we speak and I had planned on just using the voice recording sessions since there's no background noise to filter out but now I think it may keep my model from being hosted.


    It's a little less wrong in my opinion,  at least as far as morality is concerned. It may indeed be infringement but them putting it on youtube like that, it would almost seem more offensive to the original creators to ignore their higher quality, authentic work.


    Just my 2¢, yeah it's still stealing.

  3. @, why are you trying to prioritize people + files here? First the whole top authors thing, then this list, and then trying to make some sort of special forum thing.. it's not in the nature of this community. Also one of my maps is there, I was not asked. Permission granted but seriously.. this is a community. If you are going to be a part of it, please be respectful.

  4. Yep, this looks like q3map2 doesn't have access to the textures (but radiant does). If q3map2 can't get the textures, it defaults as mrwonko said to a smaller one.


    Something is just wierd about your set up. Can you tell me where q3map2 is located, how you are calling it (using radiant? q3map2 gui? commandline?) and where your base folder is located, etc.

  5. Woops, you're right, it doesn't. 
    From the readme:
     - Compatible with most vanilla Quake 3 mods.
      - HDR Rendering, and support for HDR lightmaps
      - Tone mapping and auto-exposure.
      - Cascaded shadow maps.
      - Multisample anti-aliasing.
      - Texture upsampling.
      - Advanced materials support.
      - Advanced shading and specular methods.
      - sRGB support.
      - LATC and BPTC texture compression support.
      - Screen-space ambient occlusion.


    So instead of DoF I'm interested in Tone Mapping now :) Also, as always, the GLSL shaders, you have teased me with the normal mapping, now I want to see specular :)

  6. Could we see an example of cubemapping, SSAO (to whatever extent it is working), and maybe the DoF? (I'm ignorant as to progress on any of those things ofc, pardon me if they aren't yet available for viewing)

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