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Everything posted by ChalklYne

  1. thats a big ixnay on starting over. i got the lips all weird cuz i wanna save polys but still try and get his awkward ducklips in there. thats also why i didnt do his eyelids and eye creases all insanely detailed like the edgeflow tuts u guys posted. planning on having a lot of detail on his body when i finally finish these other two models so im saving verts where i can. i am overall almost achieving what im lookin for with this head anyways so no need to start over for small details that wont even be seen ingame. havent worked on the back of the head and neck at all obviously.as for the jawline im still debating what to do as in maybe move an edgeloop or add one. its all definately good advice tho to use when i ever start a new character at least ill have some good tuts and references of what to do differently. but nah im almost happy with the way hes turning out, will touch up the jawline and shape his head n neck and will start on his body later after i finish proxys final details in his texturing. also, do u know if i can use bumpmaps in the rendermap? to like, bake my bumpys into my textures?
  2. thx man. might be his actual eyeballs needing some adjustment. hell i dunno. ill mess with it. thx 4 pointin it out
  3. fixed up his polyflow as much as possible and went ahead with texturing. first time with a skin texture looking rather drag queenish, and very surprised about something... a WIP nonetheless lol no renders or nothing or subdivision, just the textured decal mode screenshotted a few times * i just noticed that horizontal line in his chin, it was most likely caused when i baked the shadows into the texture, fixing it up now with a quick clone stamp or something
  4. heres a lil more work man i didnt even check that pic u gave inyri hold on ima touch em up thku
  5. im trying to fix the smoothing groups around his eyes right now, then prolly smooth out his lumpy head lol *whoa! somehow he lost a hlf of an edge loop there....
  6. didnt notice i had any hold on ill fix em if i can find em. *oh crap! theyre huge right in the front derdader.. my bad.
  7. didnt reLLY FEEL LIKE RIGGING OR TEXTURING TODAY.. FELT LIKE MAKIN A HEAD AFTER SEEING INYRI'S MODEL. whoa. my capss lock was on. first time succeeding at making a head
  8. yep. shepprd
  9. yeah im hand painting him inch by inch now. im pretty flabbergasted at how hes turning out..and his metal is no longer an issue. the reason i added noise in the first place is cuz i wanted to see how it would look flat instead of glossy. but it bombed.hes fixed now.. ill post some pics soon.
  10. yeah i don like how they turned out either.. been debating changing it to a more plasticy-metal look
  11. wait, so its not like modifying the SP code, cuz u have a whole new core? im not good with coding, but in lamens, is it like that? kind of working around the no SP code, by creating a whole new Sp engine? or more like adding coding to the existing engine? sorry im code n00b
  12. yea skeletons sorry dude. sucky
  13. WTF!? i had no idea this was taking place. go u. pretty flippin Badass
  14. dumb question but its not really my area of expertise (if indeed i do have one lol) hey so if we have the MP code, howz come we cant have custom skeles in MP?
  15. well... i missed a lot of the details after a good second look, so heres my final version. cant wait to see him with his glow and spec shaders
  16. convert the roq into images and send it to me ill try it, id do it myself but i dont have JO. i owe u one anyways lol scratch that just send me the roq i gotta nother idea
  17. could prolly set up a photoshop action to take care of it all right? import em all as layers and action it to switch between the layers and i think itll pretty much convert the whole roq at once right? am i following what yer thinkin?
  18. so makin that skele for kazdans got me wantin to take a break, so i overhauled proxys textures and got him all prettied up, ill be rigging him tomorrow. 5800 tris 3400 points crits? i coulda prolly saved a few polys here or there by not adding in some of the needless detail (since it is jka), but its not too bad and i like how he turned out.
  19. another one of my patented dumb questions... how hard would it be to have the unreal engine (UDK) accept .glms .glas and .efx?
  20. so im just setting up the constraints for the feet and finger curls and what not so i can animate him easier in xsi... but its a task and a half for a n00br like me, so on my off time in between im retexturing him, and finishing up proxy. heres some texture updates as i work on them...
  21. im animating kazdan in xsi. wish me luck lol
  22. i second that. where should we start such a thread for posting random pics of jka? art,media and technology?
  23. theres just sooooo much verts u can save with this model... i really just dont know where to start. id say definately start deleting all the backfaces that yer not gunna see in jka on everything. all that little armor seems to be separate full meshes where it could b done with 3 sided hollow cubes. make sense? like this.. delete all those ones like the ones i highlighted in red man and his helmet is seriously just gunna have to depend on some awesome texturing. some of it should be geometrical and some of it should be textural. especially that facemask u could acheive that same shape with 1/2 that maybe less then texture the crap out of it. i see that guy being done really nicely in around 7-8000 tris his helmet also looks rather flat at the top especially for how many faces are being used on it. hell u delete some of those edge loops and that flat top should smooth rite out u might not even have to shape it lol. but man u put a lott of work into that. id like to see something like that get finished. me personally, id start over, but if i put tons of work into him like that, id go thru and manually change it all back into nice smooth flowing quads and just go edge by edge thru him eliminating unecessary stuff. pretty awesome model tho man i got a stormtrooper thats at about 11000 and i went wayyy overboard i coulda saved quite a few when i look back at it. still looks cool =) good job dude cant wait to see textures
  24. proxy is being resegmented atm... and on the side im finishing up kazdans rig. ill hopefully be able to start his anims soon. heres some progress and an idea of how his rig will operate messin with his bone structure and fixing little deformers here n there to make sure he moves like i want...
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