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Everything posted by ensiform

  1. That only works on md3 models that are not in the bsp. Also, misc_model_static is explicitly marked as RF_NOSHADOW in MP. Where it is not in SP.
  2. This is one of the many things drawn by code and not referenced in the HUD menu files unfortunately.
  3. ensiform

    FPS issue:

    But OpenJK does not affected anything related to this. The effects creation is triggered by the mod code loaded.
  4. The number of GPL compatible physics libraries is also pretty low.
  5. You can copy and paste all the lines of the console. Use the condump cmd.
  6. Means you didn't change those menus yet. Knowing what you did to "change" it in JO would be helpful in determining why its not working in JA.
  7. openjk.x86.exe will not run a dedicated server, you must use openjkded.x86.exe cgame and ui implies that client is running.
  8. The cutscenes menu is just a list of the roq files.
  9. Don't forget that accessing pointers as arrays or arrays in general is also dereferencing.
  10. You mean you set the light key and the color key on the door? Because:
  11. Windows XP had it with Plus Pack.
  12. And people are asking for this on feedback:
  13. Presently using it right now in a VM. As for the, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V thing. I'm not 100% sure it will work when you actually have an application running though. (Ctrl+C kills process)
  14. This is because Aspyr is crappy, and decided not to allow mac builds to play nicely with servers which run custom PK3s in later versions of the mac release. You could try the OpenJK mac client instead. See: http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/178-installing-openjk-on-os-x/
  15. You missed the page that glaringly says the builds are down in the News section. http://jkhub.org/topic/4709-update-builds-page-is-down-temporarily-until-shellshock-is-fixed/?do=findComment&comment=69642 (It isn't down anymore though)
  16. That's because the builds page was down due to the shellshock bash bug needing to be fixed. It was brought back online this morning. Try now
  17. That's just a debug assert. Have you tried hitting the retry button ever to actually show you where the problem is? [As it says right at the bottom] Or the ignore button to continue on (multiple times if necessary) Seems to me like you have some foreign characters somewhere in a string that its noticing. Dat XP doe.
  18. He won't. Doesn't have/care about JK. Plus is working on his own projects outside of ioq3-rend2.
  19. What strange error? Being vague like that helps nobody. You cannot run it from VS without changing parameters to point it to the gamedata. Easiest is to launch the debug stuff after you've copied the debug versions to gamedata, and select "Attach to Process" in debug menu after it is running.
  20. Still sounds like a problem with your edits and mod. If you cannot figure out the location of where it's crashing with debug or such I cannot help you from forum chat. As for it crashing in base, well I have never reproduced it in base or OpenJK.
  21. If you are running debug and it crashes it will let you find the location ._. You can't even obtain it without cheating let alone, it does not crash under normal circumstances for getting it with the eweaps cheat here anyway so I'm not sure what special circumstances you are running to also cause it to crash.
  22. No, the power of two rules apply to all textures. But they don't have to be square. 1024x256 (as an example). You'll want to scale canvas size bigger than your intended size if you absolutely must use a non power of two size. But then you will have to deal with blending/alpha for the outer.
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