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Posts posted by ensiform

  1. What consistency, you yourself said you don't use it.  Its not used with Steam versions.


    Such hostility.  It does not in any way relate to the overall consistency with the project goal.


    Also, the menu IS part of the actual game so your comparison is kind of wrong.

  2. I don't get how or why it needs to be the same.  It frankly was a pile of shit to begin with.  Also those assets cannot be ripped legally and reused in another project.


    The launcher was never required to launch JKA, nor was it included in the source release.

  3. It would be cool if you could add some way for you to be able to automatically download and update mods from JKHub right from the launcher, kind of how Steam workshop works with Skyrim's launcher. 

    While that would be nice, its not really practical.  We don't exactly have huge content data networks around the world that Steam does.  Also Nexus is way better than using workshop.


    Not to mention most mods are a culmination of pk3s etc, there isn't exactly a locally stored hash or anything of what mods are what or what are installed.

  4. Things that could be considered major that will probably get done at some point that I can think of:


    (In no specific order)

    • Fix/clean/gut the sound system to split it off to base / OpenAL (use alsoft + EFX)
    • Persistent console history for clients
    • HTTP/FTP download redirection (using cURL) in the client engine.  URL to use set on server
    • IPv6 support
    • Rend2
    • Shared Renderers
    • VOIP support (from ioq3? network compatibility issues somewhat?)  -- Long ways out

    Any other things we want to do like re-factoring and splitting stuff off into static libraries to be more shared is too behind the scenes where users aren't going to care so much in terms of bumping big version numbers.

  5. No, it exists in MP.  You must be using the cgame module provided by OJK to use it.  Or JA++ client, or the upcoming MB2 client.  It is a gamecode addition thus simply using the OpenJK replacement engine will not do anything in MP.

  6. Portable switch is an option you can set during the compliation of the OpenJK code.  To make it not use homepath at all.  This will never be defaulted on the main builds.


    The ordering that dlls are loaded from with OpenJK are as follows:

    fs_basepath, fs_homepath, fs_cdpath.


    In jamp it was just fs_basepath, fs_cdpath.


    So, going with your most recent attempted changes try this:

    • Don't have any of your game DLLs contained in a pk3 within the mod folder
    • Make sure there are no game DLLs within the mod folder.
  7. Right, as Raz0r said it isn't doing anything differently other than using fs_homepath for ALL writes.  If you have dangling dlls in the GameData/mod folder it'll still try to use those though.


    FWIW, I would recommend getting the value of fs_basepath and setting fs_homepath to that directly instead of using the "." shortcut.  Not all things know how to actually do proper comparison on "some path" and "."

  8. We need more details otherwise it becomes difficult to help you track down the issue.


    You've established now that the server was JA+, but what was the gametype?  When exactly did it crash?  Was there any loading at all?  Do you have JA+ client side installed?

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