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Posts posted by ensiform

  1. It doesn't really fix any of the issues that the Creative proprietary version supports though.  And EFX may not work the way we want it since the eal file parser is not available which I haven't seen any sort of online documentation for it's file format.

  2. You should be explaining your errors not just telling us there are errors during compilation.  How would we know what errors you are experiencing?  Sounds like you just copy pasted the SP code without changing the necessary gi functions to the trap equivalents.  Also ent->max_health doesn't exist.  Not really related to the language being used as the code you're looking at in SP for this is still C compatible despite being .cpp file.


    From the looks of it, the code is not broken.  The functionality was implemented simply for NPCs/ICARUS it seems.  And because the command didn't exist in Quake3 they didn't add it to the MP SDK or pay much attention because its a cheat after all.


    And yes, it should be moved most likely.  This isn't a topic about OpenJK.

    mrwonko likes this
  3. http://ioquake3.org/get-it/


    These are the files you should be downloading and installing


    1. http://ioquake3.org/files/1.36/installer/ioquake3-1.36-3.1.x86.exe  You need either tell it to install to quake 3's directory OR copy quake3's pak0.pk3 to the directory that it gets installed to.


    2. http://ioquake3.org/files/1.36/data/ioquake3-q3a-1.32-1.x86.exe This is only necessary if you install ioquake3 to a separate directory from quake3. (You should make sure it is set to same install folder as step 1 if not)


    3. See below, extract files in the zip for x86 Windows to the folder #1 and #2 are installed to.

    After using any of these installers you should upgrade to a test build 

  4. You should not be using caulk on the other liquid surfaces, regardless if it appeared to work before.  The compiler will randomly pick a face that the contents of are used, its not set which one is used all the time.  It's not really random but it isn't always the same face that gets looked at between either the ordering from saving .map file and or something compiler does.  Your best bet is actually a nodraw water and a nodraw lava.  They may have to be created for your map but that's the safest way to ensure all sides are the correct contents.

  5. No, in fact it is not a problem with the engine but it is a problem with your graphics stack with something on your laptop like I said previously.  Unfortunately it is common for nvidia, amd and intel to provide shit support for OpenGL especially on older graphics cards and laptops.  The Microsoft driver is not supportive of real OpenGL unfortunately, which is being used causing issue.  MOH isn't even using SDL, which then disproves the theory that SDL is at fault here.  It is highly, laughably implausible that JO works but JKA or MOH don't or even Q3.


    What link are you using to download ioquake3?  It comes with SDL in the zip file downloaded.  ioquake3 requires quake 3, it doesn't run separately either.

  6. Kinda surprised nobody has come up with the idea to do a total conversion horde mode mod for JKA. Ala CoD zombies or something to that effect.


    I realize that its unrealistic and I don't have any kind of time to put forth nor am I artistic to create levels or anything.  Just thought I'd throw the idea out there.



    "Hey let's just add zombies mode with trooper skins, making some kind of backstory of how all the clones got turned into zombehs for lulz."

    Jolly likes this
  7. server.cfg is never auto generated by the game or server itself.  This is a construct of the server operator.


    with jampded jampserver is created and with OpenJKded this is openjk_server.cfg  These are not the configs you would care about.  As this is the same thing as your regular player config, but for servers.

    Smoo likes this
  8. In theory yes but not necessarily as it was grafted to the jka engine and there are issues with modern compilers, saves, and such.


    If you have the pack files for glow you can have dynamic glow and such for example.

    Smoo likes this
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