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Posts posted by ensiform

  1. Because you've not put it in the directory with the game.


    It's under lib/SDL2/bin and select x86 if older than vs 2015 otherwise you want the x86 2015 one.

    It's copied if configured to install. As the buildbot does include it for jka.

  2. Its not saying which executable was being used unfortunately so its difficult to say.  This can happen if the game is still running if you're launching from the build directory, or it could be one of the compiler tools, cmake, etc.


    Did you turn on all 3 build jk2 things in cmake?  You must use the JK2SP Client, JK2SP Game, and JK2SP Vanilla Renderer for JK2.  There is no startup +set com_jk2 1 or anything like that.  You still need to copy the SDL 2 dll to your game directory of course as per usual which is prebuilt for you.

  3. The icons with the person in it look eerily like they come from Portal for some reason. :P


    The alt fires are looking good.  Concussion is a little bit strange though.  I'd say use the sniper logo for the conc alt as the conc alt is an instant hit/hitscan laser like thing.


    Also forgot about the turbo laser... misc_turretG2 idk if those are the hoth turrets or the hanging turrets though.  And I think the turret you're using is the player usable one.  Sadly the turret and emplaced etc are all kinda mixed and mashed as far as what uses what.  I think emplaced even uses the vehicle MOD :/

  4. The point behind using the different for some of the alt fires is that they are rapidly different kill types.  Such as the Repeater and Conc and flechette.  Or maybe the addition to the weapon icon could look different like how TF2 has the extra imagery after the weapon icon on some.

    Grab likes this
  5. So I'm thinking we'd want:


    • Stun Baton
    • Melee
    • Pistol (there is no distinguishing death MOD for jka vs jk2 pistol)
    • Blaster
    • Disruptor
    • Bowcaster
    • Repeater
    • Repeater Alt
    • DEMP2
    • Flechette
    • Flechette Alt
    • Rocket
    • Homing Rocket
    • Thermal
    • Trip Mine
    • Detpack
    • Generic Vehicle
    • Concussion Rifle
    • Concussion Rifle Alt Fire
    • Force power kill (There is no way to distinguish this)
    • Portable Sentry kill
    • Drowned in water
    • Dissolved in slime
    • Burned to death in lava
    • Crushed by object
    • Telefragged
    • Fell to death
    • Suicide / unknown / trigger_hurt / generic?
    • target_laser / turret
    • Clean version of basic team color icons for flag and not sure what would be good for grab/drop/capture/return distinguishing icon wise could also be text next to icon as well
    Asgarath83 and Circa like this
  6. Would anyone be willing to make a pack of icons for kill feed/action feed?


    You'd want one for each type of weapon at least, and base death/kill types and probably at least some kind of default for the "unknown".


    Other things possible: flag taken, flag capture, flag return.... Any others?  Some stuff is only printed to all clients and isn't an event of sorts so can't really handle those.

    Asgarath83 likes this
  7. I always remember the slash and * binds on the numpad mapping to the regular verisons in JAMP.  And this looks unchanged code wise.  It's treated as the same keynum value as * but only bind * works and bind / works.  I think the issue may have to do with the character value mapping to the incorrect character maybe?  It maps to the literal unicode multiplication × sign rather than * for KP_STAR U+00D7 isn't the same as the ASCII *.


    https://github.com/jedis/jediacademy/blob/master/codemp/client/cl_keys.cpp#L245 claims to still be the case in base too.  So I'm not sure where the issue actually lies here or if behavior did actually change.  Could be SDL handling of characters too which may be externally blocked if this is a problem.

  8. Mismatched UI_API_VERSION: expected 1, got 2


    Means there's a conflict between engine and UI import/exports.  IE either old engine and new mod or something like that.  Probably affects all the mod "dlls"


    The crash is... Not sure, might try without mods (particularly custom models) to see if that affects the crash from the first part.

  9. Does it by any chance have anything to do with the fact that you're essentially having the app within another app like that?  I have no clue how Apple libraries are loaded particularly SDL2.  Its not specifically in our codebase as loading it manually with dlopen.  It must be in the SDL code itself.

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