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Cloud Senatu

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Everything posted by Cloud Senatu

  1. There is a site that you can upload the image into and save it as a .jpg and it'll show you the missing textures. However, I can't remember the name of the site and the person that showed me isn't online.. But yeah, do what Azatha said.. just open it in MS Paint and save as a .jpg and you should see the missing textures.
  2. Yeah, I've gotten the BsoD a couple times.. Mainly on a really old computer that I'm running more then it can handle lol.
  3. Sup Lightning, its Cloud/NightK/Sazen
  4. Freddy!? If its you... HEY! If not...well still welcome to the Hub
  5. Oh, don't get me wrong I'm not saying Adobe isn't better or that its a Microsoft only product. I was simply using it as an example. The only thing I was getting at was the fact that originally, Adobe took the Apple programs, edited a couple things and called it a new software. Since then they've improved their programs greatly and I stand by Adobe till the bitter end. And, @@spior, I've been using Android phones for the past 2 years and I've never had one crash on me. And both my teacher and girlfriend have had more problems then I can count with their iPhone's, my teacher has switched about 5 times cause of it. So, I think its the user when it comes to that.. Android is not some hard-ass thing to use compared to the iPhone.
  6. Is that the clan that Kyle Katarn is also in? If so, tell him I said hi! He'll know who I am Also, welcome to the Hub!
  7. Easy now, I didn't go that far.. believe it or not, most everything Microsoft has done was based off Apple. Microsoft actually started as a rip from Apple, and you can still see it in programs made today.. I'll give you an example...look at the Adobe products. Its basically the Microsoft version of the products made for Apple. And believe it or not, Adobe took the Apple products, changed just a couple things and released it as something new. Thankfully they've improved on it over the years But yeah, back when it was first done, the law was "Change 3% and its no longer Copyrighted". They then changed it to 6%, then 30% and then, from what I understand, removed the law last year. Meaning now that even if you change something 70% it'll still fall under the Copyright laws. But, as I said, almost everything that's done so far computer wise and the like was started by Apple and then others ripped 'em off. Back to the topic; I like how I can easily access the site from my phone now, and its not like most sites where it has no mobile version. Love it! lol
  8. Hm, I can't remember exactly how but a couple friends and I used to do this but in JA+. We would wall-grab and then have someone flip-kick us and off we went. Its rather awesome..
  9. @@eezstreet Since when is a normal phone ever better from a jail broken one? @@Malkav Indeed, the things you mentioned were a couple of the reasons I can't stand the iPhone. Not only that, but I would prefer not to only have the option to put music on my phone having to use iTunes. I like the ability to simply copy/paste it where I want I mean...in the end, its the persons opinion I suppose. My old college teacher used to work for Apple and will swear by the iPhone, but at the same time he also states that Android's are better in most things.. such a crazy man. And yes, Android 3.X is not worth the time of day to even mention it, yet alone try to dissect it lol. But yeah, hell if you like iPhone then more power to ya, if you like Android, then good on you
  10. Actually, sorry to say the Android, in the long run, is far better. Compared to what most people think, I've put my Android side-by-side with my GF's iPhone. iPhone is nice, and has some good features, but in the long run it just doesn't quite match up. Definitely for the constant high-price Apple charges for their stuff.. just sayin'
  11. I love the second texture job. Personally I think I would end up reskinning the red stripes to be a Teal and I'd be a happy camper That or a deep, dark Teal armor with deep purple stripes...
  12. That's looking amazing! It'll be awesome to have this model in-game I have to admit, I haven't played but maybe an hour of the first Mass Effect...
  13. I will shoot you with a 50 cal. Sniper Rifle, just saying! As for the posts and the like...some insults are just better to delete them, but perhaps not the entire post. As you did seem to edit my entire post, instead of just removing the part that was an "insult", and some of the post was necessary for the topic itself. But still, as I stated before...time and place for everything.
  14. Hm, I do realize how my post seemed to come across a bit too...harsh. But I will say, I took no offense or anything to the purple comment...I've been waiting for someone to say something actually. As far as the deletion and lock...perhaps if it gets to the point that every other post is being deleted/edited, it would be better to lock. There's a time and place for both options, I suppose.
  15. Dude, I really wish I could have the sword in that third picture! That is like...orgasmic!
  16. It would be awesome to see that made into a model! Definitely past my skills of modeling I'm afraid.. :/
  17. If I'm able to get it together, I'll be going as Cloud Strife. As if that's a really huge shock, lol... I'll either do Cloud, or I'll create Illrian
  18. Yeah, the issue with me is none have been anywhere near me. Well, I take that back...there was one last year, but I didn't hear about it till about 1 week before hand, and had no job for the money Next year there is supposedly one happening in July that'll be only 1-2 hours away, gonna look into it. Dunno yet.
  19. I've been wanting to go, but haven't been able to find the time/money whenever there was one anywhere close(ish) to me. But I plan on going to some eventually, just gotta get around to it!
  20. I personally really like it. The only thing that seems to slightly bug me is the 'thumbs'. The part where the thumb first comes off the hand seems a bit fatter then I guess I would think. But other then that, I think it looks amazing still! Really will be happy when this is in-game and useable. ^.^
  21. Welcome, though you've probably been on here longer then me
  22. Okay, as the title says, I just figured I'd post a couple AMV's I made about 4-5 years ago. There are no where near the best, but hey...they were the first ones I ever made, and I haven't done much in video editing since. So here you guys go...and yes they're all of Avatar: The Last Airbender...well not all, one is a Tribute to the Military.
  23. Heh, I remember when I first asked you to create this model, and it really sucks that the reason why is no longer valid D: Still, this is a model that was needed for JA! It looks so damn amazing, so pretty
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