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Cloud Senatu

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Everything posted by Cloud Senatu

  1. Make it a droid that you encounter, Azatha
  2. That music video/song, whoever made it had to have been on Acid or something o.o I feel like I'm on Acid just watching it. Very different from what I'm used to listening. However its actually not too bad, nice pick Azatha
  3. There is a ported Proxy model, but as far as I have ever been able to tell there's no JA Proxy model. My RP character is using the hand from the ported Proxy model, basically because there wasn't any good cybernetic hands other then that. If there was a Proxy model made specifically for JA before, then it slipped past me, and I won't deny that is possible
  4. Yeah, I know a couple people have tried to get permission to use the RPMod for their servers... But, I think its a great idea to get a mod out there that's designed for RP, because whether people want to admit it or not, RP has probably become bigger then the normal ol' clans. I mean, even JA+ clans are starting to have a RP side, so that tells ya something As for the commands, its hard to tell which ones are pointless, honestly. At least to me. For the majority of the commands that can be abused on others, I find they all have their own specific needs and the like. The thing really is...the person who owns the server needs to watch what type of powers he/she gives to people. That's where most the abusing comes from, is people who want to just use them for anything and everything.
  5. Hm, honestly I think this looks pretty good. I'm rather biased due to the RPMod for JEDI. But, as a new RP mod for JA, I think this looks good. Honestly will like to see what it looks like later on. As far as admin commands being abused in JA+, its pretty much every command. It more depends on the people and who's getting the commands and the like.
  6. That's looking amazing! I honestly would truly love to see the Proxy model for JA. Been wanting to see it for a while..
  7. Caelum, sweetie, quit trying to hide it already. Everyone knows the truth! Yet here I am, the one talking in purple...
  8. Kazdan Paratus, one of the Jedi you have to face and kill as Starkiller in The Force Unleashed. The model looks truly amazing, very nicely done!
  9. Hello and hello... And Jango, back down haha.
  10. Most of the "really awesome" models that look exactly like the original game model tend to be ported. This is very sad, but alas its becoming more and more true with each passing day. I know my original model for my RP was a port of Bao-Dur. But I eventually got away from it, put horns on the HS Head after I edited the vertex's a touch.. lol.
  11. Cloud Senatu


    Welcome to the Hub. Now...sign your soul to me, please? B)
  12. Hm, I've got a few of the mods you posted. The other ones I haven't gotten because I don't see the need for them anymore, not for me anyways. I am pretty much just in the RP clan when it comes to actually playing the game, so yeah.. But still, really good mods, all of them. If I still played JA+/Base I'd get all of them. I do have that Skyline one that Caelum posted. xD
  13. Indeed, all you do is /say_team_mod clan then /clanpass <word> and you can use Team Chat to talk with whoever did the password. Its a way for people on a server to talk with each other without...frustrating others. Jedi Praxeum did it a lot ^.^
  14. Last I checked, you can use clanpass on Base (at least I always have o.o...) and yes, as I said...admin There shouldn't be a reason to give anyone the Rcon password anyways, whether you're running JA+ or Base.. But that's just my own personal thinking. Yeah, the emotes are what brings a lot of people to JA+, but that's for those that want to be lazy in the game anyways...
  15. Mainly, the only reason someone would actually get JA+ is to have admin powers on their server to abuse people. Sleep them, slap them, teleport them off the map...those type of things. JA++ is far better from what I've been able to tell, but I don't touch it much so I'm not the best person to ask that
  16. Definitely needs work on the models...ugh.
  17. I'd love to help in any way I can! I'm not the best at creating brand new models, but I know how to tweak models enough. Not sure how else I could help, but if there's ever something that came up that I could do I'd gladly do so. I've always loved Stargate (mainly SG-1), and I know there's one map for JA (I think?) and I've been wanting a lot more stuff so... Hell yeah! lol
  18. Well, I must say it looks really great. Definitely a game I'll have to look into trying out. Though, it seems to be a mix of Half-Life, Halo, and maybe even a touch of...oh what game am I thinking of, can't remember. But yeah, it looks interesting so I'll give it a try sometime...maybe when it comes out of beta.
  19. The lower-left is my favorite one. I truly love that design. I was actually looking for that type of model a little over a year ago for my RP character...but couldn't find a good one D:
  20. I have to agree, the hilt looks truly amazing. Nicely done!
  21. I truly love the bottom left outfit. That is really amazing! Honestly can't wait till we can download and use this/these models!
  22. Not my fault you can't appreciate good old music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPYF2p-cGx8
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hInLgS5rCfM
  24. Here's some things I've made for my JEDI Residents page.. Along with a couple screenshots from an event that took place...
  25. Sounds about right in what we hope to see. I should be sticking around more now that I have this site bookmarked
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