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Cloud Senatu

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Everything posted by Cloud Senatu

  1. @@Garyn Dakari There's actually quite a few parody/covers of the song now. Its become very popular, and I think its the beat that's made it that way.
  2. This is my only reason now, as well. Without JEDI, I would have already put the game away.
  3. To my knowledge, the only way it was ever done (At least in JA) was to have a literal Merc match. I can't remember how exactly, but there is a way in JA to make it where its guns-only. I think its in the JA+ mod though. :/ As far as JO is concerned, I've never known it to be possible...but I could be very wrong.
  4. OMG I LOVE IT!! Its our own personal Bumblebee from Transformers...and it meets Geth. Epic!
  5. Very awesome! That is damn near perfect! I love it, Inyri!
  6. Damn nice, Ruxith!
  7. Lol I know, it does make ya think it'll be porn at first, but even the original image has no actual "private" showings. They're simply naked for the painting aspect, because they're supposed to blend into the wall as much as possible.. As for the George Lucas bashing, honestly I don't know why they did it, but I think a lot of people have that look on him. Mainly because he's constantly changing something in the original series, that's without a question
  8. Um...mine is .JPG and no one has complained. I've always used .JPG for my textures unless it absolutely requires .PNG I've never encountered a lower resolution, so long as you make sure to save it at its highest possible. And saving it at that doesn't make it have some gap in size compared to a .PNG.
  9. Thought some of you might enjoy this Parody. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJlbPXZEpRE
  10. That's because most people don't allow Lookout to be running constantly. Lookout is, from what I've found, the best anti-virus/malware software for the phones. Its kept my phone safe from a few things since I've gotten it.. but people don't particularly like it sometimes.
  11. Hm, probably a deep purple or a deep teal...something to go with the stripes on it.
  12. Looks pretty awesome, Inyri! That's one issue with mine...I didn't add any type of glow images to it :/
  13. Also I forgot to add this, so that everyone can see just what the model looks like with my texture. Whoops!
  14. Yeah, I noticed it.. took me a little while to figure it out because I wasn't paying attention lol. However, you'll notice in the .PSD, I did delete parts of the solid strip, so that the other one wasn't overlapping. You could see the color difference and I didn't like it, sooooooo....yeah. Also going to the steam now for ya!
  15. Alright, well as I said it wasn't going to be anything fancy or enormous when it comes to the changes. Simply darkened the majority of him, and made the stripes teal and purple. I know, I know...I'm weird. Oh well, deal with it! lol JPG Version PSD Version Skin File
  16. Heh, I coulda made my own .skin file, was just posting the assumption. But thank you for it, Inyri<3
  17. Its shirtless, and really the reason is because I love the background behind it. And Inryi, I'm home and will be working on the image.. ^.^ I'm assuming we'll have to make our own .skin file to properly load the image onto the model in Modview.
  18. Which, in all honesty, isn't the best news...because it means the HD2 will be the first to get stuck with any flaws. Not saying that's bad exactly, but I'd rather get the software a bit later so that more of the bugs can be worked out.
  19. Downloading and I'll do a bit of tweaking to it. I'm not going to do some kind of outrageous editing to the texture. But gonna do a bit of teal adding and the like.. when I get home from work tonight.
  20. Yeah, I've been using the Samsung Galaxy SII since it first came out (gift). I haven't experienced any issues. There was one time that it slowed down on me, but I figured out why.. I had a bunch of apps running that I didn't know.
  21. There is a site that you can upload the image into and save it as a .jpg and it'll show you the missing textures. However, I can't remember the name of the site and the person that showed me isn't online.. But yeah, do what Azatha said.. just open it in MS Paint and save as a .jpg and you should see the missing textures.
  22. Yeah, I've gotten the BsoD a couple times.. Mainly on a really old computer that I'm running more then it can handle lol.
  23. Sup Lightning, its Cloud/NightK/Sazen
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