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Posts posted by Fuse294

  1. Joking aside, a number of you have already seen me lurking in the shadows ready to pounce so I thought I'd make a formal introduction. So this is hello from me, so a bit about me.


    I roleplay though not as much these days as I'm on a break from it all, I have knowledge in skinning and modifying npc/saber files as a number of you will have already seen latter wise, I've been a fan of star wars since I picked up a copy of Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds, I didn't start with the movies it was all an accident I guess then went from there and I've followed the movies/shows since then. I'm currently engrossed in watching Rebels and playing Battlefront, I'm excited for Episode VIII in May 2017 and I am a huge fan of The Old Republic series by Bioware even if I no longer play as much as I used to.


    I'm a fan of a number of other series (Game/TV) such as Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Fallout, Attack on Titan, Doctor Who, etc.


    So yeah... yada yada <Insert Joke here> that's me!

    Echo and Bek like this
  2. So since I've been asked to elaborate, I'm gonna go and do that. I shall mention that the movie looks nice and all, but is horrible and unfinished as far as plot and logic go. I went on and watched ANH in order to forget about the mess I'd seen in the cinema, but I guess I'll have to remember (don't know why am I even doing this for you people, you shouldn't be worth it).



    • Another Death Star. Seems like it's impossible to come up with anything new.
    • Idiotic lightsaber. No explanation whatsoever. Am I supposed to believe that Kylo added the crossguard blades so he could torture people with them?
    • Kylo as a character. Annoying. Childish. Has anger issues (kinda funny TBH but that doesn't add worth to the film). Like somebody mentioned (I think?), he's like a conflicted teen. That can never be good for a movie of this kind.
    • Kylo is both the worst lightsaber user and the dumbest Force user ever. How does one fail to eliminate a non-Force sensitive guy that ever swung the lightsaber like 5 times? Even if he's that bad in lightsaber combat, how does he suddenly forget he has the Force and the opponent doesn't? We fucking saw him restrict that rebel's hand via Force before. He couldn't do that against Finn for plot reasons? That seems to be the explanation. And... then he lost to someone who just realized they are Force-sensitive and has never wielded a lightsaber. Is Kylo supposed to be a laughing stock? I couldn't tell due to how bad the movie was.
    • Way to ruin all the Luke hype.
    • The movie cut out some stuff seen in the trailers. Extended Edition incoming?
    • Finn. A stormtrooper-turned-good? That is way too fucking convenient for the main party.
    Should be enough for now.






    On point 3 compared to the 99% stoic vader it was an improvement, to see someone throw a fit of anger (or tantrum depending on how you look at it) shows they are still very much a person, I sure as hell would have reacted like he did if shit fell apart.

    On 4 Kylo had a hole in his side after being SHOT by Chewbacca, I'd like to see you fight someone with all your power when you're injured I'm not sure if you were aware but getting shot tends to hurt a lot! Finn still got his ass handed to him and you're complaining that Kylo took what 2 minutes longer to all but kill him? 


    Lightsaber duels aren't about showing off they are about finesse, using what assets you have and what I saw was a man trying to save as much energy as he could by not using all his strength against someone like Finn, he knew he'd probably end up having to fight rey and he was very well aware she was started to develop her force abilities so he was being cautious, that's logic. Using certain abilities can take a toll on the user and clearly he didn't have the stamina remaining to pull off a Force Stasis on Finn AND fight Rey.


    On 5 I semi agree, he could have said SOMETHING.


    On 6 I noticed it was different, but that tends to happen with films, they remove bits for time constraints.


    On 7, Han was once a Stormtrooper, General Reikan was once an imperial officer I fail to see your point? Finn harbored some negativity towards the First order because he was taken from his family at a very young age, he never knew them. He had a moral conflict when he saw people slaughtered just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, many imperials were known to defect during the Galactic Civil war because they didn't agree on the empires policies or they grew tired of the senseless slaughter and wanted to try and make things right.


    Futuza and Darth Sion like this
  3. You can, just move the music files to a music folder in base and use the /music <track name> command, you can change the music at anytime so long as the mp3 file is right, you'll have to rename them to remove the spaces for them to work. You can use subcategories like exploration/action so you'd type say /music music/exploration/secunda.


    Just make sure the files are stereo and 44100 Hz.

  4. One issue with certain maps released by people can be that they haven't used area boundaries so the sound will be heard anywhere on the map, for a roleplayer it can be extremely bothersome hearing lightsabers clashing at normal volume from inside a building as if you're in the room with them.

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