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Posts posted by Fuse294

  1. One way is to find the EXACT textures needed from the ingame console when the maps load, it will show something like:


    images/bespin/bench or whatever, move the individual files to a seperate PK3 and put them in the same folder as the map, I encountered a similar issue when using mb2_republiccruiser for some RP once and I had to personally isolate the folders with the textures inside AND THEN delete EVERYTHING not needed individually. Windowed mode can help with that as you can minimize with the console open while checking the files, all the images need to be in sub folders that are pathed through the exact ones shown in the console,.


    I know it sounds like a big thing to go through just for the sake of missing textures but it means the map in question will load everything and nothing will be pushed out like it would if you simple copied ALL the assets from JK2, I believe it's to do with a limitation on how many files the game will support at any one time, for example too many npc files can cause some npcs to stop working ingame (they simply do not register).


    I hope this helps.

  2. Yes, it's an installer, but once it installs there's a PK3 file in game data that you could extract.

    This, once ANY mod is installed, all the related files are displayed in PK3 format within their folders, I can guarantee 100% you'll find it in the assets in the MD2 folder.

  3. It's most likely a bug with the game. That, or possibly try moving the misc_bsp around and see if the shadows disappear. Are they just really dark walls, or are they transparent?


    I would agree with Eez oh this, it does sound like a Transparency issue, the original academy1 map doesn't have that lighting issue because the light is only coming from one direction, the 'windows', where as on ffa3 the light is set to everywhere on the exterior.


  4. Yea i know about that. Pretty cool though. I just want the skin in the link to be ported, i mean that's really actually like in the animated series imagine playing with that skin jka. I played a lot with that Anakin skin made by Revan as well.


    I've highlighted the area of concern, porting it would be stealing it from somewhere else which, last time I checked is very much illegal and forbidden on this site, the only other solution is for someone to make a PERFECT replica of it.


    Maybe ask nicely and someone will make an improved version of the existing one? Not that I see an issue with the current one in circulation.

    Lancelot likes this
  5. It's not hard to alter the npc files or create an override that causes them to use a single hilt, if you want I can whip one up and send it over skype/email for you to try.


    An override is the best option as changing the originals will cause you issues with MP unless you backup the original before hand and swap them out. The issue with some reborn npcs is the game is scripted to load in reborn_staff npcs so their files will want altering too for the game to work as desired.


    EDIT: The file is ready when you are.

  6. Vader took possession of Obi-Wans hilt as a 'prize' after he killed him on the Death Star, but I think that it's more a error on the toy creators side than a lore issue, Luke modeled his own saber on Obi-Wans however so the similarities might have caused the issue during development of it.


    Secondly, that Robotic arm is beautiful! Whoever designed that deserves a cookie!

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