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Darth Shaxx

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Everything posted by Darth Shaxx

  1. Can it be textured like this?
  2. Oh I didnt know that
  3. Lol isnt there like a way to put obi's beard on him.
  4. This is a small request but could someone make a bearded Anakin? Thanks
  5. Thanks I am most grateful for this
  6. can you tell me how?
  7. Thank you
  8. Could someone make an unrobed Luke Skywalker in prequel jedi robes or can provide a link to a mod that one like the leia in jedi clothes mod.
  9. Is there an unrobed luke ghost?
  10. Those are animations you haven't released yet right?
  11. For maps what about a Lothal map?
  12. could I recolor this and make it look like infinites Vader?
  13. Ok so the first model I'm gonna make is a frankenstein and I was wondering what how do I get other parts of the model on to a completely different model. The first step I am doing is put Reys head onto neomarz Dark Adept model. Can anyone tell me how do I do that?
  14. I'm going to make this the first model I will ever do. Wish me luck!
  15. Yeah kinda like ripping them out with just some of the cool player models you dont see released separately from mods.
  16. Can somebody point me into the direction of a tutorial that tells me how to specifically pull a model out of another mod and make it into a separate mod. I really need help
  17. isnt there something wrong with the projectile coloring?
  18. I just did that and the game launches but when it gets to the intro it crashes. I decided to start from scratch again by pulling the model out of the pack again
  19. The game doesnt seem to start when the model is in the base folder.
  20. and thats basically it?
  21. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5V2i4cc4UUOdDVfOFFGTDViWGM/view?usp=sharing can you see this one?
  22. How do I share my pk3?
  23. The game cant find the playermodel. Am I doing something wrong?
  24. I just recently learned how to make a pk3 file of a model and now I don't know how to make it appear in the NPC Tool so I can give it a NPC.
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