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The One and Only

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Everything posted by The One and Only

  1. You could make a custom effect that draws a line from the sabre hilt, but effects tend to appear detached during some moves.
  2. How many Bothans died to bring us that screenshot?
  3. Ok, yesterday morning I made the mistake of going to the nearest town with a shopping centre, which is possibly the most disgusting, filth ridden hole I've ever seen. I now seem to have contracted something resembling the plague, and need to go and lie down before my head explodes from looking at a screen for more than five minutes at a time. Consequently there's no way in hell I'm going to be able to finish this off (despite being frustratingly close to completion) in time for Christmas. Lesson learned, the south end of England is the shit end.
  4. Almost done, will be posting random stuff on here over the next few hours.
  5. It's been done. Amazingly, too. http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Serenity_Firefly;84077
  6. I'm still not convinced.
  7. Ok, it's very jittery while I'm recording, so I'm not going to attempt a proper video just at the moment. However, here's a bit of me messing around with the Sleigh Rein ability (which is basically a grappling hook). My framerate was horrible so I couldn't really control it properly, but it's still fun: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLj9Gg__ero
  8. Richard O'Brien? It's a longshot...
  9. I plan on doing just that before long, but I want to get some more visual stuff done before making a video of it.
  10. The bits I've highlighted could maybe just stand to be a bit sharper.
  11. I'm throwing snowballs at Galak Fyarr as we speak. Admittedly they still look like Thermal Detonators, but they act like snowballs, and the harder you throw them the more damage they do. Also recently finished functionality for the "Sleigh Rein" grappling hook, as well as a bunch of other stuff which I'm having too much fun pelting the Admiral (That should be a saying) to explain.
  12. Patches, bevels, caps etc. are designed specifically for curved surfaces though, and they have a number of advantages over brushwork for this purpose. They aren't standard "solid" geometry, they're mathematically defined surfaces intended to make smooth curves. Trying to line brush work up with a bevel curve just doesn't work, and even if you get it close it'll be wrong again when the LOD changes. It's also much easier to smoothly and continuously texture a curved surface made with a bevel, since they have different texture projection options.
  13. In my experience any brushes whose vertices don't line up with the grid are likely to distort, become corrupted or just delete themselves completely. Use caps.
  14. I love it! And yeah, I'm going to try and make the flamethrower interesting. I'm toying with the idea of making the fire "spill" along the walls and floor, like it's a burning fluid rather than just simple particles.
  15. Looks pretty good, some of the grooves are a bit blurry though.
  16. Right, if anyone's up for doing weapon models, I'm after some slightly archaic looking guns. Some I have references for, others are more general. I'll be needing: Flintlock Rifle (Disruptor Rifle) Crossbow (Bowcaster, I guess? might just use @@Inyri's if that's alright) Automatic Rifle (Repeater), specifically this: http://img440.images...9940001791j.jpg Flare gun (DL44 Pistol) Pepperbox pistol (Bryar Pistol) http://hellinahandba...box-handgun.jpg De-icer Flamethrower (DEMP 2) http://farm8.staticf...a544364cb_z.jpg (paint the can to look like a can of de-icer, perhaps?) Bauble (Det Pack) Some sort of hook thing, that will be to hold a line of tinsel (Trip Mine) Additionally, a bazooka to replace the Rocket Launcher would be nice, but not strictly needed. I still need to come up with one more sidearm for one of the classes, anyone have any suggestions? In this case, speed in more important than quality. If anyone feels they can help out, go for it!
  17. Well, I'm going to try and replace weapon spawners with random present drops, which will contain power-ups, so weapon placement might want a little bit of tweaking (you could put more locations in, there will only be one present on the map at a time). That's the only technical thing, otherwise if you want to put a giant Christmas tree in somewhere, and strings of lights around the place that would be great! Edit: Oh, I'm also adding a grappling hook for one of the classes, but that shouldn't cause any problems.
  18. For all your holiday-season massacre requirements, I direct you to: http://jkhub.org/topic/401-medium-of-darkness-mp-tc/#entry15541
  19. Ok, I'm in the process of creating a vastly simplified Christmas version of this mod. It's stripped down to three classes, and a simpler system for choosing weapons and abilities that more closely resembles base JKA's force power selection, and the objective-based game mode is out for now (FFA, TDM and CTF only, duel and siege probably won't work properly). However, I'm making all new powers, altering weapon functionality and changing the graphical style. I will however, need some help. I can do all the coding and GUI work myself, if I have time I'll get going on a map or two as well. I need people to make weapon models (guns) and a small number of player skins (models would be preferable, if anyone can work that fast). At a push, if anyone wants to put together some Christmas themed maps that would be great too. I've already spoken to Caelum and there's a high probability of hosting an event for this too, but I need to be finished within the next 3/4 weeks. Get to it people! (please)
  20. You could at least have tidied your room first.
  21. That's actually a brilliant idea.
  22. http://www.filedropper.com/jkawater I've commented the important bits of the shader, too.
  23. If you like I have this water shader lying around somewhere: Looks pretty damn good when it's moving around ingame. I can't take all the credit, it's an improved (if I do say so myself) version of something by Darth Norman.
  24. The waist and legs are very skinny compared with the upper body.
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