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The One and Only

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Everything posted by The One and Only

  1. I'll get on this as soon as I can, I'm working solidly until mid-August at the moment though.
  2. It doesn't work like that, it requires a video restart to load up a different HUD file. The only way you could do this would be through coding, but it's relatively simple to do.
  3. Ah... The disruptor effect is more code-dependent than other weapons, but I can make something that loosely resembles that.
  4. Well since the disruptor is a hitscan weapon, if I add a projectile effect it'll lag behind and won't collide with players.
  5. Yeah, smoke trails are easy. Which weapon is this overwriting though? I can't do projectiles for the disruptor without it looking stupid.
  6. Looking pretty good. What do you want with regards to weapon effects?
  7. I've had a bit too much wine to be doing important vector maths stuff...

  8. Well I've been working on this forever already (Since 2009, is it?), I do plan on finishing some day... NB: Originally this was going to have a fantasy-themed counterpart, but the workload is simply too great, and I'd rather focus on the Star Wars aspects and assimilate some of the mage-gameplay elements into it instead. Overview - New weapons and hundreds of new and improved force powers. - Highly customisable class-based gameplay. Players choose an archetype, then select powers and upgrades to tailor-make their character. - Mixed gametypes. Games are won by completing variable "missions" within a map. - New ways of moving through the environment, such as levitation, teleportation and climbing. - Actionbar interface, with adjustable layout and key bindings for quickly organising and selecting your powers and weapons. - Improved graphical effects and widescreen compatibility. Gameplay A typical game consists of two teams fighting over key points in a map. At certain times, "missions" will become accessible from these locations. These missions are chosen semi-randomly, and may be team-specific attack/defend types (Where the team that activated the mission must complete it, while the other team tries to stop them) like Demolition or VIP, or team-neutral (Both teams have the same objective) such as Salvage, CTF or Deathmatch. Points are awarded for enemy kills, but missions provide many more points and temporary bonus effects to the victorious team. Every player has access to a huge number of weapons, force powers and passive upgrades, but it is up to the individual to choose which of these best suit their style of play, and are of most use to the team. There are five classes, each with two sets of abilities. Abilities can be selected in any combination, but higher tiers are locked, and must be unlocked by selecting abilities form lower tiers first. Each successive tier requires two previous abilities to have been chosen from the set. A total of fifteen abilities may be used at any time. Classes - Knight The Knight is a frontline melee class, able to both deal and sustain considerable damage. This class has higher health and armour than any other, and powerful basic attacks with a lightsabre, which can be upgraded to a staff. The Knight's speed and ferocity can be augmented by the Rage abilities, while improved survivability can be gained from Resistance. - Assassin Also a lightsabre-wielding melee combatant, the Assassin favours a less direct approach. Great speed, agility and stealth compensate for lower health and weaker attacks, and a second lightsabre can be used for improved defence and rapid attacks. Combat abilities make the Assassin an adept duelist, while Evasion grants devastating hit-and-run attacks. - Acolyte For a more subtle, supportive role, the Acolyte uses the Force to heal allies and weaken foes. The Acolyte is best placed behind the front lines, protected by the team; although they can greatly fortify a team, Acolytes themselves are easily overwhelmed. Their Defiance abilities improve healing and defensive capabilities, and Mortality allows them to weaken advancing enemies. - Destroyer The Destroyer is the antithesis of the Acolyte. Though both use the Force instead of a physical weapon, the Destroyer has a vast array of lethal powers to assault the enemy over short distances. They use the Animosity abilities to blast foes with various forms of lightning, or improve their mobility and control of the battlefield using Manipulation abilities. - Sentry The Sentry is the only class to use firearms in battle. Sentries have a far greater capability for ranged combat than any other class, and can engage the enemy at almost any distance, though they must be careful not to allow enemies to get too close. Skirmish gives the Sentry rapid fire and quick movement at short ranges, while Longshot allows for high powered shots and explosive support from huge distances. And now, a series of random screenshots and videos... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLSf-vkxt30 However... I'm still in great need of modellers, for both weapons and character models, as well as animators. Later on I will also be wanting mappers, but that's less urgent. Unfortunately I can't do everything by myself (But don't tell anyone that).
  9. I'd be happy to help out. As it happens I've already got some blaster effects roughly based on ME2 lying around somewhere...
  10. 175 downloads

    This is a simple modification of the Morgan Katarn skin, which allows you to play as him in his ghost form. MP only.
  11. 97 downloads

    This is a duel map set on a rotating wireframe cube, floating above a mountainous landscape. As the cube rotates, you will have to adjust your position to stay on it. If you fall, you die. However, there is a way around this. It shouldn't take you too long to figure out how to stop the cubes rotation, if only temporarily. Note Now then, this isn't a bug as such, but this map won't work properly unless the duel limit is set to 1. Yes, this means only two people to a series of duels, sorry! If two duels take place in a row, the players in the second duel will miss the cube altogether and plummet to their gruesome deaths... I may fix this later on.
  12. 163 downloads

    This is a map made for the JK3files.com 2007 Duel Mapping Contest. It's set in a temple at the centre of a city, long lost beneath the waves. Being underwater, and it the temple not being water proof, there is always a strong possibility of flooding, especially when it was designed by a naturally vindictive mapper! The temple will slowly fill with water, until only a small air gap remains above the water level, until it eventually drains again.
  13. 72 downloads

    This is a skin based on the weequay model for the JK3files Heros and Villains skin competition. The "Fallen Warrior" was originally a policeman, who, while investigating disposal procedures at a chemical plant, fell into a pit beneath the plant. Years of chemical dumping without proper containment had caused the soil to become radioactive. As a further twist, the plant was built over the remains of an ancient grave. The bodies which lay there had been changed over time by the radiation, and the reactions in the soil eventually caused the corpses to reanimate. The Fallen Warrior became one of them, and now seeks out those responsible in order to wreak vengeance.
  14. 182 downloads

    his is the Heads-Up-Display for the WIP single-player total conversion, Star Wars - Project: Nexus. I have decided to release this ahead of the mod release after it received considerable interest from some promo screenshots, since that's the sort of kindly person I am! This is only the HUD, it does not include any other mod content including the new menus and datapad (Not that the datapad would be of any use in Base JKA anyway) This file and it's contents are NOT to be used in any other public release without explicit permission. If you wish to use this file in a publicly released mod, you can contact me at the email address above.
  15. 886 downloads

    Replaces the level 3 Force Lightning effect, summoning an electrical storm cloud to blast your enemies.
  16. 531 downloads

    This mod alters the visual effect of Force Lightning. The effects are loosely based on the PS3 game InFamous, but altered sufficiently to work effectively within JKA. Levels 1 and 2 use a single bolt of lightning launched from the hand, whilst level 3 calls down a large lightning strike from above. This is not the final iteration of this mod, and further versions will be incorporated as part of the Medium of Darkness mod ( http://www.moddb.com/mods/medium-of-darkness ). Progress can also be viewed at http://forums.filefront.com/sw-jk3-modding-mapping-editing/405839-force-effects-etc.html If you wish to use any part of this mod in your own production, please contact me first to discuss the matter.
  17. 65 downloads

    This pack makes NetRadiant compatible with Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, and contain data for map entities etc. It also contains a copy of Eridan's Q3map2GUI for Mac OSX for your convenience, as it is included with GtkRadiant1.4/1.5 but not with NetRadiant.
  18. Busy writing a 2D engine. Merry Christmas...

  19. Let me out of this sidebar, I'm claustrophobic!

  20. Is this thing on?

    1. The One and Only

      The One and Only

      Oh god it's like Facebook in here... XD

    2. The One and Only

      The One and Only

      Mhmm. I copied my HUD tutorial over by the way.

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