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Posts posted by the_raven

  1. 1) How difficult is the procedure of adding bot-routes to maps?

    2) Can those be added to a finished map? Obviously, the can, but is it easier to add them while making the map, or once it's finished?

    3) How are bot-routes defined? In Bethesda games, it's as simple as drawing the walkable surface so that npc's don't try walking all over tables, and adding checkpoints for patrolling npcs.

    4) Is map-making software required for it, or would some text file suffice?

    5) What file defines the map type (ffa, duel, etc.)? I downloaded a bunch of maps that show up in several game modes, though they're supposedly made for one (i.e. CTF), and I want to fix it.


    Thank you

  2. Just watched the last two episodes. Damn, the finale was awesome! And I stand corrected - the Emperor did try to use the gateway, though I'm still not sure why he needed Ezra and why he only used a portal to Lothal's past instead of that world between worlds.

    I'm surprised they didn't bring in the Mandos and the droids to help 'em, but it's all good, at least it didn't feel as cheezy as the ending of Spy Kids 3D :lol:

    At the same time, I don't get why the Empire - still at its prime by the way! - just left Lothal alone after the Rebels took it, I mean, they had the Death Star, and plenty of Star Destroyers to just bomb the surface to smitherines from orbit, after all, if I'm not mistaking, the planetary shield was operated from the dome, and the Rebels destroyed it. Also, why didn't Zeb use his weapon in the final battles? Did he lose it? Also, also, did anyone else think that Ezra's final task for Sabine was to give his lightsaber to Luke? That'd have been a fun little retcon, since I've always had difficulty believing that Luke simply built himself a new saber right off the bat (that's just me though :rolleyes:).


    I wonder what show will come next. Will it be the adventures of Sabine and Ahsoka? Or will that be in comic/ book format? :huh:

    I just hope it's not Forces of Destiny, because I don't think anyone actually watches that. -_-

  3. When I did play TOR, I enjoyed the Sith campaigns over the Jedi campaigns, but I chose 'a combination of characters' just to make it more interesting.

    Also, define "Old Republic Era" - there are several periods that kinda fall into that category, to name a few:

    • The Great Jedi Schism
    • The Second Jedi Schism (exile of the darksiders to Sith Space) and the Hundred-Year Darkness;
    • The KOTOR period (i.e. Mandalorian Wars, Jedi Civil War, Dark Wars)
    • The TOR period
    • The Ruusan Reformation (Bane's 'Rule of Two')
    • The immediate pre-movies and prequels period
  4. Yeah, so I was watching this K2 machinima (thanks TheWhitePhoenix!) and it stroke me - JKA has no canon Darth Sion lightsaber. It's actually kinda strange, considering that Nihilus', Malak's, Bastila's, Revan's (two in fact), and even Freedon Nad's sabers have been made. It's also strange, considering there are more-or-less canon depictions of Sion before or during the events of K2 (presented below), and slightly more detailed ones (TFU skin, TOR outfit, and the images below). In fact, his lightsaber hilt has been featured in TOR as an artifact-level item.


    Some reference pics:

    So, is anyone up to the challenge?

    Smoo likes this
  5. So





    The portal in which Ezra saw Kanan was an illusion, right? It had Sith symbols all over it and after they turned their back from it, Palpatine appeared. Could it have been a trick to make Ezra go directly to Palpatine, like when Yoda saw a fake illusion of Syfo Dias? 




    I figured it was just the portal's design, but that's a good theory in fact, especially since the symbol on top of the portal looked suspiciously close to the old Sith Empire logo.

    What's worse is that both Palpatine and the imperial scientist now know how to access the strange dimension - Palpatine could access it through (Sith?) magic, as we saw, and since the scientist saw Ezra do it, and spoke to Sabine, it doesn't take much to figure out that one simply needs to use the Force to work the portals, and he will definitely report to Palpy about it. Since we already know that the Empire holds several other portals (as explained by the scientist), it would have been quite probable that they would have tried accessing them, since they do have Force-users in their employ. But alas, for continuity, or just out of sheer ignorance, this will most likely be ignored by Disney or Lucasarts or whoever.

  6. I actually remember once or twice downloading some such saves with mp maps, they were supposedly telling Jaden's story, but I'm not sure if they're still available. Might be worth checking out the downloads section.


    Update: Ok, so I did some digging around on here, but found nothing (I can swear we had a saves category on here!), so I also hit Mrwonko's and found something. For example, this (https://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Maps/Map%20Packs/37270/) pack does something with a few sp maps, though I'm not sure what it is, I think they simply made the maps playable in mp. I'll keep looking.

    Pickles256 likes this

    So Disney thinks KOTOR, Jedi knight series, and the vong are trash, but hey the silly rabbit is worth bringing back.  :mad:


    Well Disney? You wanna know what you can do now? You can:


    In Jaxxon's defense though, i should note that as a non Star Wars character he'd have been great, just like Earthworm Jim, ya know?



    I believe the same thing will happen with KOTOR, they'll eventually make some things canonical and hopefully others will rest in the garbage bin of eternity.


    Pardon me turning on the fanboy, but what things would those be exactly?
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