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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. Well then, whoever wants to do it needs no formal permission, just start going through all the files on the site and do it.
  2. Did you only make a 4:3 ratio menu? What about widescreen? Most people are probably going to be running widescreen now a days, surprised there is still support for 4:3.
  3. I don't think I'd be able to make the body any more muscular, it already doesn't deform too awesomely the way it is, I'm forced to keep it to the proportions of the JA skeleton but I could try to edit it some. At this stage though I'm kinda already in too far to make edits like that. I kinda had to decide, do I want it to look good standing still and moving or only standing still since with muscular characters they look bad when moving because there will be so much clipping.
  4. Awesome, you really didn't have to though, you've already done so much. I can send you a rough pk3 once I at least get the first LOD worked out, transferring the weight maps to the lower rez model of course tries to smooth out the weight map as much as possible and I got more than 8 bones influencing a single vert so I gotta go through with a fine tooth comb and fix that. Or in the morning I could just send one that has no LOD's if you want.
  5. Dude, that's awesome, I love it. Like the sketch of what I'm assuming Kyle kinda hiding in plain sight in the background, subtle and well placed. This definitely gets my vote as the final draft for the main menu backdrop.
  6. I bet you wouldn't have guessed that this is the first LOD that is 1/2 the polies of the main mesh, gotta finish up the other 2 and then small things like shaders, sounds and misc files can be made before it's done. Psyk0Sith was nice enough to make team skins too btw.
  7. Well another downside to it is what happened at jk3files.com was files were taking a long time to get hosted because staff members got burnt out on reviewing every file since that means playing with it for a proper amount of time, looking for any bugs then writing a paragraph, sometimes 3 about the mod. I just think it's a waste of time for everyone. I like how much faster everything is uploaded here, sure at first things wouldn't take much longer but eventually the people assigned to the job will get burnt out, I guarantee it. Then once everyone starts slowing down then things really get into a bottleneck and it takes weeks for a simple mod to get hosted.
  8. I don't like staff reviews or a panel of critics, it makes for biased reviews, people should just rate files more.
  9. From what I can gather without having any actual evidence (maybe a coder can look into the game code on this) but the stupidtriangle_off might just be a way of calculating a center of mass for the object but I could be wrong. I normally just place it somewhere like on my AT-RT vehicle for example around the hips where the center of mass would be. You also need tags AT LEAST for the feet to detect collision with the ground like tag_lfoot and tag_rfoot, look at any model for reference on how to make these since origin in the modeling software doesn't dictate how the tag interacts, it's more so based on the orientation of the triangles sides. |\ | \ <----That is how a foot tag would look though from the front with the polygons normals facing you (the front side of the polygon, not the backface). |__\
  10. http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Siege_Destroyer_Map;23923 http://jediknight3.filefront.com/screenshots/File/21384/16
  11. 29070 is the port that JA uses, you also want to go into the router settings and open that up on the PC you're running from behind the router.
  12. Most of them didn't work well and were ported so I didn't care for them. I got into SWBF2 modding and completely gave up on vehicles in this engine unless it's a small walker or mount.
  13. It should require a stupidtriangle_off tag, most walking type NPC's and vehicles have them.
  14. That's a weird way to write the exporter.
  15. Shouldn't the object model_root be the main parent of everything?
  16. What trouble are you having with EffectsEd? Some people have a tough time getting it set up but that's about it and like said above the only other thing you can do is just use notepad but you won't be able to see your finished effect, it's only really good for making edits to existing effects.
  17. Reminds me a lot of the original JK menu while still being something new.
  18. To bring the 2 communities together I think JKhub just needs a good server that people would want to play on. Then just advertise the F out of jkhub on that server. =p I was a heavy player for a long time, not so much recently since I've yet to find a good lugormod server to settle into. The ones I end up liking a lot disappear despite being popular and full all the time.
  19. Why not have the top 3 be used and let them be able to change it via user CP?
  20. You're going to have a tough time finding anything that never made it to jk3files, you and I are probably the only 2 people left that knew him well enough for him to just randomly give models to and I don't have any of them anymore.
  21. Here would be the looped music or something similar to this played as you roam the castle. C'mon mappers, this place would be awesome to have.
  22. Be sure for future reference if you're looking for constructive criticism or advice on what can be improved post pictures with the model flat shaded showing a wireframe overlay. Can't say anything about the model though as is until something like above is shown.
  23. Something tells me that he made the GLM in the method in which a static model would be made and the bones were not carried over. http://psyko3d.50webs.com/tutorials/jk2_guide.htm
  24. I hope someone does take this up, especially giving that setting with the heavy clouds at dawn with the reddish sky. I would of course help art wise if I could like say map objects.
  25. Watchin Escape from New York, for all you kids out there the main character is who Solid Snake is based off of.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tempust85


      And there's apparently going to be a remake...

    3. minilogoguy18


      They better not ruin it, it's highly unlikely they can top Kurt Russel's classic Snake Pliskin attitude.

    4. MoonDog


      Yeah, theres no fucking way anyone could top Kurt. LEAVE OUR CHILDHOODS ALONE

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