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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. Yeah, why the r_hang_tag_bone is floating way above the right hand is beyond stupid, I feel like fixing it now though would mess up so many custom sabers though.
  2. It always has for me but I'm not sure.
  3. @@CaptainCrazy https://jkhub.org/files/file/1492-softimage-jedi-academy-character-skeleton/ https://jkhub.org/files/file/1483-jedi-knight-series-_humanoid-animation-rig/ https://jkhub.org/files/file/1471-glamerge/ LMK if you need any help
  4. Import the model, model it, texture it, weigh it then recompile.
  5. It was fine for the longest time, I've been using it for a while but just recently it started doing that.
  6. ^That's something you'll have to look at in the OpenJK area as far as when it will be available.
  7. It's not just the humanoids that have these animations already but things like the AT-ST have these animations too, just not used.
  8. @@CaptainCrazy, you should probably just upgrade to at least Mod Tool 7.5 since although it's a free version it's still ahead of the full version of 6 and you can get it for free from ModDB.
  9. Which version of Softimage are you using? I think i submitted the skeleton as a Model (.emdl) file from version 6 so it should be able to be imported into nearly any version anyone out there may be using. I also of course have a custom biped rig that seems to work really well but it's only in the .exp (Mod Tool Scene) format, I'm thinking about going back and remaking it though in a newer version since I can't seem to find a way to transfer it.
  10. Oh you mean enveloping, dunno how in this community the word rig got stuck in there where rigging is like doing what I did for the animations, making a biped rig. I really wanna finish those videos but with Autodesk killing Softimage the future of the software looks grim so I kinda lost a lot of interest. I also need a day where I wont be bothered so I can record in peace which hasn't happened in a long time.
  11. Just make a shadow rig like I did, you'll have way more freedom.
  12. It was never finished, I sent the model back to Almightygir but I don't think he found the time to play with it.
  13. Staff reviews are so biased because everyone is going to have a different opinion. You should also not be modding for others but because you enjoy it.
  14. Hell, if it's something that's at least interesting I'd probably do it, wouldn't mind the extra cash.
  15. All this talk and we still don't know what the requester actually wants.
  16. I haven't had the time before but I may take up the mod but I'd want to find a coder first.
  17. Why can't anyone post anything in the section it belongs in? Pretty confusing to click on a thread that you think is just a discussion but it's a request.
  18. Whenever I log in for some odd reason the JK Hub logo at the top of the screen just becomes "Logo" with no image, if I log out of my account though the logo appears as it should. At first I thought it was some weird issue with cookies so I cleared everything but it still does it. Also causes formatting issues with the toolbar that contains the notifications whenever I click on anything up there.
  19. [sharedmedia=tutorials:tutorials:90] I haven't finished the video's, kinda lost interest since not too many people seemed interested in them but just ask all your questions in this thread and I'll answer them as best I can.
  20. What exactly do you want to know about the programs? Softimage is a 3d modeling, animation, simulation, node based programming and rendering package, it's far more complex of a program than 3ds max 5 by a long shot. What do you mean by regular JA models? If you want the base models then this is the file you want to download. https://jkhub.org/files/file/1586-animation-and-model-source-files-raven-software/
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