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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. I'm almost certain that cockpit views are possible, if I'm not mistaken Lightninja made one for the AT-PT. Is that a pic from the rogue squadron series? It's worth buying a gamecube just to play the second one.
  2. Well as a extra step I think we should have normal maps on stand by for the chance that we may finish this mod before rend2 is implemented. The AT-ST has normal maps and I'm working on ones for the Lambda since that model is finished.
  3. That's because my walk start and both standing animations are in front of the walk cycle, it's 38 frames though just like the base one, look at the start time in Softimage. I fixed the feet so they come up higher, looks way better although I may not go through the trouble of uploading another video just yet for this small edit. Maybe we shouldn't add a run, AT-ST's don't ever seem to run, while the code may support it the devs probably just duplicated the walk cycle and made the walk and run speeds in the VEH file the same to pretty much make it so the AT-ST can't run. Are we going to implement the code needed for turning animations? I could make them if we re-enable them, remember reading that like they exist or something in JK2 SP but were taken out of JA but I could be wrong. The base AT-ST has animations for it but they never play in game.
  4. It's ok, I just realized that I need to pick the feet up more. Anyone else? Would like to get as many opinions as possible. While this model could have easily reused the animations from the base AT-ST I chose to make new ones and I want them to be flat out better looking. Also keep in mind that the speed of the animation is easily changed, mainly looking for opinions if the movement looks fluid and natural.
  5. I can't see much of anything in that video, I'll try to find another one to look at, I know what you're talking about though a lot of it could just be bad animations from the 80's. I'll try to exaggerate the movements some more.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJvQ3FRYGIc Lemme know what you guys @@DT85 and @@AshuraDX think so far, it's still in an editable state, haven't stored it as an animation clip, still just a bunch of keyframes.
  7. Well the thing is that considering a run animation line exists makes me believe the code supports a walker vehicle being able to run. They probably just reused the walk cycle because they didn't want it to run, if a AT-ST NPC ran in game it probably would kill you very easily, especially in JK2.
  8. The cycle isn't the hard part, it's getting a good stride and walk start from standing sequence, from there you just reverse the end pose and tweak hip movement to match and you have a finished cycle. What I'm wondering is if I should make a real run cycle? If you look in the animation list it lists a walk and run cycle but the run cycle is really just the walk cycle which leads me to believe it's possible to have this thing actually run, not sure how that would look though. Thoughts?
  9. Started animating this thing, will post a video clip once I have a decent walk cycle then you guys can nit pick it to hell and I'll make adjustments as needed.
  10. This thread also just reminded me about the need for a real working gammorean. Good to see progress on the level, really can't wait until the level has some lighting and normal mapped textures. Needs more rend2. ;p
  11. We definitely need more mappers around here. You should check out the OpenJK section and the thread rend2 containing pictures @@Szico VII has posted with his maps using the new render engine.
  12. Well that model still needs UV's first, I don't wanna ask too much of him, he already did better than I could have hoped just with the AT-ST unless he can somehow be convinced to maybe join the team actively. That scene is such a mess too right now, although the model is "made" everything needs to be properly grouped and checked over to make sure the model is efficient as far as vertex count. Now that the mod seems to be back in progress I'm thinking of halting my DBZ marathon to work back on the things I've started.
  13. Yes, it will be a direct replacement that completely over writes the base one rather than working side by side with it. All file paths will be identical but texture names will vary. Animations will be new as well, just recently had to add more controls to the rig for the head and neck. I was so focused on making the legs work properly that I kinda forgot completely about the neck and head. We're only making vehicles that appeared in the original DF2 game, so no new swoop, falcon or x-wing.
  14. Yeah, lack of mappers is what kills every total conversion mod. We could have tried something like making ModDB page or something of the sort to attract people.
  15. I would like to continue with the DF2 mod in whatever way it may happen as I thought with the 2 of us working together we could have made it happen for sure. It was though a lot of content that needed to be made since we started from nothing as there are no good DF2 characters or maps already.
  16. Version 1.0


    This is a Model (.emdl) file containing the Jedi Outcast skeleton made of null objects. I changed the appearance greatly to help new users better understand visually which bone should influence thier custom models. As far as I know there was no skeleton for JK2 for Softimage so I took my JA skeleton and added in the necessary bones. To use this file simply just have your model open and go to File>Import>Model and choose the DaVinci_Male01_NullBones.emdl file. It's in this format because the merging option doesn't work properly in Mod Tool versions and this way you wont have to export your models in and out just to get the bones which can cause loss of certain data in your scene files such as groups and layers. I recommend selecting objects and putting them in groups for further ease of use, I could not group them myself since the .emdl format doesn't support groups. Here are the preferred groups... tags - containing every tag including stupidtriangle_off, set the visibility to do not show members, tags are already enveloped to the bones they need to be so don't mess with them. do not envelope to these - bones that you should not weigh anything to, includes model_root, mesh_root, skeleton_root, Motion, face, lhang_tag_bone and rhang_tag_bone, set it to do not show members and do not allow selecting members bones - this ones simple, all the bones that would be used for character deformation, leave group settings alone as you want to see and select these, making this group makes assigning envelopes easy since rather than selecting all the bones 1 by 1 you just select the group when you're picking deformers. After your model is set up properly just branch select (middle click) model_root and export. Enjoy!
  17. Yeah, that right there is a good enough reason to get the source to all of the tools, we have enough Mac users in the community.
  18. I think what he's trying to get at is similar to why we need ShaderEd and EffectsEd, as new things are coded into the game we want the tool source to be able to keep the tool up to date with new features whatever they may be. It's really awesome that they're going to release these things.
  19. Only see it in the animation made with the rig slightly, still don't see it on the AT-RT but the amount the bone rotates and length of animation could cause or keep it from happening.
  20. Well you should at least say what you think is off about it or else your post is pointless.
  21. I dunno, I just looked at the walk cycle of the AT-RT and there is no jitter in the toes, it was exported as a dotXSI 3.5 file from Softimage 2013. Also don't see anything wrong with the BOTH_STAFF_RUN that I replaced that is seen in the video tutorial I made on the rig, this animation was exported as a dotXSI 3.5 file from Mod Tool 7.5. I never use dotXSI 3.0, there is no reason to.
  22. I'm crossing my fingers, I'd like to see carcass be able to process more formats.
  23. Well then I guess the only way other than Noesis would be if someone knew how to get in touch with Mike Gummelt since he still works for Raven I believe and seemed to want the source for these games to be out.
  24. Yeah, it would take such a long time to watch all the animations play in modview and sort them out. So, the no go from Rich, was that because he doesn't have the carcass source or because he has it but is unwilling to share?
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