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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. Yeah, the AT-ST really just needs a death animation which I'm started to want to do something unique like it falling over on it's side. After that it can be put into game, will be busy though the next week getting stuff in life sorted out like making my weekend car road worthy again after sitting in a garage forever since the daily needs some body work after someone hit it.
  2. Didn't know you wanted to take a whack at animating the gammorean.
  3. He took the models from that site tf3dm.com so saying he made them is pretty far from the truth, those models were even taken down from that site.
  4. 1 large WIP thread usually never work out, they get so cluttered.
  5. You know I'm down, that's what the rig I made is there for, it's also a shadow rig so binding our 70-something bone skeleton to it in place of the JA skeleton is no problem.
  6. Which kinda brings us back to the gammorean, should we just make a whole new one? I think we could make one thats way better then maybe give it it's own skeleton with the few basic animations it needs and have it as a NPC only.
  7. There aren't many with the knowledge to pull off a new model for this guy so it's pretty unlikely that it'll happen.
  8. For as long as I've been modding this game I've never tried it, I'd imagine I'd just need to extract everything to a folder structure within the games base folder but how would the game know to load all that?
  9. @@AshuraDX I did pick the feet up more because before I felt like they were dragging on the ground, I can reduce it some but I just watched it and the feet really don't pick up that high. If you only had Mod Tool installed I could just give you the scene and let you watch the animation loop over and over from all angles like I pretty much have been doing. @@Omicron Not sure what you mean exactly, do you mean the foot rolling up on it's toes? It can be hard to judge just how much the feet push away from the ground since it's walking in place and not traversing forward. What I could do though is delay the foot roll some so that the foot stays flat longer.
  10. I'll try, just so used to doing it the carcass way which is kinda why I want that source to be out already, I'm old and stuck in my ways. =p
  11. With the in level dialogue for Jan it makes it sound as if they considered letting her be a optional playable character for say the first six levels.
  12. The polycount thread that comes up in the google search should be a good read on the subject but basically both formats are great as far as detail and alpha channel support but since PNG is a compressed version of TGA loading times increase when using PNG in exchange for a file size that is close to a JPEG but with better quality than a JPEG. TGA is going to be the best format to use in the game, although the file size is larger that only really affects the person downloading the mod or pk3, game loading is unaffected where as if you were loading a map that used nothing but PNG textures loading times would increase because of it being a compressed format. In 3d software it's more noticeable between the load times of PNG and TGA when rendering.
  13. Been listening to a lot of Bodom lately.
  14. The base sound is the last thing I'm worried about, I have a sound editor, I can make it work, I just wanted animations that actually look good and a model that is accurate.
  15. Will do, question though, I know the game blends animations based on the prefix in the name so should I make it like UPPER_BLASTER_FIRE or something like that? Will it blend with the walking animations?
  16. Well the crazy thing is that there are bones for the barrels having recoil and even on the base model the barrels are weighed to these bones. Seems like something that is either broken or never implemented in the final game. I gave my model these bones and weighed the barrels to them in case this feature is either added or fixed. Since for the most part people are liking the current walk cycle unless anyone else has any input (will have to get Ashuras opinion) so I wanna talk about the death animation. Not sure if I should make something new since that could be tough to think of something that looks good or just make one that is pretty much identical to the base one for simplicity.
  17. Thanks but without Ashura's help on the textures it wouldn't be nearly as good, good textures really make the model pop. If you look on my sketchfab account you can see the model with normal and specular maps applied that Ashura made as well. I also made the hips drop more at the end of each stride so it isn't standing so straight up when walking.
  18. Such a small picture where you can't even really see much of anything. Not even an upload btw, it's on an external site.
  19. How much other map work did the old DF2 mod manage to get done? Although their method was crude it would be good to use since I think they were porting the original maps into radiant so that the scale and design was accurate, just needed good textures and lighting.
  20. @@AshuraDX The hips do move up and down but I can try to make it more noticeable and the weight thing I think I can fix that. @@Barricade24 Head bobbing is a no go since game code animates the head by allowing it to swivel using player input for aiming. @@Ramikad I know too about what was mentioned about the base versions walk, the legs were like almost straight and stiff looking. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XwA6kSm4F8&list=UU3_eaTbT5Tv8oKZDW5nr3yw How's that? The jiggle in the head is gone btw, fixed it as I was uploading.
  21. The barrel should honestly be redone with say a 10 sided cylinder, right now different sections have different amounts of iterations which would cause all sorts of problems if you did something like tried to bake normals. Kinda going on what Ashura said you should aim to make things out of quads as much as possible with the edgeloops following the major features.
  22. I'll try and find some good pics of the interior of one and see if I can model it out since @@eezstreet I want to release this as a replacement for the base versions in both JO and JA that completely overwrite the originals.
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