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Everything posted by Sentra

  1. @@ent, wut.
  2. @@Raz0r, http://i.imgur.com/hIq1GTi.png / http://i.imgur.com/jxFwfFT.png (removed shadows + bit darker BG). Might be a landing page or just a simple multi-page website.
  3. I'll upload the homepage template a bit later.
  4. Strange, cos I have got the same problem recently and opengl32 replacer actually helped me a lot.
  5. http://jkhub.org/files/file/1484-qeffects-pro/ Use opengl32.dll from qEffects Pro and play the game on any Windows.
  6. Original model is called swamptrooper, not the stormie.
  7. 3-column grid is kinda old nowadays
  8. Wow, @@Nozyspy, haven't seen you for quite a while
  9. Red text, gosh, pls no.
  10. OpenJK, rend2 (if possible ), some Hub servers (in order to concentrate the player base and invite the new players to the server/s where they can actually understand JKA as a game). Then some other game tweaks, UI replacement, maybe even HD textures or total model/texture overhaul - there are lots of things that could be changed / improved. I really wish that JKA will get a second breath. With the help of modders and new + returning players.
  11. // Weekly Update #3 [should be available soon, waiting admin verification >.>] Link: http://www.moddb.com/mods/skyline-menu/news/skyline-menu-20-weekly-update-3 --- PS: Uploaded all recent Hoth Edition concepts on ModDB. PS2: Newest @@TheMcFish background: http://i.cubeupload.com/XX8XbP.png
  12. HD fonts will appear HD with the .png 512x512+ font pic size.
  13. Actually remaking the game in Unity with no commercial purposes should be fine. Just don't send it to Disney
  14. That actually looks like from HL2. Awesome.
  15. Minor upd + question: Continuing designing the UI, atm polishing currently made screens to make them perfect + easy to implement ingame. The question is: I need someone to code it / some mod to bring SkyLine with it, like OpenJK for example (the UI idea is, as I said before, to make it as light and fresh as possible, so like to create the best replacement we could make together, with your advices). Any ideas?
  16. @@Grab Sadly not yet. IRL is strong, sometimes too much. I will post there when I continue to work. Most likely I will release only a UI design though.
  17. @@Xycaleth, Yup, that's him.
  18. @@Botdra 45% for Bethesda, 30% for Valve. fxd And this model is a complete bullshit. Especially that modding could be supported with donations, but not with actual payment for a free modifications that were made by fans of the game to support it and bring some own ideas to it. And now we have a Dota 2 sword in Top Sellers with 700+ subs, Jez Christ.
  19. 4th screenshot: "Kyle-Wan Kenobi, is that you?" Nice skinpack
  20. Sentra


  21. Vossen Wheels this time. And buttons:
  22. @@eezstreet Any IRC plugins for IPB3? Involve more people, it's useful because you have a direct web-client built-in JKHub without any soft to download and so on.
  23. Yup, would be very grateful. We will mod some code assets in basejka. So it could be, possibly.
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