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Everything posted by Veilor

  1. Sounds pretty awesome! You better have the quidditch field in there
  2. Got nothing better to do, so I can beta test the map for you.
  3. So been trying it out now a bit, would it be possible to release a version with smaller fontsize? It's really taking up a lot of space for me (playing in windowed mode, don't judge me! x) ). Also I had to delete the HUD from the JA+ clientplugin to get this to work, just a note to everyone.
  4. I am too, I've even read all the books ME ftw<3 and yes that HUD is awesome, I will use it all the time!
  5. @@Inyri I like your added coloring to it . Looks nicer ingame!
  6. Created a skin for the geth. very very simple coloring, but looks ok to me Here's the zipfile with PSD & jpg: http://www.2shared.c...Q7/Veigeth.html also skinfile text.
  7. Legion fits into this http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110131161255/masseffect/images/7/7e/Legionstanding_pc.jpg Also great looking shots! Maybe some more color variants? Legion Assassin is blue and Geth Juggernaut is Red (team colors!). There's a bunch of different Geth color variants http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Geth#Subtypes
  8. Don't even think that Dragon Age 2 and Mass Effect is anything alike. I know DA2 was a disappointment too many, but Mass Effect is way way better. Also, different dev teams. @@Inyri: awesome! Don't forget the N7 logo.
  9. You are missing out on a great trilogy of games. I really think you should play them.
  10. Awesome! I'm trying it out atm. Feels great jumping around as Altair.
  11. Veilor

    Aos/BOT 2

    Hi Aos! See you found your way here
  12. Thanks Inyri and Hi! My name is quite unique, not used many times by others at all.
  13. I really love the Mass Effect series and I like your work Inyri.
  14. Thanks! I'll surely enjoy it here! And thanks Star =)
  15. Hello people! I found out about this website just now actually when I were on the (JAWA) Clan server. I've been away from the game for about 3 years and came back about 3 weeks ago. I've been playing Jedi Knight on and off since the release of Jedi Outcast (but that doesn't show in my duel skill...at all XD) and I've been there for many of the "big" mod/map releases and I am really liking the look of this! =) Anyway, here I am now!
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