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Everything posted by Daedra

  1. Not sure about the rest of the body but I think @@Langerd had the shoulder pads:
  2. Please feel free to download the file and edit it so it looks like how you are describing, because I honestly don't know what I could alter apart from the Shader, maybe when I see it and take a look at the altered Shader I will understand it.
  3. The file is released, I myself don't have any issue with how it looks so I don't really know what people want, it may not look great in the pictures but it looks fine for me in-game, I don't know.
  4. It has spec textures, the shader didn't work out.
  5. Well this is the Shader
  6. Ok got a final update on the textures. Just waiting on some new Sounds and it's good to release.
  7. Shaakra Khann LOL But seriously, Ahshreeka Nembo or something like that, just play around with the name Ahsoka Tano.
  8. No offense DT, I do appreciate your help and wisdom. I have attempted to use your shader and it just removes the Chrome entirely -- not exactly what I was looking for. I think people are being a little too nitpicky about the details and are missing the fact that actual realistic Chrome is in the Game for the first time. But, like I said, a new model would be good, one that pertrudes the details more than the current model does.
  9. Like I said, you won't get a better version without a new model, I think it's a little bit nitpicky, I mean, it's the first realistic Chrome in the Game ever. Let me know when there's a new model that pertrudes the details more than the flat protocol model in the base folder then I will skin it.
  10. You won't get it any better without a new model.
  11. @@GPChannel Now you can add this; https://jkhub.org/files/file/2848-c-3po-epvii/
  12. I already made a request Thread, here: https://jkhub.org/topic/5571-darth-mauls-personal-assassin-droid-c-3px/ I've already spoken with Barricade24 about it. Oh, and it's submitted! https://jkhub.org/files/file/2848-c-3po-epvii/
  13. Version Final Version


    *********************************** Read me *********************************** TITLE: C-3PO EPVII AUTHOR: Kylo Ren FILENAME: zz_C_3PO.pk3 FILESIZE: 7.71 mb DATE RELEASED: April, 27th 2016 DATE UPDATED: April, 30th 2016 CREDITS to: Myself, Barricade24 & DT85. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: place the zz_C_3PO.pk3 file in your C:\programfiles\lucasarts\jediacademy\gamedata\base directory. DESCRIPTION: A reskin of protocol from assets1.pk3 to look like C-3PO in The Force Awakens. This is the first droid to feature a REALISTIC Chrome texture, just how it was in the movies! Thanks to Barricade24 for the ideas with the noshine/structure and to DT85 for help on the Phasma Shader for my Chromeness! BUGS: None. COMMENTS: Download and enjoy. note that you must have JKA installed in order to use this mod. PLEASE NOTE: This skin is a seperate model from the base protocol, so in-game to use type: npc spawn c-3po or to play: playermodel c-3po That is all, enjoy! THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY ACTIVISION, RAVEN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS.
  14. Yeah I agree. I guess if someone made a new model I could try and add the Chrome to it. But there isn't much chance of that happening unless someone ports it then heavily modifies it to the point it can be accepted on JKHub.
  15. @@Langerd Going to have a nice TC-14 that you can use from Empire Strikes Back Cloud City. Should be uploaded by the weekend (hopefully).
  16. Coming very soon. #ChromeIsTheFuture Pending approval - Download: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2848-c-3po-epvii/
  17. The Future Is Chrome.

    1. Ramikad


      Your future's looking pretty grim. (qt)

    2. Daedra
    3. swegmaster


      the future is chrome m8, both google chrome and the protocol droids

  18. @@Barricade24 Please turn this Thread into a WIP.
  19. If they can't obtain permission, remove that Modification and replace it with something which has permission, as a placeholder. There are some Mods that allow use as long as credit is given, so those would be acceptable.
  20. I only requested it, I never posted it in the WIPS Teasers & Releases.
  21. I already took a look and attempted it. I failed, raged, this is something I cannot do, so it will have to remain a request.
  22. I'm not that good at textures at all.. but it does sound good, but I may not be able to live up to expectation on it, this is one of those things that I can appreciate without creating it myself, I just know I would not succeed.
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