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Everything posted by Daedra

  1. I don't know, I imagine they would though? I also hate howlers. Better to turn them into something I love.
  2. This is the mod I'm talking about: https://jkhub.org/files/file/1749-alien-realistic-npc/ While that mod is great, it's still missing that alien vibe. What it really needs is re-rigging to the HOWLER skeleton and animations (and an adjusted model scale in-game) to match the size of a regular human. Can anyone do this? It would be perfect!
  3. Just any map. Also trying to start a new game leads to the same result. I already have OpenJK installed so I didn't copy the .dll file or the .exe. Edit: After copying the OpenJK .dll and .exe, it loads just fine! It should be MANDATORY to copy those files, not optional. It states in the readme: "If you already have OpenJK installed, you don't need to copy over openjk_sp.x86.exe and rdsp-vanilla_x86.dll". You HAVE to copy these files for it to work, at least for me. Great work anyway!
  4. Question: Does the raised .sab, .veh, .vwp and .npc limit by 16x work even if you don't activate the "aiworkshop" command? Also running the bat file then loading a map causes my game to crash.
  5. Wouldn't mind a Frisk. Wouldn't need a soundpack either.
  6. If there's a Dagobah map for MB2 then we need that for JKA since half of the work would already be done.
  7. Wouldn't mind the Battlefront 2 PS2 maps. Especially Tatooine, Hoth, and Dagobah.
  8. This Luke and your other versions of Luke look so good. If you did release them, I'd literally replace the base Luke in assets with this.
  9. Well I have a basic soundpack complete. Just need the model now.
  10. It's not really supposed to do anything besides walk and have slight movement of arms anyway. Most (if not all) of the fun comes from the audio voice. It's not really made to have weapons either, so a melee animal or something? As long as it can walk and jump. Perhaps a scaled down rancor lol.
  11. Well I wasn't really thinking of a playermodel, I was thinking as more of an NPC, like a small droid. I know scales can factor into the size also. Obviously the main point would be to spawn these guys in, so they follow you (The Queen) around and fight for you by spitting on everyone else. It doesn't have to be perfect - VRChat where the model is mostly used has eyes sticking out and all kinds of wonky rigging. That's the beauty of it.
  12. I'd like to request Ugandan Knuckles for Jedi Academy. This is actually a Meme. For those who don't have a clue what this is, here you go: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/ugandan-knuckles Here's a photo: A download link to the model: https://mega.nz/#!1p4l3CJQ!M4Dfss9O9I46Sl7lS47BxF02V22ssL5HzT3zy7IaEYI And here's the user who made this model: https://tidiestflyer.deviantart.com/art/The-Knuckles-meme-as-a-3d-model-704695335 I'd be more than happy to put together a soundpack for this (and might actually kill me of laughing).
  13. Hey your version is good! You focused more on the actual blade, and it looks great! Mine was more focused on the glow, I didn't really think much about the blade. https://jkhub.org/files/file/2269-rainbow-saber/
  14. Never heard of this character before, but that art looks incredible and badass. Just for how it looks, it deserves so much more than just a Grievous frankenstein.
  15. Hey that's awesome! Great work and of course also to Punisher. That actually looks like a perfect model for the SOLO movie. He just needs a different belt on him. But still, this goes perfect with your Falcon releases!
  16. That face you make when someone just farted in a Class/Library/Church: Don't.... laugh.... But, amazing stuff! Thank you for the Falcon(s) especially!
  17. Poor dark_apprentice. His thread is just getting derailed. But again I will say: amazing work! Looking forward to your next release as always.
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