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Posts posted by z3filus

  1. True, but I figured some people don't feel comfortable using ported models, and they aren't allowed on JKHub.    


    Legal issues, can't blame them. Good luck with this project though, looking good so far.. his back is brownish and the hood still needs detailing, but for a non-ported model, this is good work.

  2. Looks like a simple re-colouring of E-11,  Episode 7  takes place some 25+ years after ROTJ, Empire was supposedly defeated, but obviously it's still there.
    New armor plus a new weapon, and as we see in the trailer, a transportation (gun?)ship..  it all hints that the Empire is being funded by someone. Interesting!

    I have been so focused on the characters and actors -that new lightsaber ofcourse- but I didn't realize this fact until now I just kept it simple in my mind;

    " Abrams wanted a new design, looks nice " so does this mean we get to see Coruscant? some politicians supporting the Empire perhaps? something like the Trade Federation?

  3. .....it must be that Kanan kills the Inquisitor at some point because Tarkin tells Vader in EP.4 that he is the last of that "religion."


    Ezra could kill him to avange his master, which would be typical from Disney as well as a theme in StarWars..  but you are right about that quote.

    According to Tarkin, Vader is the last of his kind, but this specific animated series, and the upcoming movies may prove Tarkin wrong. Who knows.

  4. The Imperial Gunship looked very...  nice, a good remake of the Clone Gunship.


    For the record, this script is written to closely ressemble the movies; Ezra being a powerful young Jedi, having visions while training,
    a group of mistfits that includes a big hairy creature. So I'm expecting Kanan to die like Ben Kenobi or
    to be carbonated like Han Solo.

  5. NO offense, but both of you are being way too dramatic. If you wake me up in the middle of the night, ask me to name a mapper, I'd say SJC or SSID. 

    And if anyone has ever Uninstalled JKA after a modder retires from it, I'd say that's a foolish thing to do. After all, there are plenty of tutorials on how to

    create a map, a skin, playermodel.. etc. This game can be addictive though, it is never 100% sure someone leaves for good. Waiting to see Titanic.

    eezstreet and AshuraDX like this
  6. You can't compare MBII with Ja+ and base since MBII is like a completely new game and Ja+ is like a more random version of base.

    And I think there is a reason why JA+ ladders and cups didn't last for very long while people still play base competitively after 11 years.


    I compared nothing to nothing. That was my point. Both JA+ and MB2 are so modified, that it's impossible to compare them with Base JKA, and it's competitive aspect.

    Servers have been empty for years, with only bots and a couple presistent clans, it's amusing that some players still like to concider themselves elite for playing Base JKA.

  7. You've done a fantastic job, but you should be making this for CS:GO for example, Jedi Academy players will not appreciate this as much as a FirstPersonShooter community.

    VALVE would definetly be interested in this, and with Valve_Hammer, you could do a lot more. A few roleplayers pretending to be DiCaprio few times a week/ month(?) is not worth all this effort.

    AngelModder likes this
  8. Can anyone really compare base with any mod that has altered the saber (damage, dmg_range, blocking etc.) ?? If changing a server means that you have to take a minute or two

    to learn how to duel on the specific server, doesn't that mean that they are too different to be compared? Each mod, with their own differences, are equally as competitive.


    I do just fine on JA+ servers, because that's where I mostly ever played. I didn't do that well against players on Base servers, because that's what they mostly ever played.

    I may be better than my friend in Base, but if we joined a MB2 game, and fight there too (sith/jedi) he will probably WIN me there, because that's what he almost ever playes.

  9. ... plenty of clans through the years simply "gave" admin to people just cause they hit a magical rank that allowed them to get it handed to them.


    How many admins do you know that have to log into admin the second they get in game? :shifty:


    TRUE  It's usually given away as a trophy for reaching a high rank, but even if a high ranking member advises not to abuse, it doesn't matter, some can't handle the  POWER.

    It's something you can't really avoid, once you stop playing games and concentrate on your life and career, you can still find that "abusive ja+ admin" from your work place.

    Someone who acts as a referee; blowing his/hers whistle whenever something doesn't please him. Some gamers are just easy to piss off, and hard to speak reason to.



    how many admins do I know that have to log in when they join?


    Not many. But then there are those who I mentioned just now, that usually log in just so they can (eventually) abuse admin.

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