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Posts posted by RJA

  1. Hey there !


    To clan FJA:


    Je connais Aidden, c'est John Wayfort, et avant-hier on parlait de la map qu'il avait trouvé, et il m'a dit sinon être intéressé par le fait de créer un tout nouveau temple et il a dit que tu pouvais aider à scripter si tu le désirais. J'ai été intéressé, j'ai alors fait ce plan, et plutôt que de le faire seul dans mon coin j'ai préféré en faire un truc plus intéressant, une map mappée par plein de personnes et qui refléterait un peu le style de chacun, tout comme un bon film avait été réalisé avec un réalisateur célèbre par séquence mais je ne sais plus le nom... x)


    Je pense que les dortoirs nombreux permettent des events RPs intéressants, surtout que je ferai les lights pour la nuit et le jour (et peut-être même pour la fin de journée ^^), les souterrains sont des zones cachées qui peuvent servir en RP à quiconque leur trouve un intérêt. :P Ils sont là, pas obliger de les prendre mais au moins ils sont là.


    Le besoin de créer une nouvelle map ? Avoir la sensation de diversité, la sensation de quelque chose de nouveau, de complet, où chacun y a mis de son grain pour en faire un édifice représentatif du mix des idées communes de ce qu'est une Académie Jedi. :P

  2. I don't make a lot of details because I want every mapper to do what he thinks is right.


    Your theme completly fit with the Droid Assembly and the two Command Centers (ground and 3rd floor).


    For the ice room I was thinking about that style:




    Anyway, do what you have in mind, NPCs are allowed but I prefer putting them after the map will be complete and it will be a special room, for a special force connexion with theses elements and the possibility to fight an Ice Boss. :)


    Please define what you have in mind about outdoor ?

  3. OJP is OpenJediProject, a mod which totally change the game and some clans (like mine) use it for RP. :P


    Mapping is the same, nothing change. Unless you can do some SP Scripts which now go on in MP With OJP. :)



    About the deadline, the faster is better, but If you need time, take time. :) No worry about it. It would be cool to have it before 2016 of course x) 

    If you have time to begin soon, I don't reject it. ^^

    Of course, If you give me the room before one week it would be easier to get a first form for screens and interest new mappers to the project. :)


    I think meditation rooms could be created by the same person, bedrooms too and trainings too, but I give a chance to any mapper who want to try. :)


    About the undergrounds, If nobody could do it, I can do it myself and maybe eraze one underground, but it is important to have two of theses. :)


    Or maybe one underground with 3 parts...


    I'm going to put them together I think, and do the hallways. Of course If you are inspired by the hallways, you can do it too !


    So go on for the mystic chamber :P

    Artemis likes this
  4. Hey ! Come on !


    If you are a mapper, this project would interest you...


    What is it ?



    The idea is simple. Creating a Jedi Temple is not such an easy job and sometimes we get really bored because of the number of Jedi Temples which already exist.

    But now try to imagine a Jedi Temple created by more than 6 mappers for exemple, we could get a really interesting map. What I propose I simple.


    I made a plan, I mean a big plan of a big map project. In the plan, you can see every room of every floor of the Jedi Temple. Now the project begins here: If you are a mapper you can chose one or more than one room you want to make. When you created your room, you put the map file here and at the end we'll get a map created by a lot of mappers.


    I will rely every room to fit with the plan and create some of the rooms to participate. After that, I'll give the map file to a friend of mine who'll add scripts and NPCs to make the map RP playable with OJP.


    I precise that the ending result will be totally free, the map will be release with the source files and no need to ask to use it or modify it, the idea is to let it to the public domain of Jedi Knight. Every mapper will be credited for the room he created.


    You can let your imagination grow for your room, I don't fix much details in the plan, so create it in the way you imagine it. I'll post screens of the map step by step every time I'll get new rooms.


    One room one mapper, seducing right ?


    And of course, If you want idea of others rooms which are not in the plan, feel free to ask and propose !


    I think every mapper would participate, because it's not so long. You just have to make one room. Of course, you can ask more than one but the priority is to let every mapper make at least one room.



    Now the plan  (I'll modify my post every time a mapper decide to take a room):



    The ground floor:




    Rooms you can choose:


    - The Exterrior with the Temple Side and the garden.

    - The Entrance Hall (Big Defense Room with Huge Pillars).

    - Droid Assembly.

    - Defense Command Center.

    - The Water And Ice Room (with a Cold style and pillars) ---> Lazarus's room.

    - All the Exterrior.

    - The Secret Temple with Japanese Style.

    - Room of the elevator of the ground floor.


    1st Floor:




    Rooms you can choose:


    - Huge Meditation Chamber.

    - Mystic Chamber with a statue (ChaoticConundrum's room). 

    - One of the twelve training rooms.

    - One of the six meditation rooms.

    - Stone and Rock Room (with an ancient temple style and pillars).

    - Iron and Air Room (In a sky style with transparent pillars).

    - Room of the elevator of the 1st floor.


    2nd Floor:




    - Room of the elevator of the 2nd floor.

    - The big hall with a big plant and a fountain, with an elegant style with details.

    - Toilets and Bath.

    - The Cantina and the Bar room.

    - Distraction Room (with what you want, totally free).

    - One of the thirteen BedRooms.

    - The Wine Cave (a gift for all those who like alcool a lot ;) ).


    3rd Floor:




    - Ceremonial Room (like Yavin IV Jedi Academy and council room, with chairs and a big window in the

    Jedi Academy style).

    - Room of the elevator of the 3rd floor.

    - Administration and control room (with buttons and a desk).


    1st Underground:




    - The Red Cavern (Red Rock cavern with crystal lights)


    2nd Underground:




    - The Green Cavern (Green Dark Rock Cavern with less light green crystal than the 1st underground.


    3st Underground:




    - The Blue Cavern (Very Dark Blue Rock Cavern with rare blue crystal light and a big ancient secret chamber

    with eternal blue fire and a big crystal like a relic).




    Rooms already in creation:


    - The dark garden of the ground ---> Me.

    - The Old Hidden Training Temple of the 1st underground ---> Me.

    - Fire and Lava room ---> Me.

    - Hallways ---> Me, unless if you are interested ?

    - Mystic Chamber with a statue ---> ChaoticConundrum

    - Water and Ice room ---> Lazarus



    I hope this project will end and you'll be motivated, after all, I don't ask you the complete map, just one room. :)

    When the map will be released, I will invite every mapper who participate to my server to test it together. :)


    I Hope you'll take that project seriously. If some rooms are missing at the end I will map them.


    I hope to see the style of every mapper in every room. :P



    And now, I you want to participate, come here and telle me which room you choose and so the project will be started !

    Boothand and Cerez like this
  5. g_speed is the value which define your run speed.


    This value is normaly set to 250. For races, it will be 400, so be careful, every jump could bring you very far. :P


    Everyone is against eachother, there are 3 laps. The race ends when the last challenger finish or abandonn. The second and first place in a race don't give you rewards, but it can help you if you are one of the last at the next race.


    The two events are linked but if you lose every races you can continue fight part and same for the opposite. That means that if you are kicked from the fight part, you still can be a challenger to races, but when the event plays fights, you can just watch and wait, and I assure you, I already launch an event like that, and it is very funny to watch ! :D


    Thanks for the maps, there are not really realistic but I worked a lot on light effects, and yes I think giving few hours before allows everyone to discover the map ingame. :)

  6. Hello folks !


    First of all, I am not english, so prepare yourself to read what I'll say with some difficulties...


    Well, I had an idea few days ago. A tournament, made of two types of challenge, a Race Part and a Fight Part.


    I took inspiration from the old game Rayman M, and I created a lot of maps based from this game.


    So the race part will consists in achieving 3 laps by running with speed increased. The winner will be the one who'll finish the 3 laps in the first place. The fight part will consists in a basic fight with lightsaber and weapons (without any power except push, pull and jump). The first one will be the one who'll get 30 kills the first.


    The tournament will be organised in 5 events. One event is for one day/night. Every event is made of the succession of 1 race, 1 fight, 1 race, 1 fight, 1 race and 1 fight. Every events contains maps with the same style.


    On this topic, I'll give you the skins you can choose. One skin is for one person, that means chosing a skin is for the whole tournament, so choose seriously.


    Obviously, there will be some rewards.


    If in one event, you win one race, you'll get a bronze reskin.

    If you win two races, you'll get a silver reskin.

    If you win three races, you'll get a golden reskin.


    If you win more races during the tournament, you'll get better skins... but I don't tell more.


    If in one event, you win one fight, you'll get an original reskin.

    If you win two fights, you'll get three original reskins.

    If you win three fights, you'll get a new skin unlocked for the tournament.



    To launch the tournament, I need between 9 and 16 challengers.

    Every event, the last ones in races and fights will be eliminated. 

    To be eliminated from the race part not means you are eliminated from the fight part, and the same for the opposite.


    In the first event, there will be a max of 16 challengers,

    In the second, 12 challengers max,

    In the third, 8 challengers max,

    In the fourth, 4 challengers max,

    And for the last one, the fifth, 2 challengers. 



    If you want to be a challenger, you have to post this form:



    SKIN: ???




    Now the skins you can choose:





















    The tournament will begin a saturday, I'll give you the date here, but before we need to talk about it with challengers, because I want to choose to get the maximum of challengers.


    And now one screen from the first race, and one screen from one of the first fight maps:







    If you don't understand anything because of my bad english, I'll show you in a video what I mean. 


    At every event, I'll give you the maps few hours before.



    Now I'm here for your questions and to take your participation. :)



    Smoo and videop like this
  7. Without a doubt, I understand, you couldn't be more precise.



    MT_temple is a good map, but it has no real exterrior. ^^


    The idea is to let the Jedi Knight II Academy in its original disposition and add new rooms and ways ^^



    + Thanks for tips, while I'm asking you this, I'm trying to restart all the mapping considering what you said. But I'm not sure if it will work (I have a strange PC) so the request is still open. ^^

  8. Hello there !



    Well, I'm leader of a RP clan in my country called "The Living Force" and we have two teams, Jedi and Sith.


    We chose the original academy from JK2 game (the Real Jedi Academy v2) but I think we need to add some things.



    I tried somethings but I'm really tired of the "MAP IS LEAKED" when the red line goes to nothing. I tried many things to fix it and it never generates .BSP file, so I ask here more than a simple mapper like me... and I know here are great mappers :)



    The idea is to take the Jedi Academy from JK2, adding some parts of Yavin Trial, and hide a corridor in the hangar which allow you to access a secret beautiful yard (mp/duel6 or a look alike). In this yard, one door allow you to acces a secret giant room like an old JK2 map. Here are some screens taken from maps which look like what my idea really is:


    The traditionally Jedi Academy: http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2014/47/1416264649-shot0109.jpg


    With Yavin Trial rooms: http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2014/47/1416264648-shot0111.jpg


    One hidden door in the dark of the hangar will be like here: http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2014/47/1416264641-shot0106.jpg


    What looks like the beautiful yard: http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2014/47/1416264651-shot0112.jpg


    The Door in the Yard: http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2014/47/1416264645-shot0113.jpg


    Behind this door: http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2014/47/1416264649-shot0114.jpg

    (A room which likes this old jk2 map)


    And at last, If there are anybody interrested and who have the time, maybe a secret little house like "Yavin Summer House" but smaller (This is just an option, not in the great request).


    Well, I thank you all the mappers and I hope somebody will take this project... :)



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