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Posts posted by RJA

  1. WOW !!!



    Please someone, a living god, please make a new mod: a mix between Makermod and OJP Enhanced.


    It would be the BEST RP mod ever:


    - All the creating, texturing, placing functions of makermod.

    - All the stances, RP, moves, force and class system of OJP Enhanced (with rgb saber and the 7 stances).


    It would be the best mod ever made in JKA.

    Keyten likes this
  2. I think PcGameMods shut down in 2007

    Maybe, the same for me.


    I had in time an old map called "Zag VasParty Map", it was fantastic, like a city with sewers etc... But I never found it again... :(

    Merek likes this
  3. Hello,


    This is simply the best SP mod I have ever seen in all my life, and I played JKA since his release...


    Dude, I think when I'll create Epic Challenge Mod III, I will make my mod playable for your mod, because your mod allows great possibilites to a new SP Adventure. 



    If you want some ideas, there are some:

    - Possibility of swap for Legs, Torso, Head and... why not hairs ? x)

    - Possibility of splitting the staff saber into two sabers and two sabers to a staff.

    - Fire Force Power, like some Lightning replacement I seen.

    - AVADA KEDAVRA POWER FROM HARRY POTTER (I mean, a big green beam which Kill immediatly anybody. Of course, it is a power for fun, it must be disable to challenge the game in a decent way, but in some fun games... :) )

    - New Guns (FireLauncher ?)

    - Possibility to get a jetpack and use it as an item.

    - Possibility of cloak the player.

    - Working on misc_bsp to spawn a map in a map which setting origins (a dream I know, a dream, that must be a shame to our PCs and the RAM).

    - There are a lots of stance modification around JKHUB etc... I have an idea, and I hope you'll find it great. Why not taking some stances modification but, instead of replacing the existing ones, adding them as new ?

    - Ice Power, to launch Ice Particle.

    - Possibility to grap objects and launch them.

    - Possibility to take an armour (like a Clone Armour).

    - Possibility to make new moves, like talking to NPCs.

    - Improve AI.



    Well, there are some ideas, most of them are impossible, but I hope you'll find 1 or 2 great. :P

    redsaurus likes this
  4. Ben d'où le principe du "Request", c'est une requête, mais pas pour un seul mappeur, pour plusieurs, car je suis bien conscient qu'un seul mappeur ne voudra pas faire une map aussi longue, alors je trouve des alternatives. La map aurait été signée par la communauté, et je donnais les informations dés le début, on accepte on refuse mais on est averti.


    Je n'ai pas besoin de conscience ou de police pour m'expliquer ce qui se fait sur Jedi Knight, aujourd'hui également,

    Je te demande seulement la paix, ignore moi plutôt que de me faire ce genres de réflexions qui se ressemblent toujours, considère ça comme un cadeau


    d'anniversaire. Le temps que je passe sur l'ordi est très réduit alors j'aimerais mieux le passer dans la joie et la bonne humeur. Beaucoup de membres ont apprécié le principe, je ne te demande pas d'y adhérer, respecte leur décision. J'ai entendu la tienne, que tu as le droit d'exprimer, mais n'insiste pas, nous ne sommes pas en accord. :)


    En fait, de là où je suis, j'aimerais un peu de paix...

  5. Hey folks !


    Some of you already played Epic Challenge Mod:




    I have the pleasure to tell to theses peoples that the EpII is coming !




    Based from the graphics of Rayman II: The Great Escape (and a lot of the storyline),



    Now, the adventure leads you to unknown places from differents worlds to hunt a sith called "The Destroyer". The problem ? You need 4 crystals to find his secret hidding place, so during the adventure, you will go to 4 sanctuaries based from the 4 elements. Without talking about his side-kicks you'll meet all over the game. More than 50 levels and a lot of new secrets and ennemies !


    The challenge is also more difficult in some ways, and the landscape more... different (instead of the first episode with only 4 islands, that means 4 landscapes styles).



    Now, pics !











































    Now, some bosses... ;)









    Mizore, Odeyseis and Smoo like this
  6. Je n'ai pas d'argent à donner et je ne peux pas vendre mon corps.


    Que suggères-tu ?


    Les seuls talents que je peux réellement vendre concerne des commandes de musiques ou de projets audiovisuels qui nécessiteraient un déplacement et coûteraient du coup beaucoup plus chers qu'une simple map... x)


    C'est pourquoi je lance ça au volontariat, mais le projet n'a pas pris, ce n'est pas très grave, je m'en suis plutôt bien remis, ne t'inquiètes pas pour moi. :)

  7. Gorc and Pic from DFII,

    Characters from Harry Potter,

    New Jack Sparrow (adding Teague Sparrow),

    James Bond

    Characters from Rayman 2: The Great Escape

    New Han Solo

    New Indiana Jones

    Episode I Palpatine (always searching about that)

    Kyle Katarn with Jack Sparrow hairs

    Jedi Spanki with long long hairs

    Star Wars Episode VII StormTroopers

    Star Wars Episode VII Luke Skywalker

    The Incredible Hulk

    Members from the band ZZ Top

    Freddie Mercury

    The Beatles


    Enjoy the ideas !!! :D

    Jolly, GPChannel, krkarr and 1 other like this
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