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Everything posted by dark_apprentice

  1. The model is based on those concept arts for details, but also on a bad rip of the movie, since i can't wait for a good DVD release for such a great movie. Pale:
  2. It's like 15 years After "Revenge of the Sith" all those years Vader might be using the Bacta to heal himself a lot more often than we know. Remember, that in "Return of the Jedi" the great portrait of Anakin after his redemption, performed by Sebastian Shaw shows us, that Vader is almost cured from the burnings and just having couple of scars here and there, most likely from the painful helmet.
  3. Attempt on Rogue One "Bacta Vader" ver.2 Using my custom Anakin (Sebastian Shaw 1983) Anakin head and Monk's body by user, Oobah. Version 1 was using pale skin, this one is based on the movie's color.
  4. We all would love to see such models released at some point in the future like the Han Solo from DT85 and the one from Kualan. But as both Kualan and Jeff stated on their WIP pages same goes for me, the only model that can be "made from scratch" with the 99% help from advanced softwares that just rip off a 2D photo into a 3D head in my case is my own Grand Moff Tarkin. Yes he looks good on the front and realistic, but he is nothing like that smooth model (as the one made from 0 to 100 from the guys on Force Arena game) or as anything else that people like DT85 or Psyk0Sith can create. So yes, I also feel more comfortable to create something from scratch (even with the help of software like CrazyTalk 8 or iClone /same company/), but I still prefer at least for my own JKA Single Player custom "modifications" to use or make kitbashes, frankensteins and ports.
  5. If you ask about the Force Arena mobile game version of Han Solo's head: The head in total is with 1,489 Verts // Faces: 2,412 // Tris: 2,412 // Objects 2/2. I have split the head carefully in two main parts: head_0 (with 748 Verts) & heada_0 (with 741 Verts).
  6. Also the one from Force Arena looks good. The head I mean, since this body is provided by Seven's amazing work on EA Battlefront Han.
  7. @@GPChannel and to everyone else that wants or thinks to request. Read the message above.
  8. Yes it looks "good" because of the photo that is ripped right on the head model, but indeed it looks a bit strange with the hair, because it's not modified to match the hair. Also if you turn the head in profile, you will see just the default shape from Crazy Talk 8's human male, as I mentioned because of the demo version of the software the profile ripping of a 2D photo to a 3D doesn't look anything close or good as the front one. But thanks anyway. BTW anyone feeling and willing to can modify the model.
  9. My own attempt for Grand Moff Tarkin. I am using HapSlash imperial officer body for JKOutcast and the model works for both JKO & JKA. The head is created with the free demo version of Reallusion Crazy Talk 8 (the better software of iClone). Head is having some small neck weight issues, works good in Single Player. Hair is from the "Force Arena" Tarkin (mobile game) and yes, I also made for myself the Force Arena version, because lately as I get older and bolder i start to like this character. I am not going to release the Force Arena version since @@Kualan already made it and will be in his amazing imperial pack. The CrazyTalk-8 head that I have created is based on Rogue One photos over the internet, however due to the 'DEMO' version of this software when using any kind of profile image of both Peter Cushing and Guy Henry it becomes awkward looking head, so I just "rip-off" the front photos. In the end... yes I love the model created from Force Arena, but just wanted to finish mine. Download: Dark_Apprentice's Tarkin Images:
  10. Make sure the "model_default.skin" file is correct and that it works (test if u see the textures in ModView before u open the model in Blender. If by any chance the model's textures work perfect in ModView and still don't see them in Blender, can you tell if the model is all white when you set the texture mode with "ALT+Z" if so, you can just drag and drop the textures on the parts (example, select only the head of your model) and drag from your folder "head.jpg" inside Blender and drop it on his head will load it.
  11. Because I believe he is using the textures from Dark Empire Luke version 1, that I made a while ago. The textures are from the "spec" body of Toshi's Darth Vader, which I edited a little bit. Which on the other hand is the same thing that Angelmodder did with his re-skin Vader model if I am not wrong. But Punisher can confirm what he have used on the final model instead of guessing.
  12. Well since the full head is around 3000 verts, I have carefully split it on smaller parts each of them is not above 650 verts. The original head was not using triangle meshes, so I used the "CTRL T" key combination, in order to make all head parts in triangles. After that I followed the exact 7 steps that I usually use and always work, but when I want to export the model.glm file Blender brings the same error message like it didn't split anything. How can I understand if there might be hidden as you suggest under the UV island?
  13. Guys, do you have an idea how can I fix an object, that after this 7 steps (usually they work like 99% of the time), but even after the steps are done and the seams are split, Blender continues to give the same error of "UV Seam found, split meshes at UV seam" ?! I can't understand, why it keeps bringing this error. The object is under 900 verts, triangles only, all steps from 1 to 7 are covered and applied and still nothing.
  14. After almost 8 years, I can say I am finally pretty happy with my own mix and the new sound. Love it

    1. Circa
    2. dark_apprentice


      Gothic/Industrial, I am producing my own debut album in my solo project. Hopefully if we keep on with the schedule for 2017 it will be out around November this year.

    3. dark_apprentice


      And just recently found a new way to mix the bass guitar and when I put it with the drum kit and the guitar tracks it's amazing all 3 sound like 1 huge and massive machine. If you ever heard about the "Vortex" effect during mixing guitars, well I combined it with another 2 unique techniques from both Nightwish and Rammstein, the result is amazing considering I am using my 2chan. Dual Rectifier Rev. F 1992 amp

  15. Yes, but I needed a photo that not under a certain angle, so I had to use this from the video and sadly it is not with HQ:
  16. BTW I tried a while ago the so called "CrazyTalk 8" by Reallusion (the same guys that made iClone). In the version 8 you are able to create a model again on the same methods, from 2D photo to a 3D model, maybe a little bit more accurate than what iClone can offers you. However there is a big problem with the exporting of this model, because when you export it directly from CrazyTalk8 it's on it's own file formant and cannot be used in Blender/Maya/3DsMax or other programs even if you try to convert it with Noesis still doesn't work. I managed by using the free demo versions of both "CrazyTalk 8" and "iClone 6's Character Creator" to export the model inside the Character Creator, so that I can export it again, but as .OBJ file and here are the 2 problems that stopped me, but I can provide the raw model to whoever wants to work on it. 1. After exporting the model inside Character Creator > the models looks slightly different from what it's original looks are inside CrazyTalk 8. You might tweak the head details but as far as I tried doesn't work so good as I would like it to. 2. No freaking idea why, but always the side of the heads created in CrazyTalk 8 (even with a good reference photos) look like Orcs with messed up nose and skull. So I did it only on the fornt side, but still doesn't look as good in Blender as .OBJ (also the head itself is no less than 3K verts!) IF someone ( @@Jeff , @@Kualan @@Seven) is willing to take the model further will have to make some big changes so it can look a bit normal and human-ish before deforming it into lower vert parts to work for JKA. P.S. I am using as reference images,some screenshots I've made, based on the CGI recreation of Peter Cushing for Rogue One.
  17. I think it's possible to keep him somewhere in my external HDD Will give a check
  18. I step back you can give a look over my page for the message there, btw is this the Krennic head from Force Arena? I personally find it more accurate than the one from EA Battlefront. And would be happy to see a Tarkin one from the same mobile game, since I tried to ripp it and couldn't
  19. Hi guys and girls, I have decided to let you know with this message here, so I don't copy/paste it every time in messages and answer questions I've already answered. Since a long time I was around JKA, FileFront and the JKHub community. Indeed I am nobody to speak or to say anything to anyone, mostly because we don't know each others in private and outside of the Star Wars universe. I am not a modeller, I cannot create models from scratch, but for the past time I have been trying to bring joy to some fans over here by creating or at least trying to create some characters/models, that are so called Kitbashed models, Frankensteins, Re-skinned characters or simply ported conted in some cases to provide joy here and there, while other people around are not capable to spend so much time to model all those requests from scratch for reasons I respect and only they can reveal if it is needed. I am not blaiming anyone or anything, maybe sometimes I have been rude and maybe sometimes I was too polite, perhaps even sometimes I may have caused problems or cross over some rules on the JKHub. For all that I am sorry if you were in the way and had to deal with me. But it happens to all of us at some point, because life is a bitch as you probably know it. Ok so here is my message to everyone. I have been really happy to be around and to help around with whatever I could provide. I am happy that I met some amazing people in here, from modellers, texture artists to what not. I am also happy that some people were inspired in one way or another from me and if this is so I can only wish them a really good luck, patience with whatever they are good at and to keep it up. Currently I started since the beginning of 2017 a new job, part time position which is good and gives me more free time to work on my own projects. Those own projects are the fan movie, which is not dead, but takes a bit more time in the process than I thought and inteded to spend. And most of all my Solo project AEDelric (Gothic-Industrial). Since now I am in the post-production process with the band on our debut studio album I am going to spend more time in there and less time over here. I am not going to leave my account, this page or anything like that, because I like to keep an eye on what's going on in here. I will continue to release something, but in a much longer time period so I am not going to take on requests and will not spend time to create some single player character customizing options for models. Also there are some links for models in my profile that were connected with my dead accoutns on DropBox and Mega.NZ so you can't download them, for example such one is the Starkiller Pack, but you can searc for other models in this page or ask people around who have them, or just search a little bit more in the download sections, like @@The Punisher have been so kind to provide a download in the JKHub with my Starkiller pack with some fixes he made for few models that were not working properly. Also another reason to step back for a while is to give a chance to new members on JKHub to try on their own to create something new from scratch or at least to try learn the basics of programs such as Blender and make some new kitbashes for example. Cheers to all. Dark_Apprentice
  20. Don't know how you made him (specially the helmet and the head), but it's amazing
  21. why not this version of him with his face shown
  22. Star Wars Force Arena mobile game = amazeballs

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